Saturday, July 19, 2014

You wanted it? Here it is! Major General Frank McKenzie stating that the USMC can best be used as an expeditionary air force?!

Fast forward to 34:43

Feel the pain doubters.

This is further evidence that Navy Matters Blog...and my own little piece of the internet...are spot on when it comes to an unbalanced Marine Corps.

Reality has to set in. The Air Wing is at war with the Ground side when it comes to the budget.

An air-centric Marine Corps.  I never thought I would see the day, but its here now...and that my friends is blasphemy!


  1. very much true due to that it defies the definition of what marine forces are. marines are always sea land based

  2. 1) Who pinned his stars on that day, Stevie Wonder...?
    2) Who pinned stars on him at all on any day, Stevie Wonder...?
    3) Thank God that in their wisdom, the Marines saw fit to acquire infantry, armor, artillery, and the necessary support to help the Air Wing achieve the Marine Corps primary mission of...wait WTF??

    Lemme guess...somewhere around January of '09, if not far earlier, the USMC started selecting for O-7 and up from the bottom of the pool instead of the top, right?

    Between this guy, McMullen, and Lame-us Amos, I'm beginning to think you'd have to look to the ends of the earth to find a Marine general officer who knows WTF he or the organization is supposed to be about, because anyone with a clue has probably been assigned to distant duty on the back of the world.

    God help us.

    1. SPOT ON! we need people that have ground combat experience at the top and leaders at all ranks that understand the real function of the USMC!

  3. On the contrary Sol, we today, may be witnessing the birth and infancy of the future United States Marine Space Corp. We have to think paradigm. Retain the legacy and fighting spirit of the USMC - even in outer space. Semper Fi !

    1. Space is purely an Air Force function, lots of roger this, and roger that, spectacular crashes, medals and women, no Marines.
      Marines are sea borne, no sea in space.
      No such thing as Space Marines, space vehicles will be Air Force terminology not ship terminology, no USS Enterprise, just EVA vehicles and landers with mission command modules.

    2. The air force pilots will fly the space SHIP to distant planet, transporting the USMC. The latter will set up base camp and rough it out defended the new frontier outpost, expect the commies to get there as well. Now the air force gentlemen and gentlewomen can't do this alone.

  4. There needs to be something of an Inquisition brought to the USMC these days. Amos and the Flyboys need to be purged from the Flag Officer ranks and be brought low before the Altar of Infantry. That such Douhet dilettantes can be found in the organization is a travesty

  5. The Navy already has an Aviation element that can be set ashore as expeditionary.
    This is just the beginnings of the liberal masturbation fantasy come true of the elimination and disbanding of the United States Marine Corps.
    The Air Force can be sublimated into the United States Army who could better utilize it's power to support airmobile operations and support than any Air Force can.
    The Air Wing Marines will need ground troops of high caliber to prevent the same type of goat screw that destroyed an entire wing of Harrier's on the ground in Afghanistan.
    I do not see Army, Air Force or Navy providing these security elements.
    Without the Grunt on the ground the Marine Air Wing has no other purpose except flying the POTUS around to fund raisers and vacation.
    This Air Force weenie needs to STFU and STFD and send over his only actual good idea, his Air Force women.

  6. This is the kind of Marine that wants to hold an umbrella for the POTUS in the rain.

  7. Well, if F-35B doesn't work out, you could replace all the fixed wing strike fighter assets with GAs proposed Pred C/Sea Avenger. Carrier capable, semi-stealth, 3500# internal ordnance, more on pylons. Your rated pilots would be responsible for administrative flight in FAA or ICAO airspace, and you can turn over direct tactical control to the TACP in the terminal area. Once you're ashore and have established a good perimeter, have the Seabees come in and prepare a site for your Bogue field matting and expeditionary cats and arresting gear. You get an expeditionary strike/CAS force, with no more fighter pilots, and thus no chance that a fighter pilot will be Commandant.

    Of note: Annapolis has produced more astronauts that any other college (at least in the US) so I'm not giving up on the star fleet just yet.


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