Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About those airstrikes and a new terror group....

Yep (by popular demand) this shit will spiral out of control...

Question.  Where did this new even more dangerous terrorist group come from?  The name escapes me but its the rage of the blogging universe.  Suddenly ISIS is once again the "minor league" and there is an even bigger bad wandering the earth?

I would so love to know what the TRAP plan is for a downed pilot.  But I'll tell you this.  From my chair this whole op looks hasty, poorly planned, without a clear cut objective and is simply a case of "doing something" for public consumption rather than military necessity.

In other words, it looks like pure theater....bullshit from 30,000 feet.


  1. About those airstrikes, if they want some serious result. they should use something if a few more megatons...
    That's my 2 cents.

  2. Solomon,

    I think this theater is part of the October Surprise Bob Beckel was talking about.

    Every poll I see shows the Republicans having an advantage on national security. Bombing is a safe way for Obama to look tough without sending in ground troops.

    Since this whole ISIS bombing campaign started how much have you seen in the news about the border or the economy?

    1. ya know i think you may be right. watched Morning Joe and they're emphasizing two things. the NFL scandal and these attacks. why is that telling? because they're looking to shore up the women's vote and how do you do that? by being seen as their protectors. you send the military after outside groups that are a threat to the nation and you pummel a sports league that is popular with men while talking up domestic violence.

      all in all its pretty weak though. i don't think this will work.

    2. Last night was plain from Fox, CNN and every reporter said the same, without follow up by ground forces this will just be a stage show.
      Once the terrorist forces disburse into the general population the targets will dry up, still exist and be functional but out of sight and reach.
      The IS has had a month of this knowing it was coming, that they had already begun disbursing before the strikes even launched.
      What they did not say was, Most likely a spy, mole or sympathetic liberal, democrat or a national from the four nation coalition leaked the whole damn operation to ISIS 48 hours before the strike.
      A best the BDA has stated "We killed 40 ISIS" or a platoon of infantry which is way over budget for a multi-million dollar combined five nation aviation mission.
      F-16, F-18 B-2 and US Navy fired tomahawks all to kill three infantry squads and a weapons team.

  3. Just pull out and let IS neighbors realise they have to solve this, which they can and have to if the US dont hold their hand.
    The US cant

    1. @ Adrian, just a question. Imagine, that tomorrow morning...

      - I come and empty some trash bins inside your living room,

      or even better...

      - I ll pay some skunk to come and empty some trash bins inside your living room,

      or even better...

      - I ll pay some skunk to come and empty some trash bins inside your living room, under a well executed plan drawn up by me.

      So, the questions is¨Would you ask me to clean the trush caused by me or consider yourself responsible for all this mess and clean up without I "hold your hand"?

    2. I agree, this ain't our nation's job to take sides in what is basically an Arab/Islamic World war one.
      Get out, let them kill each other, deal with who survives, offer Doves and olive branches, give them Nukes if they desire to fight.
      The only folks who trashed the middle east are the people who live there.
      The trash just began to spill out on the civilized world and that's why we are there to start with.
      We do not want their religion, their culture or way of life and death.
      They love death, we love life.
      Ya gets what ya want and then what ya so richly deserve, hence Bombing runs, war and death.
      I don't hold hands that wipe ass without shit paper.

    3. Zebra Dun said:

      "...The only folks who trashed the middle east are the people who live there...."

      "...this ain't our nation's job to take sides in what is basically an Arab/Islamic World war one...."

      @Zebra Dun, well done! Please accept my compliments for the best jokes I've heard this month. Actually, two jokes into a single post.

    4. Zebra needs to go watch Lawrence of Arabia. He doesn't realize the west has been fucking the Arab world over since World War One.

  4. "...I would so love to know what the TRAP plan is for a downed pilot..."

    A masquerade kit containing fake beard, robe, slippers and some lice, should be placed into pilot's survival gear to be used in case of a downed pilot behind enemy lines. By constantly loudly repeating the "Takbir, Alahu Akbar" phrase, he might be lucky to be un-noticed. In case of arrest, rape & decapitation live on internet, "improvise, adapt and overcome".

    PS. Keeping the last 9mm pistol round for self head shot, doesn't sound like a bad idea. Death before dishonor live on internet.

    1. I would keep a grenade handy as well. Probably easier to pull the pin on a grenade if you're wounded. Bonus points if you wipe out your would be beheaders. :P

    2. Look up Bud Day's shoot down and subsequent ejection and capture.
      That's the normal.
      Fighting ISIS is gang rape and beheaded added to it.

  5. TRAP, Bomb the area of the aircraft and pilot.
    Mortar team sent in from MEU-SOC.
    Hope for the best, expect the worst.
    Good Luck.

    1. TRAP objective is to extract the pilot or at least to provide him chances to stay alive. Releasing bombs on him would not be such a good idea. Isn't that right?

    2. Well, beheaded on video where his family get to watch is worse don't you think?
      Ever hear of the tactics of when your unit gets over run by hostiles?
      Get in your holes and call fire down on your own pos danger close.
      Creating an exclusion zone of interdicting bombing runs can keep Enemy units away long enough for Jolly Green to swoop in and make a grab.
      SoP is to bomb the downed aircraft anyway.
      The pilot after a high speed intercept by gun or missile and ejection forces is not in the best of shape once on the ground, unable to escape due to injury and wounds.
      His only hope is TRAP, the enemy know TRAP is coming and lay a trap of their own, how many men and aircraft do you commit to an lost pilot?
      As many as it takes? That's what I'd say but after a while you are involved in a large operation with becomes mission creep hell. With large casualties in what is basically an unplanned encounter battle.

    3. @ Zebra Dun, your point about TRAP tactics sounds right, but as long as I am not professional on this area I can only make silly assumptions, watching the news from the safety of my sofa.

      On the other hand, if a downed pilot found (dead or alive) by ISIS, his body would probably be beaten, buned, chopped and his finaly trophy head will be nailed on a stick, just like it happened with Syrian POWs in Al Rakka and like it happened with Blackwater operators in Iraq some years before. Keeping the last 9mm pistol round for self head shot & instant painless death, is not the ideal option (by military tactics perspective) but it might be much better from a torturing death by slowly cutting neck with a dull knife.

  6. Weaponsman has brilliantly described this as the "Potemkin Offensive".

    100% correct.


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