Thursday, September 05, 2013

Mig-15 rear visibility via Paolo Nurra

Rear visibility from the cockpit (rear), Mig-15 better than F-35!
The USMC uses optics on its rifles but still teaches basic marksmanship with iron sights.  Why?  Because stuff breaks and when it does you have to go back to the basics.

Like being able to look behind you.  For what its worth, YMMV.


  1. The USMC uses optics on its rifles but still teaches basic marksmanship with iron sights.

    No they don't. I know this because my unit still has some M-16A2s and we had to teach a bunch of fucking boots how to use fucking iron sights for qual.

  2. More:

    1. excuse me but what the fuck are you linking to? these are just some damn pics of boots with rifles. show me the tables of fire, link to the PME indicating that Marines are no longer being taught the basics of fire using iron sights.

      this is rookie shit you're sending my way.

    2. hell i'll make it easier. send me the MARADMIN saying that and i'll be satisfied.

    3. Hey Sol, don't insult boots, boots have earned the title, they are "recruits" hahaha smh...

    4. welll i don't mind being wrong. i'm wrong at least 10 times a day on this blog....but he was sending me on a paper chase all over the net showing pics of recruits.

      so yeah. i was too hard but those links just pissed me off.


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