Sunday, June 15, 2014

Now we know why they're so desperate to pass gun laws...Gang Member Teens are flooding across the border....

via The Washington Times...
Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, said that confirmed gang members in Mexico — including those from Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) — are coming into the country to be reunited with their families, National Review reported Friday.
“If he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in here? … I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us,’” Mr. Cabrera told the magazine.
He said that the only way to solve the problem was to implement harsher restrictions on who can be allowed to cross.
“Until we start mandatory detentions, mandatory removals, I don’t think anything is going to change. As a matter of fact, I think it’s going to get worse,” he said, National Review reported.
Crime is at a historical low.  So why the push to pass gun laws?  I've often wondered because it didn't make sense but now I see it clearly.  They need and want to control the population.  Too conspiratorial for you?  Then how about this.

We're importing our next crime wave.

Import many young people, with a portion of them being confirmed gang members and you're going to see crime increase which will lead to the American people arming up like never before.  They have to pass these restrictions now, before those that are more into reality TV than real life realize whats going on.

The implications are clear.  No one wants to say it so I will.  Police are militarizing because they have to.  We're importing our next crime wave (you could even say domestic terrorist...look up some of the atrocities committed by MS-13)...and its happening right before our eyes.


  1. I feel your pain. Crime here in the UK is supposedly declining, yet many miss the point that it is "reported" crime. If the crime stories reported in our papers, let us not forget most journalists are left leaning, are just the tip of the iceberg then the true state of affairs must be terrible. Why do I mention the political leanings of the journalists? Well they can only report event and it is difficult for them not to reveal the "heritage" of those committing the worst crime. They try not to mention it. They use less precise wording. But in a visual information age pictures and names come out.

    What I find amazing is how quickly they become established. If I move to a US town now and wanted to corner the crime "market" I wouldn't know where to start. Yet it seems here they can be fighting with established crime gangs within months of landing. A few years back in the city to my east a huge portion of the police budget was sucked up policing a turf war between Asians and Balkan Europeans (the latter the new arrivals). Police budgets are tight, politicians want to reduce budgets further, and the same politicians are letting everybody in saying we need the extra population to pay the taxes. Even though it shown that many avoid as much tax possible or get around the rules by using laws and regulations but government workers either won't act or politically themselves see no wrong.

    Somewhere in the next decade somebody is going to say enough whether it is a small town in Arizona, or somebody in metropolitan Europe and all hell is going to break lose. Even suggesting such in the open, in the real word, here in the UK is enough to have you branded a racist.

    Don't be embarrassed that it is taken a while for you to catch on. You are a rational man who believes in order and structure. The situation is completely irrational.

  2. But this isn’t an accidental crisis—it’s federal government policy. The Obama Regime is overloading the immigration control system in order to force Amnesty as a fait accompli.

    What is happening is a demographic version of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Proposed in 1966 by Leftist sociologists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, and heavily cited by conspiratorial conservatives in the early Tea Party days, the strategy called for creating as many enrollees in welfare as possible, thus destroying local and state welfare agencies, precipitating a crisis, and forcing the federal government to step it and create a national minimum income.

    1. and gun CONTROL against the historic American nationals....

  3. Offtopic :
    Can somebody tell ELP over there, to modify the way comments are posted on his blog.
    On you blog its easy, you just write the code and its done, on his blog it wants soke rigistrations or whatever ;)

  4. sol, i think you got that backwards, your exporting crime, ms-13 started in Los Angeles, then spread , outwards to other countries, e.g. Canada, Mexico, and Central America.

    1. Yes that is true MS-13 was exported/deported out of US so its just coming back.

  5. Meanwhile some politician is proposing building a 2,000KM long wall to keep the russians out, while such a wall wouldn't keep the russians out, it might keep the mexicans out, especially if said wall were to have an autonomous weapon system every Kilometer mark, or more when needed, i.e. super aegis 2.

    The us-mexico border is only about 3,000KM long, even if a concrete wall were to cost 10K per meter, that is only 10M per KM, 30Bn total, ignoring the cost of wiring, fitting weapons, installing redundant generators along the wall etc..etc..

    1. USA spent 4-6Tn in iraq/afghanistan, surely it can afford say 50Bn dollars to build a 3,000KM wall about a meter wide, several meters tall, protected by mines, with turrets on it, and ground pressure sensors to detect tunnelling. To keep trespassers out!

      Why does no one else suggest this, many countries are building walls on their borders, look at the pakistani-iranian border!

    2. The situation with the Israeli wall always makes me laugh how the chatty Lefty activists say it is evil. A border is a border you shouldn't be skipping across it as you see fit. Especially if you intend to do others harm. The wall has access points and there is always leaving through Jordan if you need to go anywhere.

      Further a wall is all very well. But once it is up you are going to have clean house inside the US. And there will be opposition to that; mostly from those who are unaffected by illegal immigrants, drug gangs, violence,

    3. Berlin wall bad. then , Israel wall good now.

      Chatty lefty or retard righty all the same.

    4. Actually no it wasn't as simple as that. The East German state was protecting its borders. Protection works both ways. The GDR

      Ill informed internet idiots are as bad a chatty lefties and retarded righties.......

    5. Unrealted breaking news , like i forcasted Iranian Revolutionary Guards quick reaction force and now 500 members of Hezbollah are now in Iraq in the tick of it fighting the ISIL near Baghdad.

      Today they held a burial the first Iranian SF killed in Iraq

    6. It makes no sense not to start building it right now, I heard that illegal immigrants cost the USA 113bn a year, that is undoubtedly excluding the ones that have been granted amnesty. The USA has many soldiers and national guard members and prisoners that could be used to construct this great wall.

    7. It would be ironic though, if some of the illegal immigrants were forced, under the supervision of the national guard and US army, to help build the wall.

  6. Now would be a good time to put the Air and Army National Guard MP units on border patrol duty. With the MRAPS being available, I would put the Air and Army National Guard MP Units on Border Patrol duty and give them the MRAPS to Patrol the borders. They can have border Patrol agents ride with them. At the same time, it would give Air and Army National Guard MP units additional duties of Border protection.

  7. Its usually a whte caucasian kid or some depressed soul from South Korea who usually goes on a gun rampage.

    1. I've noticed that too. Even as a white guy though I feel afraid to say that out loud.

    2. I did not say that originally. Chris Rock in a stand-up comedy said that. And by the way Steven Oliver, by any chance are you related to John Oliver who hosts Last Week Tonight ?

  8. that banger's head would look much better stuck on a pole on my front lawn....with a camping hatchet stuck in the crown for a little subtle ambiance....


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