Monday, March 24, 2014

NASA proves again that its lost its mind.

The old timers must be losing their minds and throwing up all over their keyboards.

Back in the days of its glory, NASA was all about results and getting stuff done.  These days?  They hold votes on which space suit they should go with!  Below are the three models...

If you want to know why NASA and the US is behind in the space race.  If you want to know why NASA isn't capable of grabbing the imagination of the American people then I point to this as exhibit number two.

Long story short.  NASA should get back to doing space exploration and leave the crowd sourcing, social networking bullshit to the kids.

Read about this nonsense here and here.


  1. Where is a Empire symbol!? How dare they show some space suit without big black Empire symbol!?

    Btw. maybe NASA will change name to SNTM ( Space Next Top Model )

  2. In our era of ever-tightening budgets, this makes sense.

    Get the public involved in a non-technical aspect of the program to build support and budgetary protection.

    Do you think the original space-race would have gone as smoothly (budget wise) if not for the press relations and propaganda of the time?

    1. the old nasa had a goal to get to the moon, the spotlighted the cutting edge tech, the men flying the spaceships and the engineers that designed the damn things.

      engineers, astronauts and Saturn launch systems were the spotlight.

      today? crowd sourcing the next spacesuit! its bullshit and can't be justified. they should build what works and get on with it.

    2. They are not crowd-sourcing the suit, just some fancy (non functional) add-ons. The tech is all NASA, is the same for all the suits, and will not change.

      NASA has hosted many contests over the years mostly dealing with names so this is not unheard of.

      Plus, they also hold MANY technical level design contests/competitions every year for amateurs to participate in.

      If NASA was asking us to vote on the actual physical functionality of the suit, I would agree with you, but they are not.

    3. Agreed with the above. Nasa is starving on a budget, the rover to mars was the last big thing they had money for, so they need the public desperately to help push for their budget.

      Its not the Cold War Space Race, where NASA was being funneled huge cash, they have almost nothing and Rockets....they arnt cheap.

      Plus, this got my kid even more interested in NASA, plus watching Cosmos. I remember NASA doing alot of the same when i grew up, its about trying to find the next Segan, they need to be inspired.

  3. Looks like NASA has a thing for the dress style of the Tron movies.

  4. Those suits are so ugly they would make a freight train take a dirt road.

    In all seriousness, NASA is just another jobs program now, considering the then and post space shuttle years. We gave up any chance of doing anything really cool or interesting in space when they killed off all the nuclear propulsion ideas in the 70s.

    1. you get it. NASA won't be cool or stir the imagination until the start sending people into space. and not low earth orbit to the moon and mars and other planets. they can do bake sales, online surveys and social media.

      it won't matter as long as they're sending americans to space on russian spaceships and the american public sees robots doing the job of manned crews.

  5. You still haven't convinced me we're losing the space race. As already pointed out the three suits here are all the same suit with different paint on it. I don't see how this harmful anyway. Let the public get involved and engaged. How do you expect NASA to do all the wonderful things you describe if no in the public is willing to give up tax dollars for it. NASA has the same problem the US military does. Congress controls their budget.


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