Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Health Question.

Has anyone tried Intermittent Fasting?

If so, how did you feel during your day?  Has anyone taken it to the next level and only consume one meal a day?  From the little research that I've done it appears that early man and even Soldiers that fought the American Indian wars would ride all day and only eat dinner.

Supposedly this is part of the Warrior diet that is popular.  So let me know if  you've tried it.


  1. I did the warrior diet...It sucked, i saw no value in it what so ever, and i did it for 3 months.

    I do a semi strict paleo, mixing in what i feel like but sticking to home cooked foods as much as possible, using fresh food when ever possible. Mix that in with Military Athele, Olympic/Power/Strongman/Crossfit and you have a great combo.


    1. thats what i needed to hear. the info on the net is hit and miss. some talk about it like its the second coming but alot are echoing what you're saying.

    2. Also, the American Indian war, Soliders drank brandy and wiskey, and ate hard tack all day.

    3. I saw where after the Greasy Grass battlefield fire they collected unfound soldiers bones and did a forensic take to see how, why they died, it was predictable, bullets, hacked and arrow/lance BUT the amazing thing was how bad a shape the average 7th Cav soldier was in! He was literally a riding fighting invalid!
      Bad to no teeth, arthritis, bursitis, misaligned spines, bad feet and a serious lack of the necessary vitamins, minerals and food groups to keep going. Many ate the horses rations of oats to make up!
      The findings were, the Crazy horse/Sitting Bull coalition led Cav was in prime shape, perfectly healthy while Custer's men should have been retired and in the hospital.
      Whiskey and Hard tack stopped the diarrhea with constipation and alcohol numbed the pain as well as supplied protein from corn mash, the water was bad to drink unless boiled, but whiskey and hard tack did little for the diet.
      Civil War saw Confederate troops subsisting on Goober Peas, (raw peanuts) as not just a marching diet and meal but as a full time combat ration, cooked, baked, boiled and raw it played hell on the forces of the south.
      Johnny Yank at least had Hard tack to bitch at.
      Warrior diet? Lets study what the Vikings ate, the Celts and Picts, the Masai, the Zulu and the Hun of Genghis Khan.

    4. great point about studying warrior cultures and how they sustained themselves on the battlefield. and back to what John was saying yeah, i can see drinking whisky or brandy and eating hard tack could keep you upright in the saddle all day and dull the pain at night.

  2. When I am busy, I have just soy milk for breakfast and no lunch. By 5 PM, I can't think as there is no sugar left in my blood and glucose is needed for brain to function.

  3. My sister does 5:2
    Five days of "normal" eating and two (none consecutive) days of "fasting" (600 calories) per week.
    Seems to work for her, running and martial arts.

    I just couldnt fast two days per week.

    "From the little research that I've done it appears that early man and even Soldiers that fought the American Indian wars would ride all day and only eat dinner."

    Very unlikely
    They might only cook one formal meal per day, but thats very different from only eating once per day.
    Beef contains 250cals per 100g
    Bread 289c
    Hardtack 400c
    Hard Cheese 402c
    Peanut butter 588c
    Butter 717c

    Get 3000cals in one meal out of that...
    I like my cheese, but even I worry about eating 750g of it in one sitting! Or 1.5kg of bread or beef!

    A far more likely situation for any mobile population, be that a nomadic tribe, or an army on the march, is to make camp in the evening. Cook a hot meal, be that pottage, stew, soup, or BBQ. Bread may be baked communally (mobile oven/bakery), or flat bread locally (skillet on open fire), meat may be dried/smoked.
    In the morning, depending on weather and specifics, there might be a fire and a hot breakfast, porridge, or drink, more likely bread, butter, oil, cheese, dried meat.
    People will eat whatever else they have on the march during the day.
    Depending on the group in question, people may break off from the column to forage/hunt for a tribe, or be issued with fruit and such to eat during the day.


    Me personally
    I dont eat breakfast if I'm working, unless you count black coffee, I'm good till 1:30, I'll have a sandwich, bag of crisps and a diet coke, 800cals give or take, and carbier than it should be. Evening meal usually pasta, maybe bacon or chorizo, onions, garlic.
    And protein drink if I've been to the gym or done weights at home.

    1. As God is my witness, I learned to drink gallons of coffee in the Marines, four years of oceans of coffee, I am firmly addicted and if I don't get my morning java jolt.....well, I am thoroughly pissed.

    2. What the troops should have been issued and fed and what they actually ate are two different bowls of stew.
      SoP, and standard issue vs well, we are short this and that because supply and the mess hall screwed the pooch.
      I recall an op while training in Crete where to hide from the aggressor forces we had to forgo Vertrep or ground vehicle resupply.
      What we got was dropped in caches set up as supply points, spare and maybe one meal of C's a day, hell the water situation was sucky till we found that road side spring and cistern.
      Thank God we were only facing the BLT of fellow Marines and our jobs was only to hide.

    3. @TRT,
      you're calorie counting. i'm talking about eating till you're satiated. eating until you're full instead of eating till the plate is clean.

    4. An active adult male needs a lot of calories.
      I would like to see proof that someone can eat a days calories in one sitting, primarily of beef.
      Show me that and I'll live on roast beef :)

      I do very well on two meals a day, but theres no way I could eat just one meal per day

    5. i'm still gathering information but i'm becoming more and more enamored of a pure and i mean pure ketogenic diet. there is a doctor that did a TED TALK on it and i found it fascinating. the guy is an endurance runner, swimmer and bike rider and he says that he doesn't carbo load at all. additionally he says that he has fasted and done a 6hour bike ride with no ill affects, checked his blood and was impressed with the results. additionally he says that the brain operates off fats and not glucose. for those that worry about diabetes running in the family he also gives advice that is stunning in its simplicity but startling in its supposed results.

      like i said i'm still gathering information but what i've read so far is rather impressive.

  4. Sol, I wouldn't call this warrior fasting or fighter's diet but I have had several colonoscopies by now, age does that lad's!
    They were clear no problems.
    For those not up on the skinny of one of these most lovely experiences it involves a fast for 24 hours, a purge with a mild med to make ya go and a purge with a hard working med to make you go till you are empty.
    The the camera excursion, thankfully while you are unconscious.
    I found the fasting part the one that is most refreshing, the purge and fast cleans the system out and you feel great, starving like a bear out of hibernation sure, but the effects of the fast are very pleasant and beneficial as it cleans all the old left behind waste stuck food and toxins of digestion.
    It feels good. Does the body good.
    BUT, I'd say that is only temporary as the body does longer and longer without food it's processes begin to fail, long enough and thoughts become one of food only.
    In what way you say? Well when the subject of eating pussy comes up all you can think about is old Ms Smith's fat calico cat on a griddle.
    After the process though nothing taste so good as that first meal.
    My diet as ordained by my Doc is "small portions", first off, NO FLOGGIN' BREAD OF ANY KIND, no salt, no sugar, no alcohol and no pork. Fish, steak, salads, lawds at the green salads and a thing called green juicing. I can eat what I wish beyond those restrictions but they must not at meal time be so much they spill out of my one hand's palm.
    I guess this is the OLD SOLDIER'S" diet, the retired warrior diet maybe.
    I ride a road bike every day two hours, and weather permitting I ride a horse two hours which usually takes about two more hours prep and then debrief ie; clean equip, brush horse feet, etc. say activity six hours.
    So by supper I'm fuckin' starving!
    and all I get is a palm size serving of these three items of steak, salad and some deep green peas and such.
    Along with all the water I can drink.
    Come to think of it, this is better than Michelle O's school diet!

  5. Quality protein and good fats. I often find I can get away with 1.5 meals a day. However when ever I have larger energy expenditures like going for a long run, I find I have to load a bit more good complex carbs. I find alternating with some days of the week having higher carbohydrate consumption mixed in works the best.
    I would say the ratio would be 2 (protein + good fat) days for every day with additional complex carbs.

  6. Thought you'd be interested in this Sol. Sweden becomes first western nation to reject low fat diet in favor of low carb high fat. I know the Swedes, but they are descended from Vikings.



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