Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tony Blair was a true believer in the war on terror.

Blair makes a great case for his position.

But quite honestly I don't care.

If Muslims want to burn down their countries in the Middle East and Africa then so be it.  If they want to cut themselves out of globalization, or modernization of their cultures ... then fine.  Do what you want.

When do we stop fighting for people that won't fight for themselves?  Time for the people of those countries to put down their homegrown mad dog killers.


  1. I am reminded of this article from Small Wars Journal and I found this comment to be very insightful.

    From KingJaja:

    "It is called "colonialism" - it didn't work well when the Europeans tried it. Americans neither have the resources, the patience or local legitimacy to make it work.

    Take for instance Africa's Sahel region. It is not an economically viable region and is unlikely to ever be - will a US imposed Western legal system be easier to implement than a Sharia legal system - given that these states don't have the resources to fund primary education, talk less, a prison system?"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unrelated but check this out Sol

  4. Looks like Obama gave TOW missiles to the Syrian rebels.

  5. "Time for the people of those countries to put down their homegrown mad dog killers."

    Would the fallout from the civil wars that result not lead to a refugee problem in the First World including the United States?

  6. Absolutely Sol - Tony Blair has many failings but being quick on the uptake is not one of them. Not for him a dusty pew as a peer in the House of Lords with the other ex-Primeministers talking about today's cricket score at Lords. He knew there was pay-dirt in working in the 'Global' role and has been pushing his agenda ever since. He is astute, and every now and then he likes to shake the tree to see what falls out. Personally, the Middle East is a basket case. Leave well alone!


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