Monday, September 08, 2014

Ray Rice video proves that guys need to be careful!



Now consider this.  The female approached Ray Rice twice in a threatening manner.  Whether we should say that he is a football player and should easily be able to take a punch is not the issue.  Neither is the fact that knocking a woman unconscious is bad.  It clearly is.

But WHAT IS AT ISSUE is the fact that this woman moved to assault Rice.

If we were talking about another guy then this wouldn't even be close.  We would say that he should defend himself.

So my question is this.  Why have women suddenly gotten to the point where they think that they can stand toe to toe with men, punch them and face no consequences?

Its because our society is twisted, warped and messed up.  Women have become "unlady like" but still want the protections of being women, yet don't acknowledge physiological differences.

This has ramifications for our military and positions where we will put women into.

But it has greater ramifications for men in society.  Guys.  You need to be careful.  Whenever you deal with a "mad" woman you just need to get the fuck out of dodge.  The law, society, never going to hear your side of the story.


  1. Don't forget the Supreme Court upheld that you loose your gun rights over assault by contact with a family member. By feds thats anyone you have lived under the same roof with or dated. its scary crap.That law needs to be changed.

    1. well aware and i don't know if they understand that they're actually entering into the terrain of altering dating/romance between men and women.

      its to the point where i would advise any guy that has a female that he has even had an argument with to dump her and move on. what i don't know and we'll never know is how many women have just acted out of spite to ruin a guy.

      this thing has turned nasty and our law makers have made it worse. simply charging the guy with assault isn't good enough. now it has special circumstances. its as crazy as charging someone with Murder AND a hate crime! a person was killed for christ' sake! why do you even need to add in a hate crime charge!

      our society is going insane!

    2. That's a big 10/4 Sol, if you fight constantly move on, it will not get better as time goes by.
      The Hot/crazy/transgender graph comes to mind.
      I say this from the wisdom of being in my sixties and being married 40 years.
      If it's bad dealing with a woman while, dating marriage will not make it better, if it's gets bad after marriage it will not improve with age.
      Clue, the stages are in order Dating, sex, love, marriage, HONEYMOON, disrespect, power struggle fighting, sex HONEYMOON, disrespect, fighting, sex HONEYMOON, etc, etc.
      The fight fades due to mutual attraction, then the make up sex, then the glow of the honeymoon followed by the events that lead up to the fight again, and again.
      It never ends, the honeymoon glow always brings the couple back and when it fades there will always be the resentment from before.
      If the woman is crazy, no matter how good in bed, no matter how hot, no matter how much you may love her, if it's bad, get the fuck out ASAP.
      There are more women out there, they all are loose sexually and put out like rabbits and you do not have to marry them for pleasure, it ain't worth it.
      Look for that jewel, when ya find her, then marry her and make a life together, if not believe me, after 40 years of marriage, I was less alone before I was married.
      Never ever marry a woman who has more than one younger sister, they gang up on their sister's spouses!

    3. Every Woman's middle name is SPITE.

  2. When I was young... and that was some time ago... I remember that if you hit the girl in school, no mater in what way, even push her with bigger force, you were branded as "woman boxer". You were fuck, loose absolutely any respect and if you try to play hard rest of dudes came to you and ask if you want to fight with a man. That's was an unwritten rule, you just don't hit girls. Well... girls in other hand, indeed did not hit boys in that time.

    Then some years later I speak with mu buddy younger sister, time span... it's was 3 years difference I think. And she tell me how boys hit girls without any problem, shit hitting girl in my time with open hand was an almost ultimate sin but now they do this with fist. And that's ok! That was absolutely unthinkable for me, hit the girl... with fist, and that's fucking ok for everybody?! Just mere couple of years ago it was a fraking no go an now?

    In that time I start to think that there is something wrong with society, the way it's start to change.

    Again some years forward, I read of girls gang that attack and rob other people in some neighborhood. A band of... girls, the older was 16! All from "good houses", and they were brutal... really brutal. More of more info of very violent girls start to show up. One stab other girl, different put an fire building. You meet in street girls, still girls that curses better then many hard core dudes, are more aggressive and don't have moral brakes like most of dudes. Shit I saw like two girls fight each other, fists, kicks... the fury in eyes, curses. I was literary terrified what I saw.

    When I was thinking that I saw everything, I meet in my foreign trips... the black woman.

    I don't know if every are like that, but the level of anger, fury they can throw from inside in to you is staggering. They explode by most trivial reasons, Christ one time I was mixed with mud just for saying "excuse me" when I try to evade one with bunch of children that block whole pavement.

    Woman became extremely aggressive, they start to act like Alpha males on war road. They can do the most brutal thing, insult you and attack you... but as many times I saw if you react, you will be guilty in eyes of others. "How he can scream on that poor girl... " The society had not adapt, they still want to see woman as weak gender, they did not see that roles start to change.

    Male start to be a pussy and Female a dick. some person passes you on the street and for a while you think...that was men or woman?

    1. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned, or pissed off.
      Shas: Race has no bearing, a black woman or a white woman, around here Spanish women are the big fear, man those little ladies can become nuclear weapons fast!
      And then there are soulless Redheads!
      The main deal is, women are treated differently than before, able to do their deeds of spite and violence expecting the man to stand there and take it or lose his ass and his freedom.
      With all women regardless of race, creed, color or national origin, and hotness I am polite, courteous, friendly and respectful BUT with every woman I meet I have a plan, TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE AND AWAY FROM THEM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE if the shit goes down and they get angry.
      I say, Excuse me, I just remembered My child needs a new pair of shoes and make my bird to better climates.

  3. Fuck Ray Rice. There was no need for a closed fist strike. So she moved toward him, so what? She ain't Rhonda Rousey.

    She was probably trying to get up into this face and he, a professional athlete in this prime, knocked her out with his fist. Appropriate level of force? hell no, he knocked her the fuck out.

    If some bitch comes at you, leave. Whether it is fair or no, if she has bruises or scrathes, you are the one going to jail.

    1. you didn't do one of the things that i asked you to . i asked that you stop, think and analyze the video. its obvious that she was also hitting him.

      its also obvious that you're spouting the "conventional wisdom" of this incident. but think more broadly. how are you going to have a female be protected like this in domestic violence situations and then have them engage males in law enforcement or military duties?

      YOU CAN'T! either its assault or its not, but we apply special circumstances because two people are in a relationship?

      fuck you Paralus because you can put this together but choose to adopt the "popular position" instead of thinking about the societal ramifications of this whole affair.

    2. Paralus:
      1. women slap.
      2. Men punch.
      Treated equal a slap is not what you will get when you jump an angry man.
      Push a man too far and you will be treated like a man.
      It is not in a Man's nature to walk away and retreat, they will but "in an elevator, back against the wall", and most likely under spirits, a woman will get cold cocked.
      Not saying it's right, not saying it's fair.
      Ray simply was unable to just walk away, he was trapped and flight or fight response becomes fight.

    3. We don't know if she was attacking him. What attacker clutches her purse and keeps her other hand off to the side. This is open to interpretation, but in my mind seems she is going to either slap him or point at him. We don't know, because he knocks her the fuck out.

      Did he grab her hands? Did he slap her again? Did he push her away ? Did he throw up his hands in an on guard defensive posture? Did he wrap her arms up to prevent her from striking him?

      No, he escalated the level of force and knocked her out.

      We can talk about about how in the eyes of the law a slap and a punch are the same, but on a moral level, they aren't.

  4. Not being a fan of either man on woman or woman on man abuse I feel I must say a word or two, maybe three.
    1. Women want to be treated equal, equal to a man? well equal to a man means many things, if a man got up in another man's face like this gal did he would run a very good chance of getting cold cocked, like she did, she was treated equal like a man.
    2. Women seem to believe they can scream like a crazy wild night hog and act like a complete bitch in private, in public with their man and even assault and batter him while he must stand and take it.
    This is not only un fair but is asking to be cold cocked.
    3. The man always loses. Women can generally run wild and literally destroy their man by word of mouth, by financial dereliction, by credit destruction, even sit in their driveway, screaming bloody murder for no cause and red line the only auto the couple have until she blows the motor up without any repercussions.
    The man must always stand close mouth, and take it even to his detriment.
    Usually unless he is connected, has a good lawyer or the woman does some misconduct with or around a child his only option is to walk out of the relationship, with nothing but the clothes on his back. losing everything.
    As in one of my neighbor's case, after a long all day fight the sheriff after his third visit told the man to leave their home, then the sheriff left, the man gathered up his few belongings and got on his ATV and drove down the gravel road away from the fighting woman who jumped in her car and chased him down and ran him over killing him.
    With a woman, sometimes you cannot even walk away hobo style without her chasing after.
    Now, these women want to be Infantry soldiers, and be treated as equals, yet they want special priviliges a man will not get. There is no place in an Infantry unit for a soldier who gets mad and screams bloody murder at the top of her lungs to get her way, nor to attack physically the men around her who will be required to stand and take it.
    Women, if you want to be treated equally by men, you will be treated and expected to act like a man, if not you will be treated like a girl or worse.
    If you walk into some men, their backs against the wall, trapped in an elevator you stand a very good chance of getting "COLD COCKED" as this woman did.
    I'm not condoning it, or saying it's right or wishing harm on this lady.
    BUT, Mother nature built men that way.
    Firing him was anal, making him seek anger management to keep his job would be more fair and make him equal to a woman.
    They would then be equal.

    1. you said it much better than i ever could have (even though i tried). what actually kills me about this whole thing is that they're acting as if this female played no role in the confrontation when its obvious that she did. what pisses me off even more is that people that aren't even fans of football are dictating how punishment should be given.

      if i was advising these guys i would tell them to not even think about dating or marriage till after their career was over. they should just hire hookers. its safer, if you're dealing with the high class service providers (saying that seriously) then you can expect a bit of confidentiality without any of the legal issues.

      but pro players aren't the issue. the issue is the societal expectations of society when it comes to male, female relations.


  5. Okay...I looked at the video more closely. As she walks by, Rice either gets in her face or spits at her. I'm guessing he says something to her since spitting would probably have resulted in a different reaction. It looks like she slaps him. In the elevator it looks like she says something to him and then he gets physically close, possibly spitting on her again. As she is about to react, he hits her, she moves towards him because she's pissed that he hit her and then Rice knocks her out. Obviously they were both pissed at each other but I'm not sure you can really defend Rice's actions here.

    1. That could not be ascertained by viewing the video I saw, or my old eyes ain't that good.
      Invading a person's personal fight or flight space is dangerous in an angry confrontation.
      This woman was dealing with a very large angry male, she should have simply stood and took the words, spit and when the elevator door opened, walked or ran away.
      Neither is worth defending, neither is worth supporting their actions, both are guilty of the events that they let get out of control.
      Never get into a fight in a closed elevator where there is no room to walk away.
      "Sticks and stones and closed fist will hurt me, but harsh words, dirty looks and spit will never do any harm"
      Both should have STFU and stood down.

  6. Ain't Skeert But Bubba, I would not have escalated anything with Ray Rice in that elevator.
    Ain't skeert, but, ain't stupid either.

  7. A spite filled woman will cut her nose off to spite her face.
    This woman in a spite filled rage, lost her man's good paying job and is now going to be as poor as he will be until she divorces him and looks for a new mark.
    She literally cut her nose of, and his too just to spite her face.



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