Wednesday, October 22, 2014

And this is why Tannerite will soon be illegal...

I just don't understand some portions of the gun community.  The open carry clowns just don't seem to be able to understand that they're hurting more than they're helping...AND they're scaring the mushy middle of the public when it comes to supporting gun rights.

Then we have the Tannerite freaks.  They keep posting videos like you see above that show exactly how powerful this "novelty" device is.

Even worse?  They take pride in doing things with the stuff that just give potential terrorist ideas.  Blowing up an old barn?  Wow, the terrorist says...I could do that to an inhabited building!  Blowing up an old Ford Bronco?  Seems like the perfect compact IED!



  1. What scares me personally is the fact that Islamic Terrorists have internet too, and they apparently even know what YouTube is. The fact that there is an explosive compound that is so easy to get, safe to handle and still makes big booms most likely didn't go unnoticed by ISIS fans around the globe. I bet there are at least a few cells planning their terror acts with the use of Tannerite right about now.

    1. exactly right. which is what pisses me off even more. i know and you know the possibilities with this stuff. other gun guys have put US in the position of sitting on our hands and not supporting the gun grabbers when they come to ban this shit because these bastards keep putting stupid videos up on youtube!

      why gun websites aren't calling the open carry morons or the tannerite freaks on this shit is beyond me but the community needs to get its act together. all this "come and take it" nonsense is just least as long as they keep giving the gun grabbers reasons to nibble away at our rights...all while aided and abetted by idiots that like guns too.

  2. I'm curious who owns that land they blew it up on. If it's public I'm sure they picked up every thing...

  3. There was a fellow who was doing this in the town nearby he turns up missing one day and then is found killed by his own explosion.
    This is a good way to get your ass blown off.

  4. Anyone can buy any amount of this explosive?

    1. I believe you have to be of a certain age, but yes anyone can buy it. There are items far more explosive than this at your local hardware store and anyone of any age can buy those. In fact most people already have the necessary items in their house to build far more powerful explosions. They just don't know it. Maybe it's a good thing that public education in the US is horrible.

  5. Sol, I couldn't agree with you more on the silliness of open carry. In Canada we actually have a very high percentage of gun ownership, but culturally no one here believes in parading around with your guns (like a fool) or advertising what you have. Silent vigilance and preparedness, that is how it should be.

  6. This isn't the "gun community", it's the s***head community.
    Somewhere, there are a pair of tombstones with these two bubbas' names on them, and a write up for the Darwin Award website.

    As my daddy used to say, "You can kill all the horses in the world, but there'll still be plenty of horses' @$$#$."


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