Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Basic military bearing and discipline is a thing of the past.

via Army Times.
A soldier who hid in her car to avoid saluting the flag — and then flaunted it on Instagram — is the latest service member to come under attack via social media and be accused of dishonoring her service.
Pfc. Tariqka Sheffey, whose Instagram handle is “sheffeynation,” posted a selfie with a caption that reads:
“This is me laying back in my car hiding so I don’t have to salute the 1700 flag, KEEP ALL YOUR ‘THATS SO DISRESPECTFUL/HOWRUDE/ETC.’ COMMENTS TO YOURSELF cuz, right now, IDGAFFFF.”
The image was distributed via Facebook and also sent to Army Times. Angry service members, Gold Star mothers and spouses have called for the soldier’s removal from service.
“Any soldier who refuses to salute the flag is in the military for the wrong reason, and should be removed by dishonorable discharge with loss of all benefits,” one Facebook commenter said. “If they won’t salute it, they damn sure won’t fight for it.”
Sheffey is a member of the 59th Quartermaster Company, 43rd Sustainment Brigade, at Fort Carson, Colo., post spokesman Dee McNutt confirmed Tuesday.
A few things.

This soldier was not properly trained if this is her attitude.

Next.  It appears that military bearing and discipline is a thing of the past.  We better hope that our Army is not called on to engage in ground combat for at least a few years because quite honestly it appears broken.

We worried about the return of the hollow force?

Its already here.

Oh and what should the punishment be?  I'll take reduction in rank, confinement to barracks, forfeiture of pay and two weeks of sand bag duty...remember....this wasn't corrected on the spot by a NCO, SNCO or Officer.  This has now become a case of bringing discredit to the entire US Army.


  1. That, sadly, has been pique SOP for a long time now. If you don't see them hiding in their car, you'll see them clustered inside the doorways of barracks and motor pools.

    1. yeah and i'd kick their ass out into the sunshine or rain or whatever and then later smoke'em till they got proper understanding.

      but this is different. this female posted online and basically told the world that she doesn't give a fuck. that brings discredit to the Army. that's what makes it an EVEN bigger deal than just being disrespectful to the national ensign.

    2. "That, sadly, has been pique SOP for a long time now. "

      Exactly I saw this behavior as kid on post and during my own time on active duty ... So we are talking going 40 + years ,and I have no doubt this has been going for ages..

      So please spare me the faux outrage, because I suspect some of the people commenting people are guilty of this behavior ( now did they take it to this level of stupidity and post it for the world to see probably not ..)

      But lets not pretend that this unusual behavior, or that junior enlisted personnel don't often do really stupid things.

  2. As quoted “If they won’t salute it, they damn sure won’t fight for it.” Either make your training more disciplined and make her do it again or kick her out on her arse a long with anyone who acts the same way.

    Why lay off thousands of perfectly fit and respectable soldiers when you can get rid of the scum at the bottom of the brew?

    1. 100 percent agree! well done. i love the idea and the sentiment.

  3. One thing is lack of discipline or respect of national flag. Second thing is that full brashness of this person, put that on some social web site and give a fuck about it... for crying out laud Prussians would hang her for less.

    She is not only undisciplined but also plain stupid.

    1. well said. the US military needs to get a handle on social media before this shit spirals out of control.

    2. Sol,

      Maybe she needs more "motivation". Send her to the front lines. Let her stand sentry in the Swat valley.

    3. she wouldn't last the ride. we're talking about end of day taps and look at her makeup. i bet she spent more time on her face than she did on any of her tasks today.

      this ain't a soldier. this is a camp follower from Roman Legion days.

    4. The "Front" lines is the last place this Soldier needs to be, she would more than likely let her fellow soldiers down from her lack of discipline. Also shes from a quatermaster unit, i see her sitting at some built up FOB eatting KFC and getting paid more for sitting around while her peers did all the work and she sat on facebook talking about how hard Afganistan is

    5. Make-up? What make-up? I thought make-ups were never permitted whilst in uniform.

      I disagree. Front lines is where she should be sent to be disciplined. You show no respect to the flag then you're on your own.

    6. Two things, it is already spiraling out of control. Second, having never been on the front lines I can only speak from my experience from my time in. Wouldn't putting her in the front jeopardize the lives of the soldiers around her?

    7. Again she wouldnt be on the front lines, she wouldnt even make it to a cop, she would at most make it to a fob where she gets paid kore to do even less, get fat, and sit on Facebook saying how much of a war hero she is

  4. Replies
    1. she can be cute and not be in the military. if she's wearing a uniform i expect competence.

    2. I dont know what either of your two standards are...but thats not cute.

    3. I'll need more beer for her to be "cute".

    4. She is, a shit bird, sad sack or a goof ball.

  5. Another graduate of our emerging National Entitlement Mentality Education System (parents included).

    Sprinkle in a bit of Political Correctness for good measure.

    Too bad only Officers can get busted for "Conduct Unbecoming" :(

    1. enlisted fall under that too...i've seen Marines get that charge. but i agree 100 percent with everything else.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. She's a disgrace. Not only does not respect the flag or exhibit any discipline, she's dumb as fuck.

    She could have just said, "this is me after a long day" or "this is me in the running errands", she had to go (on to social media no less) announce her lack of discipline and throw it back in people's face. She doesn't even have respect for herself.

    She is somebody I wouldn't want in my Army, unit, barracks, whatever because she's too damn dumb, self-serving and undisciplined.

    Man, wtf? Servicemen and women are even dumb enough to do amateur porn and post it online.

    I guess we know where the first cuts in the Army are going to be. These assholes at least make it easy.

    1. Im sure if you look at her Chain of Command, from her Nco's up you would find one of two thing

      1) Her Nco is constantly having to stay on top of her to make sure she "works" or her NCO is buddy buddies and they hang out and party and talk about the day

      2) her SNCO is constantly having to do things but nothing works and command doesnt want a hit on their records for higher so they just brush it under the radar / Her SNCO is buddies buddies and tells her NCO who's always on her ass to lay off it.

      3) the race card gets thrown (i always love this one because i crush it as hard as i can from the get go...I have my ways)

  8. Just a query. How many here are actually in the service?

    I and many people I know dodge if we're solo as well, is there any real point in standing there for 5 minutes when you are already as busy as hell? And don't bother with the ranting I'm not with the US. And frankly if you tell me that you stand out in the open at 1700/1800 hours daily to salute the flag, I'd say you are lying through your teeth.

    It's a global thing, most army personnel in other countries I meet with also don't see the point in wasting 5 minutes for a show when there are much more important things you need to do and can contribute to the army in more practical aspects than standing there doing nothing for the 1700/1800 flag lowering.

    Of course putting it online does come under the heading of "utterly stupid thing to do".

    1. Yes, there is a point.
      Don't run away from your nations flag, your willing to die for the country the least you can do is stand and show discipline and respect.
      I recall Michelle Obama, FLOTUS remarks of a parade for the flag and stating, "all this for a flag" if this is your view then you are in the wrong line of work.

    2. I'm willing to die for the country, just not for a piece of cloth. That cloth isn't your country. If it was, you really got a severe land area shortage.

      Flags are a holdover from when it was used to organise and rally military units in a battlefield. With modern day protocols, it is no longer ever used to rally legions or riflemen lines. Their current only use is to invoke emotion, for good or ill. That cloth is neutral, it doesn't care if it is used to get people fired up to serve or if it is used to invoke emotions for a massacre.

      I serve the country for the country, not just because of a pretty piece of cloth. If you want to serve cloth, be a seamstress. Or a priest. "All hail the Holy Cloth!!"

      I rather be a priest of the Holy Hand Grenade.

    3. First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count...

      Flag is not only a piece of cloth, it's a symbol. True it is a old way to create rally point but not only for military now but for all people who live under it. It has a immeasurable level of morale in it, the power that create something better or worst in human. Yes it's in technical view only a piece of cloth... but Aquila was also only a piece of metal. And Roman legionaries fight to the last one protecting it, word Aquila has almost mythical power even now. I remember reading many times how combat unit that was decimated, destroyed and in full retreat do anything to save unit battle flag. After all you don't fight for some piece of something but for what it represents.

    4. Daniel: For the deployed to a hostile fire zone or just deployed the Flag becomes the representation of the country, hence the Flag is more than a bit of cloth.
      It is a symbol of Home, Mom, wives and kids it is the symbol of everything a soldier loves and is there to protect.
      It becomes something that men and women have and continue to die for.
      If you do not understand that then you are in the wrong line of work or you are not in the line of work to begin with.
      Regulations say salute the flag, regulations also say Defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic and it's just a piece of paper but I'd guess you wouldn't fight or die for an old paper written by dead men a long time ago either.
      That leads to deciding not to fight and die for your country eventually.
      It's just a bit of cloth but what it represents is far more precious.

  9. If im out at 08 and colors sounds its time to salute, it takes just that 5mins to honor your country, traditions and more important show good order and discipline.

    Evening colors, your retiring our nations colors, more importantly I think of my fellow marines whove paid that ultimate price. Again your day isnt at anyway so "busy" that you cant show order and discipline for 5 mins for colors.

    1. I've been out of the service for almost 30 years now, however I'm living near a base and at 0800 I hear colors, I will still stop and face the flag. It's not about wasting time, it's about honouring the lives lost to protect that which it stands for.

    2. Interesting. This was also actually one of the things highlighted in CTF reviews that came up in our armed forces. A lot of other coalition forces find us very "impatient".

      Personally, I suspect it may be cultural. The pace of work here is so frantic that if you suddenly stop, you get very jittery. The manpower shortage here is classed as "critical". Of course you get slackers as well, every distribution is a bell curve, but you want to drive us nuts? Waste time. We'll start crawling up the walls. A strait jacket will probably drive us insane.

      On a humorous note, treat it as arty drill practice. At least you now know that if arty starts falling, your troops are well versed in getting into buildings and out of line of sight in record time.

      Phil, if I'm in the open, and got nothing on, sure, why not, but at 1800, you only got 2 hours left to get everything done for the 2000hrs last parade and final daily report. Turning in your arms to the armskotte for the day is already going to take up half an hour if you are lucky. Squeeze in dinner if you're not on a diet and you only got an hour left. True, 5 min isn't really much, but when you're so keyed up, just standing still is enough to make you bounce.

      Ironically, the most comfortable time I ever felt at 1800 was when I was the COS on duty lowering the flag. At least I was doing something useful.

  10. If I happen to notice that its five minutes to Retreat or Revielle, I will briskly walk to the door that I'm already heading for. But I don't sprint like a fat man trying to pass his third pt test. If The Music plays then I turn my butt around and face it. The same goes for officers. I won't cross a busy street just to salute the new LT, but if I bump into him, I do what I'm supposed to do.

    "Do what the hell you're supposed to do." It's so simple, an Air Force NCO can understand it.

  11. Regardless of you feel her PERSONAL information should not be leaked to social media and she should not be threatened!

    For more on this check out my blog post:


    1. I understand point about personal information, well maybe not agree with that but understand. We can say about leak of info if your account has been hacked or social site database compromise. And if that happens without your knowledge or permission of course. That post of that person was indeed copy and spread like the wild fire thru void of net but that's only a symptom of a problem. You can think what you want but being a part of armed forces bond you to specific rules even if they are not write on paper. We know that soldiers who are busy may not like that tradition, they go to building, try to hide... it's not ok, but it's not terrible also. If... IF they do this in silence.

      Now the main problem here is that this person is just plain stupid. Post on SOCIAL MEDIA site that she give a fuck about that and let the whole world know. It's like live show on youtube how you steal a car... it's idiotic. You don't give the prof of how moron you are in net, no wonder that people are piss off. Not about that she don't want to salute her own national flag serving in army, but that she post this shit that every one know that she is soooo smart and hide in the car.

    2. Her Personal information was out for the whole world, she put it out there. Why i dont post things about my work and really about my life on Facebook or social media. Its a implied things in the Military that you must keep good order and discipline, that you do your job.

      If your going to sit on social media and talk about how tax dollars allow you to sit in a car and not to anything all day while the rest of the military works you should expect some backlash. I follow Just Tip of the Spear, and pages like that just so i can watch this stuff get exposed and its justified.

      Moral of the story? Your in the Military, Dont Do Stupid Shit; Or if you do, dont take pictures of it and post it all over for the world to see.

  12. Have the whole Brigade assemble for retreat every day for a month. Object lesson.

    1. Now THAT is the answer! Maybe her fellow soldiers can show her the error of her ways!!!!

  13. Parris Island circa 1996 or so. I was at my son's graduation and we were coming from meeting the D. I.'s. Deciding to walk back to the car for old times. evening colors, I stopped and with the wife stood at attention hand over heart I noticed the balconies of the barracks all around had been full of Marines were suddenly empty, only my wife and me standing with the color guard watching the flag come down.
    Perhaps it was the admin classes taught at that time at P. I. perhaps it was embarrassed men and women who knows, all I know is, I was proud to stand and show respect while the Marines around me ducked out of sight and hid.
    Perhaps they thought full time Marines did not have to show respect or be proud.
    Perhaps they had lost that feeling after becoming Old Corps Marines.
    This gal needs some NCO time and a rank of shit cans to be polished, perhaps she just needs to be assigned to several color details.
    I stood and recalled a time long ago in the Firth of Clyde while colors was being played and raised the flag at the fantail while all of Gourock Scotland watched and I felt pride.

  14. Looks about par the course for a pogue, and I'm sure I'll catch shit for saying so but it always seemed to me especially what you expected to see from female pogues. I'd put her on a post wide police call detail for the rest of her enlistment and ban "smart" phones from the post. We need to be kicking more people out of basic training, she is clearly a "failure to adapt".


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