Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hillbilly 120mm mortar.


  1. Congratulations to the FSA, you are now at roughly the same level that the French and Germans were 100 years ago. Minus the industrial capacity of course.

    1. if i told you that guys i know could whip up something alot better than this in their machine shops would you be surprised? this is bare bones basic. quite honestly i wonder how many of their own guys have been killed by these contraptions!

      sidenote. do you see the black market sewing shops working overtime. the guy is wearing a doggone riggers belt straight out of the 5.11 catalog (counterfeit) and it even looks like he's wearing some knockoff pants too.

    2. I would not be surprised at all. Like i said this is 100 year old technology or even older. Quality fuzes are somewhat tricky to manufacture to achieve both safety and low dud rate, so that has been steady improved over the last century but the weapons themselves are extremely basic.

      The basic hydro-pneumatic recoil system was put into production by the French in 1897. I would certainly expect that someone with access to a high quality CAD program, foundry and C&C shop should be able to produce something better.

  2. I wonder if you can find a schematic of this on the Internet

  3. That's not a mortar, that's mortira. And caliber can be deceiving as the projectiles if larger then barrel.

  4. While we are on the subject of improvised... "Look ma, no hands!"

    WARNING: Not as gory as I thought it would be. Also, let him suffer, or put him out of his misery? What do the Marines/Army do in cases like this?


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