Saturday, May 10, 2014

Training the Chinese to fight us!

Before I get to the article, let be clear about China....

1.  The Chinese are a communist nation and they consider themselves to be our number one adversary.
2.  The Chinese have embarked on a campaign of intimidation when it comes to our allies in the region.  From basically rubbing ships with us to setting up oil derricks and fishing in disputed water to even an intrusive Air Identification Zone, they are bullies of the first tier.
3.  We must not make the mistake of thinking that what motivates our leadership will motivate theirs.  We must admit that we do not understand them.

Now check this out from Tactical Gear and Military Clothing....
Over 300 special operations personnel from nearly 40 teams and 19 countries competed in 11 rigorous events this year. Contenders included members of elite police tactical units and top tier military units from around the globe......Overall top scoring teams included: In first place, the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force (PAPF) ‘Snow Leopards’. In second place, the Special Operations Unit of the PAPF Sichuan Corps; in third the Jordanian Royal Guard; in fourth the Special Operations Unit of the PAPF Xinjiang Corps and fifth the Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Lebanese Republic.
What has me scratching my head and ALMOST punching walls is this outreach to the Chinese.


Not only are they participating in events like that listed above, but we've also attempted the same with the Russians.

The Pentagon would like everyone to forget that Russian paratroopers trained with their US counterparts in 2012!  Now we're about to do the same thing for the Chinese Navy at RIMPAC!

We are building capacity in the very force that our allies are getting ready to fight, even if we insist on fooling ourselves.

Time for the Pentagon to get out of the training the enemy mission and revert to the old skool idea of preparing to kill them on the battlefield. 


  1. Replies
    1. A phobia is an unreasonable fear... "The lead article the Chinese Communist Party newspaper Global Times on Tuesday contained an alarming call for a declaration of war against Vietnam and Philippines, two nations that in recent weeks launched the loudest protests against China’s sweeping maritime sovereignty claims over the South China Sea.

      The fiery rhetoric of the article states that “the South China Sea is the best place for China to wage wars” because “of the more than 1,000 oil rigs there, none belongs to China; of the four airfields in the Spratly Islands, none belongs to China; once a war is declared, the South China Sea will be a sea of fire [with burning oil rigs]. Who will suffer the most from a war? Once a war starts there, the Western oil companies will flee the area, who will suffer the most?”

      The article further calculates that “the wars should be focused on striking the Philippines and Vietnam, the two noisiest troublemakers, to achieve the effect of killing one chicken to scare the monkeys."

    2. people only want to see the world they want to see. if it doesn't mesh with reality then thats ok, because they refuse to see it.

      thats what's wrong with US foreign policy. we have a bunch of academics in charge that want to see the world as they imagine. the real world is a scary place so instead of confronting it head on they attempt to tell those that are realistic that they' are on the wrong side of history!


      Eric pointed out what the China apologist refuse to acknowledge. that they see themselves as a kingdom and their neighbors as vassals to be subjugated under Chinese rule.

  2. Sol as mad as you are, corporate america seems to have not cared for the last 40 years and most Americans will buy their goods, we as Americans have a history of putting money before morals. I assume some governments are thinking that these competitions will bring everyone closer. But Sol with the US and Chinese both nuclear armed would either side risk an civilization ending war, especially if the US made it clear that you mess with our allies you mess with us. I know the Russians(Putin) would be happy if we destroyed each other!

    1. tallbear, am I allowed to mention Vietnam/Afghanistan (the original) - Soviet & China vs. USA and her allies in a Proxy wars. If the U.S. continues this outreach program it'll have a hard time (or worse get it's ass handed to it) in it's next set of proxy wars with these guys.
      The question is, if China plays the long game and starts picking at it's neighbors in a one after the other style proxy wars - which war is one too many for either side that causes the escalation? Maybe never, maybe the first.
      We've had '50 years of peace' if you were fortunate to live in US/Europe and a few other countries. Not so for those who have lived in the countries where US/Soviets played their proxy games.
      The pacific basin has plenty of these little playgrounds for the old/new super powers to flex their muscles ... without full escalations, but with lots of blood shed.
      The only good thing I see is that a lot of Chinese people are educated and getting connected and are starting to see the life style they could have had or feel they should have had but has been denied to them by their leadership who have enjoyed that style of life themselves. There is a lot of political unrest in China at the moment. Hard to say which way it'll go, but the Chinese may become of the next Japanese (materialistic always wanting the latest gizmo, etc.) or it could all collapse in on itself and you'll see the leadership try the age old tactic of finding an external bogeyman to try and direct their people's anger at.
      My glimer of hope is that as a country China has a well educated and literate population.

    2. sol, just a thought, but this goes both ways - it allow US to watch Chinese in action. i doubt (hope) either side is really going to show its full capability, but does allow you access to watch them in a more open environment. They've always been able to watch US due to the more open nature of your country/government.

    3. AO, my heartburn is simple. we can't practice to our full capabilities if the threat nation is present. little will be gained from this exercise because of that fact.

      this has changed from being a tremendous training opportunity to just a dog and pony show with plenty of pics of ships and planes sailing and flying together.

      its a waste of money.


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