Sunday, May 11, 2014

Michael Sam annoys the hell outta me!

This is politically incorrect but Michael Sam annoys the hell outta me!  Consider this....
*  Dude played in the SEC and was player of the year.  Seems like that kind of notoriety would be your ticket to the NFL right?  Wrong.  He performed poorly against the powerhouses of the conference.
*  Dude had a piss poor combine.  He's slow.  He can't jump.  He lacks agility.  He lacks strength.  He is small.  All of this is by  NFL standards at the position he wants to play...outside linebacker.
*  I like football, I don't care who this guy is screwing or getting screwed by.  I don't know the sexual orientation of any of the other people drafted and that's for one reason.  They chose to not tell us.  It can be assumed that they're heterosexual but who knows?  WHO FUCKING CARES!  
Which leads me to my beef.

He knew he was a tweener.  I would bet body parts that he knew he would probably not be drafted but would be allowed to attend a NFL training camp and would have to work his way onto a team.

What really gets my goat is that some player out there that is busting his ass, has better numbers, is bigger, faster, more agile but isn't going to get the chance because he didn't say he was gay---Sam took a spot that a more deserving player should have gotten.

This proves something to me.  There are some gays that don't want to be treated fairly but want special treatment because of who they're fucking.

That irks the hell outta me!


  1. Couldn't agree more. A person's sexual orientation is not my concern, except when they start using it to parlay for special consideration.

  2. Looking at the figures I think this guy earned his place, he was ranked between 12th and 25th as a Defensive End and he was the 33rd Defensive End picked. I don't see the problem.

    1. you must not be an American Football watcher because his pro day at the University of Missouri and his performance at the combines was pure trash. i repeat. by NFL standards he can't run, jump, isn't agile, isn't strong and got manhandled by the power schools in the SEC.

      long story short, when he played against college teams with NFL caliber players he crumbled like a cookie.

    2. Nah, I've never watched an NFL match, I just read a couple of news articles. If he's that bad then you probably have a point.

  3. Even worse is the Dolphin player who got suspended for tweeting "Horrible" and "Gross" when they showed Sam and his boyfriend kissing. These days if you're not actively supporting every minority group then your ass is grass. If you want to keep your job then don't say shit. So sad.

    1. just heard about that shit today. the powers that be better be careful. people are getting pissed. you can keep shoving this deviant shit down peoples throats only so long before you get a reaction. i can guarantee that the US military is going to face a recruiting challenge because of the social engineering that they're embarked on and i can bet that either Republicans will do great at the polls or you're going to see half the country just say fuck it and be all in for themselves instead of our nation.

      when people say fuck it, its about me and not the nation then you're going to have trouble. wallstreet has that attitude. liberals have that attitude. but when middle America gets that attitude then its hold on be strong because its gonna rip apart.


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