Tuesday, May 13, 2014

EXCALIBUR ARMY (BMP M2 vehicle manufacturer) has calendar girls!

Thanks for the vid Paralus!


BAE, Locheed Martin Ground Vehicles Division, General Dynamics and everyone else....if you want us to sit up and take notice of your vehicles then follow Excalibur Army's lead!


  1. I think we found our Weapons of Mass Distraction

  2. Leave it to the Czechs or Slovaks to round up some babes for the show ,anyone who's been to Cezch or Slovakia knows they are not lacking in babe department

    1. Been to Prague twice in the 90's and it was amazing both times to see all the hotties. I had never seen so many attractive women dolled up and on the prowl. Some just for a night on the town, others as arm candy (professional or otherwise), but all of them head-turning knock-outs.


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