Friday, July 04, 2014

The world is burning news. Germany captures man who claims to be NSA Spy.

via New York Times...
BERLIN — In the latest turn in the yearlong tensions with Germany over American spying, a German man was arrested this week on suspicion of passing secret documents to a foreign power, believed to be the United States. The American ambassador, John B. Emerson, was summoned to the Foreign Office here and urged to help with what German officials called a swift clarification of the case.
The arrest came as Washington and Berlin were trying to put to rest a year of strains over the National Security Agency’s monitoring of Germans’ electronic data, including Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone, and just months after the collapse of an effort by Germany to strike a “no spy” accordwith the White House. While the White House and American intelligence officials refused to comment on the arrest, one senior American official said that reports in the German news media that the 31-year-old man under arrest had been working for the United States for at least two years “threaten to undo all the repair work” the two sides have been trying to achieve.

That's what the American people placed in charge of our national security.

I mean seriously?  You can't properly run a 31 year old?  You can't have enough cut outs and distance between you and your organization to have deniability?

Amateurs is too good a word.  These people are incompetent.

There will be fall out from this incident.  We might not see it publicly but between this and Snowden our name is mud with our allies. 


  1. This whole thing is bullshit. If you aren't trying to get intel on everyone, you are failing. When the whle Merkel thing came out it took all of a day or two to find out she actually had a secure cell phone, she just refused to use it. She deserved to be spied on, and I would be surprised if no one else was taking advantage if the idiocy of insisting in using her personal cell. And not much longer afterwards it came out that Germany, amongst other European nations, was also spying on it's allies. But it isn't the big bad USA, so that story fizzled as quick as it started. I remember seeing an Israeli politician on the news after revelations of US spying on Israel, and his response was along the lines of "We expect everyone to be spying on us, that's their job, so we aren't going to be a bunch of whiney bitches."

    1. the issue isn't the spying. the issue is it becoming public. do you really think the American people give a damn about Marines pissing on people that were trying to kill them a few minutes before?

      they don't. they just don't want that shit to become public. that's where the Marines fucked up. they let people outside the trusted circle see the shit and they got fried because of it.

      same with this. if it doesn't get out then no bad, but it did so it has to be dealt with.

  2. And what about old classic... we don't know this man, we never work with this man, his accusations are without proof. German counterintelligence must have very solid proofs on this dude, but in other way... why this info is public?

    As I understand intelligence agency's work in shadows, when they capture the mole... mole disappear or start to work as double. The same question again, WHY this is public?

    In who interest was making this public?


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