Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New fitness hottie....

Michelle Lewin.  Sizzling hot, physically fit, whats not to like?  Rest of her photos here.

Move over Jaime.  Michelle is SNAFU's new fitness hottie.


  1. Cute, but why the augmented chest? Just my personal taste; to each their own.

  2. are you shitting me? that is a medical miracle you're looking at there (seriously her body fat gets so low that she'd be flat chested)....besides, fake boobies are like accurate friendly fire. no such thing as too much.

  3. I should clarify my previous post. I just don't want a black eye. Also a friend years ago finally got a job with good health insurance and told me that she was getting an operation for a reduction, too big was a big cause of bad back problems and bras cutting in to her back and shoulder.

  4. I like a little meat with my potatoes.

  5. "SAHZAAM!" Well....she ain't gonna do no three pull ups with those enhanced boobies BUT I don't care!
    Dang Sol give an old guy a hard attack so early in the a.m. why doncha!


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