Monday, October 20, 2014

A spider as big as a puppy? Aw FUCK NO! Shit just got real!

via the BBC.
A new species of venomous tarantula has been discovered - and as spiders go it's pretty big!
The tarantula, named Poecilotheria rajaei, has legs that span 20cm.
It was tracked down in northern Sri Lanka, and it's thought to be one of several new species of tarantula discovered there.

The tarantula family of spider includes one of the world's largest, the Goliath bird-eater.
Habitat under threat
Peter Kirk, Chairman of the British Tarantula Society, told Newsround there are worries about the spiders' habitat.
You may have seen Peter on CBBC's Pet School where he was one of the Extreme Animal Experts.
"The tarantulas of Sri Lanka have been studied in some detail in the past by myself and other arachnologists (spider experts!)" Peter said.
"But we have never been able to visit the north or east of the island because of the civil war that was going on there."
"Now Ranil Nanayakkara - a researcher from Sri Lanka - has done just that. Unfortunately, Ranil has noted that much of this tarantula's natural habitat has been destroyed."
It means the spiders have had to move closer to human homes and villages, he added.
Aw fuck no!

I can deal with snakes.  Once you kill and gut them they taste pretty good.  I can deal with wild dogs.  Alligators.  Hell, Marine Corps lore even talks about Marines having to kill Bengal Tigers that were about to pounce on a Recon Team in the jungles of Vietnam.

But a fucking spider thats as big as a puppy?  Its freaking legs alone are 7 inches?  That shit is from outer space!  I humbly advise the villagers to take up arms and shoot them on sight.

As far as I'm concerned there is only one solution.


  1. Well, Im thinking about becoming a arachnologist. So, to me, that's awesome.

  2. Probably tastes like chicken... or at least crab!

    1. where's the meat on it? the legs are long but thin...maybe in the body but do you clean it? i don't know if the hunt would be worth it. besides villagers eat all kinds of shit that woould make me puke my guts. grubs? hell no! but they love to cook them over a camp fire. but hey, i'd give it a taste before i said no...same with the spider. but if they taste like chicken then you can put them on the endangered species list now!

    2. The new worst country on fucking earth.


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