Thursday, May 16, 2013

Police Militarization. They're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Read this article over at Black Sheep Warrior.  Read it and weep.  We're heading down a road that is bound to lead to trouble.  I always wondered why incidents between police and civilians seem to be escalating and now I know.  They (the Police) are looking at us as an occupied nation, not as fellow citizens. Citizens are looking at Police as an occupying force, not part of the community, and that they're enforcing the rules of a power that is not responsive to their needs.

Are we past the point of no return?  Are there any adults paying attention to this?


  1. If police will not be heavily armed and have regular combat tours of duty to islamist infested areas to get real combat experience, how they would fight domestic islamist uprisings?

    Enemy is not at the gate, enemy is at our homes already.

    The question is who they would fight for? Here in Russia when islamists started ethnic cleansing in russian Grozny district(now part of Chechnya) and begins slaughtering russians on streets and wiping entire russian villages, some armed russians put up a resistance to defend their settelmens -- but then police and internal forces come and starting "pacify" populace by extracting firearms... exclusively from russians, and not islamists. In result tens thousands unarmed russians dead including womens old and children, hundred thousands expelled from their homes and robbed of their property, and now whole country pay "tax" to ruling clan in chechnya to "maintain order".


  2. I rather have a militarized police force for protection against islamic nut cases or other terrorists, seriouslly. I don't see them as occupying force, at least not yet.

  3. Is some of this coming from more Sovereign citizen type people trying to seem like normal folks?

    1. actually i've wondered about that...but that gets to my bigger point. both sides are already on a collision course but it seems like there are alot of people out there that want to help things along. i can imagine doing alot of things but grabbing a camera wouldn't be the first...calling a lawyer...calling a relative to call a lawyer...trying to talk the guy down from whatever has him going off but camera???? i don't know. its a new world so maybe i'm the weird one in this. all i really do know is that people are pushing stuff and don't realize the ramifications of it.


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