Thursday, January 02, 2014


QUANTICO, VA — She’s been in combat, she wants to radically reorganize the Marine Corps, and she thinks male Marines need to stop whining and put their big girl panties on. This week we sat down for a one-on-one interview with Gen. Isabella Santiago, who sources at the Pentagon say is poised to become the Marine Corps’ first-ever woman commandant.
Santiago will replace current commandant Gen. James Amos, whose term has been marred by a series of public relations fiascoes and scandals. While it is unusual for a commandant’s successor to be named this early, Pentagon sources say the recent photograph of Amos wearing a Raider patch was the last straw for Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who quietly told the general it was time to move on.
The story above is from the Duffle Blog and you can read it here.

I won't lie.

My heart stopped.

I couldn't breathe.

I thought I was having a heart attack.

Then my buddy told me it was joke.  Once the blood returned to my head, and I picked him up off the floor (he deserved that punch), I realized something.

Amos is gone this year.  God does love the infantry.


  1. Made me think of this,

    What upset some diehards was that for all her time in the service not one tour. She is basically a well qualified office manager. I was wondering why her job couldn't have been done by civilian.

    PS: I am looking forward to your report on the new Remington R-51....

    1. i don't know what to make of it. quite honestly the design is ....dated to me. its also very very European in style and i'm not sure how it will fit in the american gun market. thats the bad. the good is that its very compact. very smooth, i can't see anyone snagging clothes on it, but the real test is how it shoots, is it durable, can it handle different rounds or is it finiky.

      time will tell but i want to take one out for a test drive.

    2. I was hoping to bate you with it being a single stack. :)

      But I think if it shoots OK they could be on to good thing. Surely with the US gun market being as big and as varied as it is there is a room for a nice pistol that isn't just another lump of plastic? If gun makers can build pink guns for girls (because your market can stand such ventures being viable) then why not a nice pistol for same men in late middle age and over? To get something different in a semi has meant being a bit daring and buying Taurus or Bersa. Are you familiar with Gunwebsites on YouTube, he did a video once where identified about a dozen Glocks he had used as a back drop in a previous video because viewers had asked. And the blessed things all looked the same apart from some were FDE in color. As I said a nice pistol if it shoots well it will gain a following. Still think there is a market in the US for a full size single stack plinking 9mm; even with you ammo prices the way they are.

  2. Not a good start...

    1. they're trying to figure out how to pencil whip females into the infantry and combat arms and give it the appearance of being fair. the delay is in hopes that he gets appointed to Commandant for a second term and then he can shove it down Marines throats without worry. he's already catching blowback from everyside and i don't know one Marine that likes the guy.

      pussy gets fucked and Amos' time is coming....he's a true Blue Falcon and they don't last long in the fleet.

  3. Isn't there some irony here. Wasn't Amos the one service chief to drag his feet on women in the infantry?

    Feb 1, 2013
    "I think from the infantry side of the house, you know they're more skeptical," Amos said. "It's been an all-male organization throughout the history of the U.S. Marine Corps so I don't think that should be any surprise."

    Amos said his branch also wants to gauge how much interest there is among women to join the infantry units and whether enough can qualify for those units. If there is little interest or few can pass the infantry officers school, then certain positions may be closed to women.

  4. If it was all up to me I wouldn't have women in combat at all but it's not, so what to do about it.

    I don't think a few women in the infantry would be the end of the world. I do think bending standards for them would be screwed up and a total waste of money, it would ruin perfectly good units, might as well just have all female units on the bleachers to please the liberals that put them there.
    If only about 10% of the military is female, I wouldn't expect more than 2% of them to volunteer for the infantry. They are girls they usually don't think like we do. You and I might get all fired up about a new machine gun, but they get all fired up about a pay check and occasionally do some very fine work for it. I can't see 2% ruining a unit even if they were on stretchers and they aren't. So I'm really not that worried about it.

    Now I wouldn't think 2% is worth building multi gender bathrooms and barracks and stuff like that. It would be better to lump then into one or 2 units to concentrate it at no more than 10% female unit. That way they don't waste money on the infrastructure or negatively effect the unit.

  5. Did you read her resume? Was it filled with frilly stuff? Was it all about squatting to piss? Was it about cooking the turkey for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas? Was it filled with time for the period? WTF are you thinking? This is the 21st Century and what about Governor Haley? Think she wasn't qualified because she was a woman. I work with three women police officers who would make you cry before you hit the ground and they cuffed you. Ones husband is eager for her to be considered for Chief. One is expert marksman (excuse the sexism there) with both the 9mm Glock as well as the M-16 for "active shooter" training. This isn't the olden days of yore where males wore cast iron jock straps.
    Get over it and realize you're driving a broken down vehicle with three flat tires and she's in that Lambo passing you faster than you can pedal.

    1. you work with female officers? ok. then when some barbarian is skull fucking you with your own weapon and the female is their using other tactics other than force to deal with him then talk to me. but back to the story.



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