Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bundy Ranch Lesson...

With the situation in the Ukraine continuing to spiral out of control, its hard to look back at the situation at the Bundy Ranch but a very important lesson was learned.

No, its not that Federal Law Enforcement will not use force against resistance.

Its not that the militias are capable of rapid deployment.

The lesson learned is that law makers are scared shitless.

Non-compliance scares them more than the possibility of dead bodies in the streets.  They're seeing this lesson in Washington from the Bundy Ranch, and gun owners in New York and Connecticut.  The fear is almost palatable.  What happens if you pass laws and/or taxes and people refuse to comply?  How do you arrest an entire class of pissed off citizenry?

A popular saying is that "my silence does not indicate my approval"...  I discounted the thought that some had that a 2nd American Revolution started this weekend.  I was wrong.  People are on edge.  The federal govt and their agencies better tread carefully.  There are many looking for a reason to get things started.


  1. They like passing laws because ignorance is no defence. It widens the net. It means they will be able to get you for something even if it is a minor something. The feeling this side of the Pond is that the authorities prefer to go after the law abiding. They are easy targets. Career criminals know the legal system, the front office/customer facing part of the system, better than most who work in the system.

    See this post from ARRSE,


    What I and others have noticed over the last decade or so is that what you Americans would call the "punk" have caught on to the simple fact that the police are stretched way too thin. The law abiding also realise this now and demand more protection. The idea that the police's role is more (minor) deterrent and there more to sweep up after the crime (in the hops the offending party will be brought to justice) has yet to take root in the psyche of the law abiding. And I think the same can be said of many Americans too. Until that changes, until they realise they are responsible for their own safety nothing will change. And further until that idea takes hold, that breaks the idea of the citizen's dependency on the state for security, then the idea of the populace being armed to deter bad government won't take hold. Simply the government is still seen to be benign by the majority.

    The question is just how angry are the silent majority? What will be their reaction to the next Lexington? You guys are looking down the barrel of 8 more years of a Democrat White House under Clinton. Something has got to break.

  2. I'm really not sure what to make of this but I've never really liked the idea of armed groups influencing laws, it's never seemed that democratic to me,

    1. Armed groups influencing the laws?
      Like militarized Police, Sheriff's, Postal Clerks, and don't even mention the National guard.
      Most states Militia are the State Patrol they enforce the Governors wishes they are armed.
      The US is not democratic, this nation is a Republic being turned into an Oligarchy.
      It is being Europeanized by the party that loves being European like their favorite nation....France.
      To keep a Republic means the citizens are the boss, not the elected officials who do our bidding.
      This administration seems to misunderstand that concept hence gun control.
      We, are not subjects of a King, Queen Parliament or the state, we are free born citizens who have a constitution guaranteeing certain inalienable rights.
      We won this in a long ago war against European Regimes, the same ones this administration is attempting to rebuild us into.
      We, resist as freemen would by force of arms if need be.

  3. They say every day each American commits seven felonies.
    In their eyes we are criminals already.

  4. If everybody just stop paying their credit cards and didn't pay taxes, the system would collapse.

  5. You keep saying "Bundy Ranch" you do know this is not on his ranch? I would love some idiot in Texas to go "My ancestors grazed cattle in what is not Fort Worth, so I should be able to run my cattle though town to let them graze."

    Like most of Texas, parts of what are now eastern New Mexico, eastern Colorado, the Oklahoma panhandle and part of Nebraska were all part of the Republic of Texas. The Republic of Texas was BROKE they traded the land and more in Texas in exchange the Federal Gov't took the debt in exchange.

    Nevada Territory was in the same boat, when the Silver boom turned to bust, they suddenly broke and in debt. They got the same deal as Texas, lost a lot of land to the Feds for taking the debt. This guy is in complete denial the history of that state, and ignored any part of his state history he does not like. His family never owned the land, they just used it. It is not like the BLM came in and pulled eminent domain on him. You can see his opinion below.


    I have family in UT. They pay grazing rights to the Feds and the State. None of the farmers in the area support him.Oh yeah my aunts family also have been in the UT territory since it was "Zion".


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