Saturday, April 12, 2014

Victory at the Bundy Ranch? Are you stupid?!

Watching news reports of the Fed's "supposedly" backing off from an armed confrontation at the Bundy Ranch.

All over the internet people are talking about "victory" and how the masses won the first battle of the next civil war.

Are you stupid?

Federal Law Enforcement doesn't quit when it faces armed opposition.  I'm not a fan of most federal agencies (US Marshals and FBI are good to go though) but even the BLM would not back down.

My theory.

They're gonna let the militias claim victory, let the temperature lower and in about a week or two we're gonna hear about a massive raid that will be done in about an hour or two...long before word can spread on the internet. 

Round 1 to the militia, but mark my words.  The Feds will achieve their goals.  Sadly, time is on their side.


  1. Just wait until the feds face a Milita that is well armed with Machine guns and may RPG's

    1. Are you aware of the power of a Mechanized Infantry battalion with aviation assets?
      That diagram is,
      16- vehicles M-2 Bradley's or Stryker's
      4- 120 mm Mortars w/ Prime movers
      10- HMMV w/ weapons stations
      14- M-1 Abram's tanks
      10,000 to 20,000 Infantry personnel.
      Do Not For One Minute believe those American soldiers will disobey orders to shoot American citizens down with extreme prejudice.
      The Officer Corps has been purged of those who would not give such and order.
      These Ranchers and their supporters are damned lucky to be alive at this moment.
      Don't believe me?
      Ask any Iraqi.

    2. The army is not big enough to be everywhere, just like Iraq or Afghanistan. It's getting smaller every year, too.

      Also, what's stopping a couple hundred militia guys from overrunning a military base and taking whatever heavy equipment or ordinance they want? Just look at Fort Hood lol.

    3. actually thats not funny at all.

      looking at fort hood. looking at the response times of the various agencies, not to mention having to notify them of a robbery before they can even respond and i can see where one of those small units on the fringes of the base can be had if you can plan it properly.

      all it takes is a bit of knowledge of the units schedule and they can be had easy.

    4. I didn't mean for that to be a he he, haha laugh. I meant a more ironic laugh, because I don't think it's funny either.

      Now that I think about it, we should be just as worried about a group of terrorists shooting up a military base as a mall.

    5. don't even get me started about how easy that would be to do. have you ever seen a MEU before it starts float?

      you have a briefing by the CO to all elements...usually in a big ass auditorium. over 2000 Marines piled in there listening to a Marine Colonel and the Navy bubba running the ARG. you want a few civilians in the mix? wait till the MEU has the pre-deployment family day.

      i don't know what the Army does but i bet its the same.

      the military as its currently oriented stateside is one big fat juicy target for terrorists.

  2. Yup, The feds say they pulled off to ensure the safety of "THEIR" personnel, that means the National Guard comes next with armor, and Mech infantry and they will roll over that ranch like it was Fallujah.
    As Stalin did so will Obama collecting large amounts of Kulaks and their land for the state to use as it sees fit wind farms, mining towns and homes for the illegal aliens and repressed inner city blacks.
    The Sovietization of America began there not a revolution.
    Our Nations government has gone rogue.
    TWANLOC have decided the old American way is to be destroyed.
    We cannot depend on the republicans or libertarians because inside they are the same type of communist.

    1. i disagree.

      to take the legalization side of the argument. if illegals are made legal then you can't pay them under the table like you can today. additionally why would any black person want to live in rural nevada.

      good talking points but a bit more consideration is needed on both sides before serious mistakes are made.

    2. I hope you are right Sol and hope I am wrong, very wrong. I love my country warts and all and would rather not see a new War between the states or revolution by force of arms.

  3. If or when these soldiers do, then the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines becomes the enemies of the people.
    Hope and Change folks, votes have consequences and not vetting the articulate and well dress black man from somewhere have set us on a course that leads to hell.
    Lord what a fuck up this nation is in.

    1. i really don't see it happening

      maybe the National Guard and MAYBE under certain circumstances but i just can't see active duty military shooting down US citizens.

      could be wrong but i just don't think so.

    2. Kent State is an example though a poor one.
      I hope, no Sol I pray this doesn't happen. I was in service at one time and can say if ordered to shoot American citizens I would have followed orders and shot.
      These are not draftees, these are volunteer professional military who will obey their orders.
      How did we get to this point?
      Where do we go from here?


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