Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chris Matthews on Ebola coming to America...

No, and in the second part of his sentence he said in the unlikely case someone brings it here. In the unlikely case someone brings it here. Well, they've done it. We're living in the world of the unlikely already. That's all I'm saying. I'm not fear mongering. I'm stating the facts and I wonder if everybody else is.
Chris Matthews on Hardball News Show (Left wing political analysis)


  1. like a blind hog, Matthews is dangerously close to stumbling onto the acorn of truth, and the other two talking heads keep trying to shout him down every time he strays too close to it.

    First they tell Matthews "this isn't the flu or the common cold", then when he asks how the guy caught Ebola from someone he didn't know was contagious, they use the example of "catching a cold or flu at the office".(!)
    Genius doublespeak right there.
    If their lips are moving, they're lying.

    You can tell the official explanations are bullshit and platitudes, because they don't explain the observed reality.
    When your map is different from the terrain, it isn't the terrain that's mistaken.

    1. what kills me is that people aren't asking even basic questions. they're just following instructions....they're not doing any critical thinking. they just want everything to be ok, even though there eyes are screaming red alert to them, danger will robinson.

      i often read crime victims recollection of events and a common thread is that a little voice told them that something just wasn't right but that they ignored it and went anyway...and then trouble hit.

      i wonder why people ignore there instincts and just go with the herd?


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