Friday, October 11, 2013

Cops behaving badly.

Thanks to Jason for the vid!

NOTE:  Need to clarify that I'm not painting with a broad brush, but there is a growing problem with this type of stuff.  The American community is fracturing.  Our system is under intense stress and it seems that the powers that be are either ignoring the reality of the situation OR they're egging it on.  Either way, trouble is coming.  Shit is gonna get real and when it does all bets are off.  Check out the vid below and think about your wife, sister, daughter or female relative getting treatment like this after having made a mistake...not a felony but sleep behind the wheel of her car at the side of the road.


  1. not mixing words here....if that was my mom, sister, wife, daughter, girlfriend, or relative getting her face smashed in (unnecessarily), that police officer would either die somehow or one of his loved ones FUCK with the consequences. What will he do tomorrow? Rape?

    Nothing will stop the "bad" cops from running AMOK on the citizens while the "good" cops fearing a reputation as a rat pretend not to notice; nothing besides third-world style justice.

    The only cops I trust are the ones I know on a first-name basis who live on my street...the rest are just an occupation force awaiting a pension IMHO.

    1. extremely well said. i have a few good ones that comment and give info on this blog. i've had encounters with a few that were beyond solid. they were patriots but if someone did this to my wife, sister, daughter, aunt, mother (god forbid) or some other female loved one...i guarantee they would die a horrible death and i would either feed them to the hogs or put them through a woodchipper.

  2. As Dave Chappele would say, "I had to use necessary force Johnson!."

    I guess their motto, "To protect and serve," is truly dead in this country. Only question is when we will say enough.

  3. Disgusting. I don't think his co-workers were too impressed. Besides having his ass kicked the dude deserves to have his colon rearranged by bubba.

  4. This isn't a very constructive comment, but fuck that punk ass bitch. Let's see him do that to a man. He prob has to eat shit from his wife everyday so when he has a position of power he abuses it.


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