Saturday, July 12, 2014

The world is burning news. Ukraine is now lying...or the war will over in a week...

Thanks for the link Matthew...

via Yahoo News...
"According to preliminary assessment, Ukrainian pilots ... killed about 500 (rebel) fighters and damaged two armored transporters," Lysenko told journalists.
In an earlier air attack on a base near Perevalsk, north of Donetsk, two tanks, 10 armored vehicles and "about 500" rebel fighters were destroyed, he said.
Rebel representatives, quoted by Russian news agencies, denied they suffered big losses and said the Ukrainians were using outdated intelligence on where separatist forces were deployed.
"There were no volunteers (rebels) where the Ukrainian aviation was active yesterday," said a spokeswoman for the Luhansk-based separatists, referring to the Peravalsk attack.
Read the entire article, but that's pure craziness!

If this is accurate then the rebellion is MUCH larger than I thought it is.  If this is accurate then we're seeing two army's engaged in fighting.

Consider for a moment what the Ukrainian spokesperson is asking us to believe.

In two separate incidents, two battalion sized units were wiped out!

Either Ukraine is lying or this war will be over in a week.


  1. Yeah they overestimate separatist losses to the level of absurd.

    I know only one force that would be able to do that type of damage in short time. The Adeptus Astartes "Steel Rain" tactic drop pod assault... but you know, that only a fiction.

  2. If you haven't noticed Kiev's been lying tru their ass the whole time. NK propoganda isn't as wacky as kiev's is. And i'm not even exaggerating here on bit.

  3. Both are true
    Ukraine is lying, they simply dont have the capability to carry out an after damage assessment to verify it.
    The rebels are on their last legs. Russian support was never more than political, the fighters may have been ex Russian military, but they were Ukraine Resident, they certainly werent current special forces or Mercenaries.
    Although if the ME kicks off, Russia might step up its action

  4. I think Russian support has sort of tailed off because Putin has got what he wanted and not because of EU sanctions. Better the crisis winds down of its own accord than seen to be attached to a defeat.

    It does seem that the Ukrainians have suddenly become competent though I think the rebel losses are over estimated for propaganda. After early setbacks the EU has had a good war.

    1. I think Russian support has sort of tailed off

      My opinion is the same. According to most probable Putin’s aims he should be done right now. No matter who win this battle – rebels or Kiev’s regime, former Ukraine is infected with civil war, and Putin has a lot of other things to do. By now he is in USA’s underbelly by-the-way.

    2. The mystery is the Ukrainian military's sudden upturn in performance.....or is it?

    3. to steve

      Mystery is that they still exists and troops from Russian-speaking regions with no problem kill people in neighbour regions, Russian speaking too.

    4. Ukraine kept its best forces and equipment out of the war, worried that once they were committed, Russian airpower would pounce and smash them. Russia, although pretty poor in SEAD and AirSuperiority, has a very capable CAS/Strike capability.
      The "Tanks" the BBC showed in the early stages were normally little more than armoured cars and tracked mortars.

      Now Russia has gotten what it wants and gone home, Ukraine is putting its best in to the field

    5. >Russia, although pretty poor in SEAD and AirSuperiority
      World's second right now(China'll change it very soon, but not yet) in Air superiority question. Considering countries, ofc.
      And, on the other hand, russian CAS/Strike is questionable - they've lots of aircraft(including modern and upgraded) and likely competent enough pilots - but Russia lacks completely western style cheap guided munitions. Either old-style incredibly expensive ones(for country with EU country sized economy, near Italy IIRC) or unguided.

      >Ukraine kept its best forces and equipment out of the war
      Ukraine never kept it's best forces out of the war - airborne/air assault brigades participate in this from the very beginning(they'd no choice - no one could respond in time except them).

    6. Performance in the Georgia War trumps wikipedia

    7. to TrT
      pretty poor in SEAD and AirSuperiority

      Hmm. It looks like Georgians have an another opinion

      "The 44-ton Su-34 can fly at altitudes of around 11 km with a maximum speed of 1,900 km/hr and at lower altitudes it can fly at a max speed of 1,400 km/hr. Its armaments include one 30-mm cannon with 180 shells. The maximum military load reaches 8 tons, the normal load is4 tons. The aircraft can carry guided and unguided bombs and missiles of various types. The versions of the military load are as follows: three 1,500-kg; sixteen 500 kg; thirty-six 250-kg or forty-eight 100 kg bombs. During one military flight, the Su-34 can use 6 relatively modern guided missiles (Kh-31P Anti Radiation Missile (ARM)).

      Taking into consideration that the radius of operation of the Su-34 is 600-1130 km (depending on the military load and flight route) and that the distance from Mozdok to Tbilisi is only 230 km (Moscow used fighter-bombers against Chechnya and Georgia from this military airport). The Kh-31P missiles (a 600 kg missile that has a 90 kg payload and can fly a maximum distance of 110 km) ARM two Su-34 planes can damage almost all operating radars on Georgian territory."

      but Russia lacks completely western style cheap guided munitions.

      Would you be so kind to give source of the information?

      for country with EU country sized economy, near Italy IIRC

      from Wiki
      Russia has a market economy with enormous natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas. It has the 8th largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and the 6th largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).

  5. Some footage from rebels if anyone interesting with

  6. I would take anything that Richard Balmforth writes -- especially this particular BS -- with a huge grain of salt. Recent articles by Balmforth, with & without co-writers, extolling the fascist junta chief chocolate magnate Poroshenko in Kyev:

    --NEWSMAKER: Dynamic Poroshenko grabs his chances on path to Ukrainian presidency
    --Ukraine tycoon pleads for city’s safety after rebels vow to make stand
    --Ukraine’s forces attack rebel positions; Putin growls
    --As West, Russia talk truce, Poroshenko heeds Ukrainians' call to arms
    --Ukrainians back Poroshenko to find way out of crisis

    Move along, nothing to see here. They're getting desperate in Kyev, as US and Europe idly watch the country go down the tubes resulting from the situation they created. And author Balmforth is obviously on the payroll, trying to control the narrative. It won't matter.

  7. Russia is playing the perfect game, without overt military action as US/EU had hoped.

    one analyst (NYTimes) characterized the situation correctly:
    Ukraine is nearly broke. With the West unlikely to pay the staggering costs needed to right Ukraine’s economy, Moscow expects Kiev will have to find a way to restore its longstanding ties with Russia. In particular, it needs to reach an agreement with Moscow on natural gas supplies, now cut off, before temperatures start dropping in November. Russia also could use a deal over water, electricity and other supplies that used to flow to Crimea from Ukraine.

    Of course if the Kyev junta continues its aerial bombing of eastern Ukraine cities, which were (not any more) full of middle class, industrialized ethnic Russians, there won't be much (economic) Ukraine left.

    1. Don, it's curious that sitting here on military theme blog you have no idea what "junta" is and using it's all the time in wrong way. Just a digression.

    2. junta: a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force.
      There was no constitutional transfer of power in Kyev.

    3. So it's not a military and not a political in case of Ukraine, Military was not involved and people of the Majdan were not a single political group.

      You can call them whatever you want, but they are not junta.

    4. I’m agree with Don Bacon – in Ukraine was managed classical riot, well-organized groups captured administrative buildings around all Ukraine – a lot of people were killed, some of them in the best Nazi tradition – burned alive, an opponent of Poroshenko – Tcarev was several times kicked by such extrimists, once he was undressed by them and his trousers was shown to public. Yanukovich was kicked of authority with direct violation of Ukrainian constitution, Constitution court was kicked off be rioters too.
      Suggestion that military or paramilitary were not used – is not correct – on Maydan at least a hundred of people was killed with rifles (according to bullets, taken off from the bodies). There is several fact of destroyed cars and buses of anti-Maydan organization with using of guns and Molotovs.
      That it wasn’t a one political forces on Maydan – is a very controversial suggestion to. After Maydan all thi s organizations suddenly disappear in structure of National guards, which means that this forces were mostly controlled from one center. It was competition between Right sector and Svoboda – but anyway they all act against Yanukovich, and tensions appears after Ynukovich flew away.

  8. today vid from Lugansk
    I've noticed: 5 Т64 MBT, 1 jet system of volley fire "Grad", 2 ZU-23 AA systems (one is mounted on a truck ready to fast fire), 4 BMP-2, 3 MT-LB with 3 AT canons.

    It looks like Ukrainian army in Lugansk's airport will have fun today.

    1. "New" toys from Uncle Vladimir Vladimirovich. Thise AT guns, I'm not sure... 2A19?

    2. Thise AT guns, I'm not sure... 2A19?


      If i'm accurate - 2A19 is in the center of photo below. Its modernization - 2A29 Rapira is in left of the photo

      But what I saw on the vid looks like 52-P-412 design of 1944 year - old like mammoth shit (pay attention to compensation mechanism under the barrels

    3. I think you right, from where they get the ammo for that relic is beyond me.

    4. to Shas

      These cannons still in line in Russia, but just in a single unit - machin-artillery division on Kuril's islands - I guess there are still enough ammo to them.

    5. Yeah probably, I heard one time about massive ammo dumps under Ural mountains with shit tons of different ammo types for almost every type of gun in Soviet/Russian use from 40' to modern days. Maybe there is some truth in that, you never know.

    6. Ural mountains with shit tons

      It is too risky - to put all eggs in one place. So we have system of dumps and storages. In Ukraine there is the same - after soviet times. Huge military dumps in Artymovsk, for example - it is small town in Doneck region. So ammo to the guns can go from the Ukrainian army storeges too. It was info that in period of "counterterrorist op" in Donbass several Ukrainian army generals turned to became dollars millioners. Guess why))))))

    7. Hey Info you are russian, right?, can you keep sending these videos? just don't forget to warn us in case of graphic content

    8. Hey Info you are russian, right?
      Yes, I'm.

      can you keep sending these videos?
      No, problem. More of this - if any one is interesting I can find some information, translate if it will be needed.
      And I hope our host, Solomon, is not against this.
      So, in what vid you are personally interested in?

      just don't forget to warn us in case of graphic content


      it is footage of Lugansk's rebels - who permanent attack Ukrainian forces surrounded in Lugansk airport. I is where an Il 76 transport plane was down with MANPADs. And in the airport reportedly are one or even two Il 76 transports plane. And I'm very nervous they flew away.


      this helmet-cam vid from other party - National guards, according to comments of the author - this unit consist of Nazi - "Right sector"
      Deal is going near Karlovka village Doneck region

    11. That's not a helmet-cam info' that an ordinary cam, you can see how he try to hold one hand the assault rifle and later on what level the cam is. And a "Right Sector" are not Nazis, they are ultranationals but not Nazis. Closer to the nazi ideology are those dudes from Svaboda party but they are also not an nazi.

    12. That's not a helmet-cam info' that an ordinary cam

      Maybe, but it was said so in annotation to the vid. So I sold what I bought.

      Closer to the nazi ideology are those dudes from Svaboda party but they are also not an nazi.

      Beg to differ, dear Shas. There is just one difference between them – different owners. Ukrainian nationalism is based on keepin Russian as subhuman and calling to kill Russians – is fun and right for them. My roots are from Ukraine, I have a lot ties with this soil – so I have strong ground to my statement that all Ukrainian nationalists are Nazi. But It is offtopic here – we can continue this discussion in private manner (in text conversation via Skype, for ex) if you are so interested in .


      near Lugansl airport by now, Ukrainian troops try to unlock and have a deal with rebels. Locals, who shoot the footage at the same time have conversation about beatiful lanscapes. Crazy people)))

    14. Ha! It looks like Ukrainian troops bravely attacked Lugansl to cut off supply lines from Russia. But rebels faces them and it was a good hunt there and real men deal. Interesting. I keep an eye on

      14,5 mm AT rifles PTRS designed in 1941 year. GRAU index 56-В-562. They are usrd by both parties of the conflict

    16. Ukrainian plaine was down
      pay attention to the joy of people who watch the process - these people are from Lugansk respublic.

  9. BDA Always figures it's kills by weight dropped. Take unit density, and CEP of weapons throw in some fuzzy math and get a figure.
    Tanks and other vehicles are easier to count but only up close with eyes on RECON Clinton's attack on Serbian forces most of the time hit decoys.
    Same here could be true.
    Old saying from another long gone war, BDA has Assessment backed by American troops on site or, "500 KIA stepped on by Americans" then again in some combat arena's a spare leg or arm with no body is considered a complete kill due to lack of medical care.
    Take those numbers and throw two thirds out the window, count the remaining third as one quarter kills, the rest wounded. For vehicles every other tank is a complete K kill in detail.


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