Wednesday, March 12, 2014

China is a beast...

A few minutes ago China released sat images of what it believes is debris of the missing airliner.

They're from the 9th.

If we assume a couple of the images are degraded to not reveal how good their sats their was a serious discussion about revealing how good their maritime survelliance how they've suddenly become the big, caring brother of the region.

We can conclude that once again, the Chinese just won another propaganda battle.  They just out-teched us.  Apologist in both parties can continue to do their thing but its obvious ... China is a beast and they're drinking our milkshake.


  1. Funny how they just "found" the debris! I wouldn't be surprised if the rotten commie bastards shot the fucking plane down just to get rid of one person!

    1. Doubt it Rich. They MAY one to kill one person, but Malaysia is one of the countries most supportive of peaceful cooperation with Malaysia. If it ever got out that they shot down an MAS plane, forget cooperation, China would get another aggressive enemy. Not worth it for them.

      And remember, there has been a lot of bullshit about this case (plane turn back, flew across the country, land in a secret airbase in the jungle etc), what they say may not even be true, and even then, they found flotsam that MAY be part of an aircraft. The authenticity of even the find is open to confirmation.

      Aka, it's all media bullshit until searchers pull up the plane.

    2. what has me scratching my head is the lack of bodies. either the lobster and crab from that region are going to be extra large and taste faintly of sweet pork or shark attacks in Australia are going to be waaay down.

      as far as the imagery. the Chinese are building stealth fighters, have men in space, have stolen the best of our tech and yet no one wants to believe that they have ultra high resolution spy sats?



    3. Sol, most of the time you don't get bodies. Impact liquifies flesh. Most of your cells are liquid, think of what happens when a water balloon hits pavement. In the Adam Air case I highlighted previously, the biggest piece they found of a person was a piece of scalp that was stuck to a headrest. Bones too. High speed impact turns them into calcium powder and flakes. Hell, we had an artillery accident (premature round detonation) back in the 90s, closed coffin funeral, filled with sand, the high speed blast wave literally vaporised the 3 people standing nearby.

      Human bodies are surprisingly fragile.

      As for the sats, I do believe they have them. What I don't believe is that they could get the billions to one shot of finding the exact spot in such a short time. There is a lot of wishful thinking on the fate of the plane and it sometimes carries over into over-optimistic reporting.

    4. trust me i've seen microfragmentation in human bodies, i've even taken the FBI post bomb blast course when installation security was the hot topic and they're running everyone they could through the wringer about it.

      so you're telling me that after this crash we're looking at big crabs and huge lobsters. i can buy that (not really, i'll stick to crawfish and catfish) but even if i buy the body angle that still leaves debris.

      i know you think it went straight down and buried in the sea floor but we're talking about some of the most heavily fished areas on the planet. SOMEONE SAW SOMETHING!

    5. Big ocean, 1am at night. You do the maths.

      And do go wiki up the Adam Air case I mentioned. You'll find the similarities interesting.

    6. BTW Silkair flight 185 too, from wiki for what that is worth

      "There was not a single complete body, body part or limb found, as the entire aircraft and passengers disintegrated upon impact. Only six positive identifications were later obtained from the few recovered human remains.[2][7]"

      This was in a river so it was easier to recover the debris. Still not much human remains left.

      You may take the course Sol, but I'm referencing real life results.

      Air crash from altitude into water = not much human remains left.

    7. I've seen an air crash from altitude caused by vertigo, some parts do not get liquified nor vaporized. Surprisingly murphy rules cover this also some bodies just don't behave the way they should.
      Check out Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland, now there were bodies quite whole and others torn asunder.
      Check out the USS Vincennes shoot down of that Iranian airliner from altitude and a missile strike and still whole bodies were found floating.
      Those body parts are the ones that we are speaking of.
      It's not all cut and dried shades of black and white mostly it's gray and anything can happen.

  2. On CNN they had the former NTSB chief and he said he doubted it was debris from the airplane. He said nothing that big (60 by 60) off an airplane would float. I can't remember every hearing there was a maximum size of debris that would float or sink. I am pretty sure the Chinese have higher definition sat pics that would pretty much tell them it's airplane debris or not.

    1. The tail section is carbon fiber construction and will float if detached from the heavy pieces.

  3. I would not call China releasing some blurry pixilated blobs, which may or may not be wreckage, "out teching us". Especially considering that if these photos weren't degraded, then man their satellites are crap.

  4. Given that the missing airliner is mostly full of Chinese citizens, and there is pressure on them to do something, that is probably why they did 'something', releasing old dubious photos.

    1. Chuang Chou Shyue:

      Se morressem 500 Samoanos aquilo já estaria cheio de canoas procurando.
      China tem mais de um bilhão de habitantes, quando morrem 500 o governo não está nem aí.
      A coisa só apareceu na mídia porque tinham alguns europeus, volta e meia vira um barco naquela região com 200, 300 pessoas afogadas, ninguém liga, até parece quando aqueles infelizes africanos tentam chegar na Europa, volta e meia há mais de 100 refugiados afogados também por lá, no Mediterrâneo!
      Ow, leia mais notícias sobre as atrocidades cometidas no mar, pode crer que ficará insensível sobre esse avião, isso é 0000,1% do que acontece no mundo.
      Se me desculpe a sinceridade.

  5. Salomão:

    Operações de busca não são fáceis, estou no centro do Brasil ao lado de uma Base Aérea, acompanhei a busca do jato da Air France que caiu no Oceano Atlântico.
    Quem achou de fato algumas coisas do avião foram navios de pesca.
    Nem marinha nem satélites muito menos aviões viram alguma coisa.
    Lembre-se do que eu te contei alguns comentários antes sobre o quanto são importantes as comunicações de rádio entre marinha de guerra e outros que estão na água.
    NSA não deve interceptar isso senão, eles já teriam achado o avião Kkkkkkkkkkk!

  6. you are so stupid solomon A senior Chinese aviation official said Thursday that the authorities could not confirm any link between the floating objects captured on Chinese satellite images to a Malaysia Airlines jet missing for more than five days.

    1. Now now vic, no cause to be rude. I do thing Sol's a bit too negative at times, but everyone is entitled to his opinion and not be belittled for it. Just treat him as a pessimist.

    2. *think

      Stupid auto-correct, I believe my English is better than yours you brainless computer.

    3. Viktor estrela:

      Você provavelmente não leu aquele livo "Como Fazer Amigos e Influenciar Pessoas" do Dale Carnegie.

      Mesmo eu, escrevendo em português, a cada "F-5' no teclado para recarregar a página, leio e entendo sua indelicadeza, pode crer.
      Daniel está certo nessa, você errado.
      Salomão é um cara decente e não merece isso.



    4. Quoting Chinese propaganda media from a State employee in a Communist nation and using it to call someone stupid is............stupid.
      Stupid is as stupid does.
      When the poster resorts to slander, curses and name calling they have proven their argument to be moot.

  7. If the 10 sats that China re-tasked for this SAR operation are indeed high resolution, and is able to tell with a high degree of certainty that the unidentified objects are from the plane, then why wouldn't they just dispatch their own vessels to the area first before releasing the photos?

    It just seems like a bigger propaganda win versus just releasing the photos. Maybe those 10 sats aren't high resolution, or maybe Chinese spy tech is just lame? We shall have our answer within 24 hours, as Malaysia has already dispatched SAR teams to scour that area again.

  8. Seat cushions on these airliner float and on the 777 there are between 301 to 365 seats and these would break loose from the wreckage and be floating somewhere.
    There are container freight barrels in the cargo that should float as well as suitcases and shoes which won't get vaporized or liquified.
    Something will float free eventually.

  9. I understand Air France flight 447 went down from altitude and two bodies were recovered mostly intact.


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