Monday, September 02, 2013

Stay out of Syria via TacBlog.


I don't know what to make of this.  I get the sentiment.  We would essentially be supporting Al Qaeda in the civil war.  That's infuriating.  But this thing in uniform is the same crap that
Hungry Hungry Hippo did in utilities when she tied herself to the White House fence to protest don't ask, don't tell.


  1. If you're going to take a stand, don't be a pu$$y and hide. You're just proving to me you don't have the courage of your convictions. When I joined, my father sat me down and said, "Its been the same since the dawn of time. You take the king's shilling, you fight the king's wars. If you feel you can't follow a legal order from your commanders, you need to find another job."

    1. yeah but you don't stop being a citizen just because you wear a uniform. after chewing on this a bit i think the biggest complaint is in making these statements in uniform, but on the flip side we've seen nothing but people using the uniform when making political statements. from the gay soldier that got booed when he asked about DADT during the Republican debates to the protesters outside the white house. no one raised a stink then about using the uniform. only when it applies to conservative causes does it seem that people suddenly react. i have a problem with that.

    2. Well maybe those are not soldiers, just some idiots in rented uniforms ?

    3. You forgot about the Breastfeeding servicewomen. You can't use the uniform to further a non-military agenda.

    4. I am going to have to agree with Robert on this one to a degree. If you took the oath, half of that is obey the orders of the President. I am a citizen, that gives me the right to voice my opinion quietly in a public forum, or write my Congressman. The uniform I wear is not a tool for me to use in personal issues or gain. I strongly dislike this idiotic intervention idea, but if told to pack my bags because boots are going on the ground. I'll sigh, nod and pack. I strongly dislike the attitude displayed by those displayed in uniform in those pictures, if they have even earned the right to wear them.

    5. well everyone is ignoring the real issue here.

      the same divisions that we see in the public have crept into the military. the President's politics are so divisive that not even the bulwark of shared sacrifice in service can prevent these rifts.

      Obama is the most divisive president in our history. oh and its not about his color. its about his leadership style, his style of politics and his political machinations.

    6. Stand mute and obey your orders, rules, regulations and your oath.
      The Oath is not like the Pledge of allegiance which can be something said with the lips and not the heart or dumped by the whims of a leader as many believe.
      When war drums sound we must stand beside our nation and it's leaders.
      Don't give the enemy any victory in his propaganda.
      "Soldier, Shut up and Soldier" >unknown quote<

  2. That is the first fat marine I have ever seen. There's no way she was active duty when she did that right?

    Anyway, I agree that using the uniform for political goals is not something that should be done. However, there will always be service members that do it for whatever reason and I can't help but to understand the sentiment of these individual servicemen.

    1. oh God i hope she was just an actor. if she was actually active duty then her hair is out of regs, she's obviously fat (not overweight...she is pudgy) and she wore the wrong uniform in public (besides wearing the uniform for political reasons).

      long story short, she is messed up from the floor up. but back to those other service men in the above photos. i get where they're coming from too but its just wrong to use the uniform. i just want all those that are out there body slamming them to realize that we must be fair and enforce it for the ultra liberal causes too.

    2. I agree and I think the fact that it gets a lot of attention when it's done against conservative causes shows a liberal bias in the media. Seems to be just the way things normally work now a days.

  3. Syria who cares?

    Have you seen that M16 on TacBlog's home page?

    To be honest Sol I can't tell if you are for or against this Syrian intervention. Or is you don't support the politics but you are, as always, supporting the American fighting man where ever he is sent or is to be sent?

  4. We as a Nation need to stay far away from Syria.
    We as a Nation if US Forces are committed to battle in Syria boots on ground need to support the troops 100% with full backup.
    We as a Nation should support Naval surface, subsurface support and supply along with the Naval forces aviation assets.
    We as a Nation need to support the Air and missile forces of our Air Force and it's many support personnel.
    We may not support the war, the war makers or take sides but we can throw support behind the POTUS because he is our leader.
    In for a penny, in for a pound, if there are American's fighting/dying turn them loose to do their jobs, I got their backs, I say go all the way.
    "Never get off the Gorram boat unless you are prepared to go all the way."
    >Apocalypse Now PBR Street gangs Chef<

    "When the tailgate drops, the bullshit stops."
    >southern 'Coon hunters creed<

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