Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blast from the past. Sky Raider.

An AD-5 Skyraider of Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 332 pictured on the ground in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 12, 1955, fifty-eight years ago today


  1. Pretty much everything Ed Heinemann worked on is awesome. Havoc, Invader, Sky Raider, Skyhawk, he did all of them and more.

  2. I may be a mix of an airplane nerd and a history major, but it seems to me that bringing back the A-1s (albeit modernized a bit) would virtually solve America's CAS problem.

    1. Problem is less the plane and more that the air force generals don't seem to want the job, they would rather abandon the real war fighters to fly their 12 or so flashy jets that they can afford than actually do their friggin job with A-10 B-52 and other systems that actually work.

    2. You're ignorant. Don't live in ignorance.

    3. So, got around to looking at and I'll admit, saying they "don't seem to want the job" is probably not fair. I'm not one of those advocating that the whole air force only support the Army, CAS is one of many jobs they have, but you're gonna have a hard time convincing me that a fast jet like an f-35 can perform the role better than A-10s. They had to keep the A-1s around for so long for a reason.

  3. The AD is a great plane but I'm more of a fan of the Martin AM Mauler. It was more complicated and expensive so the Skyraider won out.


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