Tuesday, April 09, 2013

OK. Shit just got real.

Read about this madness here.  The problem for me is that the Pentagon has become so politicized, the Joint Chief's so unworthy of trust, that I can't determine whether this is actually being caused by the sequester or if its just another administration stunt.

I'll have to ask some of the people that have a better view of Air Force matters whether or not this will affect their ability to respond to crisis but just on the surface this looks bad.  Real bad.

More to come I'm sure.


  1. RoE for US forces is weapons hold.
    The moral high ground and world opinion will not allow the Nation to strike first from position of superiority. The NorKs or the Chinese have got to launch the first blow, to show we want peace not war we stand down and drop our guard it is the Chinese or NorKs who must draw first blood.
    Besides which what's the best way to make sure our aircraft Don't fall out of the sky after an EMP burst ya land them and shut them down, harden the systems against the surge.
    Kind of like Lining up all our second rate, aircraft on the runways of Henderson field, as well as the old battleships and sortie the carriers, every one.
    Sol, we got to take the hit at least it's not a sucker punch, we know it's coming one day.
    The world believes as do many liberal democrats that the US deserves at least one nuked city maybe two as reparations for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    Which the world and Liberals feel we deserve.
    "Sucks to be us!"
    Good luck on the tenth, I'm going to sit in the shade and watch my horses graze. The NorKs can find me there if they want any shit.

  2. "Don't fire unless fired upon. But, if they want a war let it begin here."
    >John Parker The Six of the Minutemen<

  3. Hiroishma and Nagasaki were terror acts of course, but they saved lives of millions soldiers from both sides, and saved Japan from possible soviet invasion. Also Japan commited horrendous atrocities in Manchjuria region, including human vivisection en masse, before and during "official" WWII years, and most japan war criminals were left unpunished after the end of the war. Technically all debts were paid.

    Its sad to watch that best air forces in the world would receive less training. God save us all if US would show signs of weakness to the world...


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