Saturday, August 24, 2013

Marine Corps to open infantry training to enlisted women

Read it here.

I can't wait to watch this clown show.


  1. "I can't wait to watch this clown show?"
    Perhaps not !
    USMC regulations explicitly prohibit artificial breast-enhancements amongst would-be elite frontline soldiers ! And there may be some give... but upon reconsideration... I'd say...that goes for the guys as well. Yep ! Pretty darn sure.

  2. Getting back to the original subject, this does not end well.

    1. male Marines are already starting to flee. the Marine Corps biggest supporters are falling silent. unless they lower standards these young women are going to be broken beyond repair in many cases and the Commandant is on his knees worshipping the feminist leanings of a failed president.

      i'll say it again. Amos is hated, the Joint Chiefs aren't respected and this will not help matters. just out of curiosity have you noticed that the SgtMajor of the Marines hasn't said a word lately.

  3. Anyone else feel like filibustering a new country by now?

    1. you know what the worst thing about all this is? the Marine Corps was the last institution in the federal govt that i had even an ounce of faith in (i guess that applies to all the service...even the Navy, although i rag on them sometimes).

      whats funny is that some people are talking about never being prouder of their country while i'm sitting here saying what the fuck just happened???

      the Pentagon is just another corrupt govt agency . thats it. defending the nation comes in a distant 1000th place to other agendas that are considered more important. i never thought i'd do but the Marine Corps sticker on my truck is in the trash, my flag is folded and in the bottom of my locker and the little moto shirts and now used to wash the vehicles.

      to me this is the confirmation of a "new" Corps being established. it will never be the same.

    2. Yeah reading the news feels like watching a friend with a heroine addition or something these days..

  4. With defenders of democratic principles and structures like these here so far, no wonder women-folk are eager to make sure on every level of the armed forces that focus and capability indeed includes them and theirs.

    This is the very essence of democratic practices. Its most potent expression make its forces only stronger. And that really aggravate the medievalist...and those elsewhere too.


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