Saturday, December 21, 2013

World of Tanks. From game to historical database.

AMX-48/50. My latest "isn't that cool vehicle" from World of Tanks.

I am still trying to grind with the World of Tanks but to be honest I suck donkey nuts.  A win rate of 47 percent puts me in the lower tier of players and a computer that is stock and not a gaming rig doesn't help.  Its enough to make me want to go outside and slaughter some wild pigs!

But I digress.  I'm really enjoying watching some of the other players show me how its done (Bohemian Eagle and Quicky Baby are my two favorites so far), but the main thing that keeps me stoked about the game is that its turning from game to historical database.  Want info on obscure armor?  More than likely you're going to be heading to a review on World of Tanks.  Gamers are obsessive and they take this game seriously, so everyone wants the tanks to represent the real thing as much as possible (where possible).  Additionally they want to KNOW about the real thing...why weren't they built?  How come it didn't perform better in real combat?  Those type question require digging into as much history as possible and that makes World of Tanks a pseudo-historical database.


  1. Replies
    1. SNAFU_Solomon...but trust me. i'm pretty much a lost cause. Spudman has been trying his best to help me out but like i said. i pretty much suck. Andrew gave it a turn but again, you can't help the hard headed and the thick thumbed.

    2. I'm still up for playing with you. I just bogged down with work for the last two months and I haven't been on lately. I also got my T57 Heavy tank. I'm back on now though. What tier you at?

  2. Sol, you gonna play World of Warships when it comes out?

    1. i will but i'm observing what they're doing with World of Warplanes. rumor has it they're gonna merge WOT and WOW....i'm just wondering if they're going to do all three? i'm looking forward to staging my version of the landing on Iwo Jima or Normandy but i want to be a bit smarter than just getting in and not knowing a thing. also i'm still debating gold. seems to me that if they keep pushing you up against higher tier that you can't pen for example my T25 can't touch tier 8 but keeps getting matched against them then yiou almost have to buy gold.

  3. I never got into world of tanks. the game was too hard to setup I play Command and Conquer Generals some times though. That ones pretty fun, you can always beat the computer with massing, people tend to be a pain..but when you're getting them you cant help but laugh hard.


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