Tuesday, September 02, 2014

GruntWorks gives your "ISIS Battalion Briefing"!

via GruntWorks...
Everyone! Around me! NOW!
Listen very fucking closely:

The usual shitbaggery stops TODAY. Platoon Sergeants, Squad Leaders, start getting your people squared away: dime-washer drills, night land-nav, body-armor runs, full-tactical road marches, call for fire classes, middle-eastern culture classes, etc.
Everyone gearing for Pre-Ranger go now. Everyone else get out to the ranges and start putting in work.
It's time to start cutting all loose ends and cleaning up personal shit. This ISIS shit has the potential to get even uglier and that means real shit, real fast. Don't wait for orders, start anticipating and get to work training like these guys are training to kill you and everyone you know, love and care about.
If you're PT deficient, unfuck yourself. If you have girl problems, dial 1-800-dumpahoe and get your mind straight. Train and start acting like your teammate's life depends on you.
Veterans, remember your Oath never expired. Take appropriate measures.
Drink moderately.
Stay away from Ho-Shacks from now on.
Clean up your finances.
No drugs.
TA-50....get it together. ALL OF IT.
Get current on your jumps.
Square your families away and teach your wives and older kids how to protect hearth and person with firearms and with extreme predjudice. Don't fuck around.
Platoon Sergeants, take charge.
Well I thought it was a mixture of true and funny at the same time.  But this is real in one sense.  This ISIS shit if going to get serious whether we like it or not. 


  1. Best be prepared! For sure! But I don't think anything will come of this, outside of some drone strikes and major bitchin' to the UN.
    What purpose would it serve?
    liveleak has a video up saying they won't show the video and the comments sections are going wild over whether it's fake or not.
    The guy obviously died, how doesn't matter faked video or not, yet it's all arguments of fake or not. No one even thinks about why it should even have to be faked out side of a false flag so somebody, anybody can attack Iraq or Syria or Ukraine.
    Why would the US fake a beheading to have an excuse to bomb/invade Iraq?
    Why not just do a real beheading or just floggin' bomb the place.
    I swear the world is full of pea picking anal warts filled with conspiracy theory in spite of common sense.
    "It's fake, is not, is, is not, is.........the man died as a fact unless he will be given another ID and become a new person he is dead" Jesus wept!

    1. About this... Aparentely they killed the another American reporter


    2. well i hate to say it but that guy was dead two weeks ago. they just hadn't done the deed. even if we weren't bombing them they would have found another excuse. they don't put you on video and then don't kill you. and worst of all i think this guy knew he was already dead.

  2. A little.offtopic in connection to the ukrai e events, have you read this.


  3. Love the briefing.

    Now I just want Gunny Ermey or Dale Dye to do it straight to YouTube video, and watch it go viral.


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