Friday, June 13, 2014

Doomsday scenario (for the rule of law) to solve the illegal alien problem....

Wow. Peter decided that tonight would be a good night to post a doomsday scenario that I had never considered regarding the illegal alien problem. Read it here.


  1. I remember during last election a Latino politician saying if the Republican Party let the Mexican in then the they would vote for the Party, don't let them in and they will come anyway, and if they become "naturalised" they will vote Democrat. Evidently he was saying your country and its people don't matter and your borders don't matter. Elites don't care as they live supranational lives anyway. I know many Mexicans go to the US to escape the chaos of home but they just bring the chaos with them. How long before the border states resemble northern Mexico? How long before the states that border them fall too? Man is tribal, and there is going to come a point where the people will choose tp put themselves first before others. And they will use the simplest most obvious differentiation to choose who is with them and who is against them. Will it be the people's fault or will be the fault of the Leftist politicians and their perverted obsession with race, gender, their twisted accusations of "blaming the victim", and the rights of the few over the rights of the many?

    Here in the UK we have a situation developing where established immigrants from the Commonweath (some of whom who are integrated, some not so integrated) are on the verge of violent conflict with newly arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe. The former say the latter are disrupting their lives, taking government funds, and should be stopped. Caught in the middle are the police "service" who are mostly ethnically white, whose hands are tied because of politically correctness, and will be damned by the Left whatever course of action they take. Saying that these days many above the rank inspector (lieutenant) are more interested in politics than policing.

    Post 2020 I can see the West fighting a war to keep the Third World out. It will be ugly and as in all wars the innocents will suffer. You say that Bayou's scenario is a nightmare one? It isn't. One of the central planks of history teaching here in the UK for high schools has been the Holocaust. On the face of it is good that the history of one of man's most heinous episodes is taught to young minds. That they are shown its inhumanity. (We will leave to one side Stallin's purges, the Cultural Revolution, Khmer Rouge, etc. which are equally as worse. It being an inconvenient truth that it was in the name of red socialism that those acts were perpetrated.) But lately I have wondered if there is a darker and subtler reason that the Holocaust is taught; even if the outcome wasn't intended. In the Left's zealous march for integration programming the masses that the so called "Ultimate Solution" is off the table takes it a way from the people. Not tat I believe the people would want to do such; a believe the majority of humanity to be good. But it takes away any hope that there is any solution to the problem, a problem not of their making. "If you aren't happy go back home" scenario is seen as just wrong. And it may be, to be honest I don't know if there is a solution. Rather like how the Left will tell women who advocate other women learn self defense or carry are actually giving rapists a green light because the fault lies with rapist.

    What a mess.

    Of course Obama may just only pardon those illegals from Canada. We all know they are the real trouble makers with their monarchy, low violent crime, etc.

  2. Well before we get too excited there was amnesty for illegals before ( Simpson-Mazzoli Act) Reagan signed into law and world didn't end and .

    1. over half the world would like to live in the US. when do we finally say no. we need to assimilate those that are here first? when do we say that the American culture must be protected and that we can't allow ourselves to become Balkanized?

      this is going to be part of the reason for the collapse of America unless fucking liberals wake the fuck up and understand that leading with your heart only gives the enemy a clear sight picture.

    2. My little hometown saw an influx of Mexican's during the Civil War, from the Acupulco region an area south west of town was known as Mexico for a long time with streets named Alma st. and such, it gradually became black and now it's going back to Mexican mostly from the Tapatios region this time.
      My Dad was from there, he always tanned well too!
      Utah saw a great number of Mexican women who went North during the early years of the Morman collection, a great many Brown eyed and black haired Morman's are seen there now.
      Like the Swedes and German's of Minnesota and the Dakota's, the Irish, the Italians and Poles this country is a melting pot of people we just have to maintain the dream of America as we grow and become integrated.
      I believe we will and become even greater a nation.

  3. Sol, don't take me wrong, but I think the Doom day start in North America since the case Roe vs Wade.
    Since then more than 50 million American and Canadians kids where aborted.
    We Latinos are only filling that vacuum, some professionals like me, legally in Canada, some others illegally like the Mexicans crossing the border to the US.

    To keep a culture you need birth/dead ratio of 1.5/1. That's why Europe is crowded with Africans and America with Latinos.
    BTW, recently the woman that won the case Roe vs Wade admitted she wasn't raped but was consented with her boyfriend.

    1. to keep a culture you need the incoming immigrants to WANT to assimilate to their new home. if all they do is bring the same ideas with them that caused them to flee in the first place then we will start looking like the place they left!

  4. Fair enough.
    When I come to Canada I never put Telemundo or TV Latino at home. Now My Kids speak perfectly English, French and Spanish, but they feel more Canadians than Latinos. I think to have TV in Spanish in the US is a big mistake. But to be honest, to assimilate a culture is way easier for the kids than for the parents. I think the Spanish culture in the US is more a form of protest or rebellion from a Low Income part of the society. In some parts of South America like Peru, my country, we are more in favour of the American culture than in central America or Mexico and when we come to Canada we have no problem to assimilate to this amazing country and society.
    It's strange, when I go back to Peru, I don't feel totally comfortable any more.

    1. well take this for what its worth, and i'm not busting sunshine off your ass. but consider this. you came with the desire to become part of your country. you came with the idea that you were Canadian first and then your ethnic group second. you came looking to contribute and not simply to feed off the society.

      i'm going to be gentle here because i don't know the motivations of most of the illegal immigrants. what i do know is that many ARE NOT seeking to be part of America. what i do know is that you see Mexican, Guatemalan, Honduran flags instead of American flags in homes. what i do know is that you see the counsels from those govts agitating on behalf of those illegal immigrants.

      to me that is disturbing.

    2. Sol, I imagine the Powhatan people were disturbed also.
      Hope for a blended culture, white and black with Latino, otherwise it's ethnic cleansing and genocide for all of us, Latino, Black, Asian, and white.
      I recal Puerto Rico was all Indian, then the Spanish came, the blacks and now it's a blend of all those who came before a different race you might say, Puerto Rican.
      The Mexican's are Indian, Spanish, German, French and black the results of all those colonizing Euro's fast becoming a new race of folks Not all Indio's not all Euro's a Mixto and Mulatto.
      If a man believes in the words of MLK and his dream then everything will be fine, I believe and America will become something different hopefully the beliefs and Constitution remain the same even as the people change.
      One can only hope, the future will come and it will come the way it wishes.

    3. I have a Black niece, four latino step grandchildren three boys and a girl baby, I treat them all as family.
      This is the future, you may be an Acevedo and have a son named Hechavarria who is married to a girl named Tamikya and a son in law named Fred.
      La Raza face it, that's the correct term.

  5. Maybe the main difference between Canada and the US is because most of the people who comes here are professionals who already speak English ore French and you don't here too much Spanish in the streets, and off course, there is no illegal immigration and no health care for people with out papers. The US should facilitate the inmigration for professionals who already speak English and close their borders to the illegals.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. All I know is I now list my race as Latino, Hispanic and Mexican, Que Sabe?
    I always did tan well!


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