Thursday, October 23, 2014

Ebola is attacking America in the same way it attacked Africa!

No one is publicly saying it yet, but Ebola is going after America in the same way it went after Africa.

Note.  Ebola was late to be declared an emergency in Africa.  Public officials continue to say that Ebola is not a problem in America.

Note.  Ebola first hit in the small villages before spreading to the big cities where it became an epidemic.  In America it struck first in Dallas...a Southern city but is now in New York where people are basically stacked on top of each other.

Note.  Ebola killed medical professionals first..then ravaged the rest of society.  "Nuff said.  Its doing the same in America.  Not killing yet but its knocking our medical pros for a loop.

Ebola is attacking America in the same way it attacked Africa.  We can keep it at bay for much longer.  We can even kill it.  But before that happens we need to take it seriously.


  1. As i commented on the another post. Just quarantine everyone that recenlty was in Africa and this is it.

  2. It would be nice to have such arrogant asses quarantine themselves in spite of their self-assured belief they weren't exposed.

    Now he's caused another case of this bullshit. Notice, all the Americans who are getting infected by it are so-called Health care professionals. What we need to do is put a fucking quarantine on the Doctors and Nurses who serve overseas or treat patients in the US

    1. i don't know for sure but i think they're from the same part of the political spectrum. the "we are the world" and "we are global citizens" that don't believe in borders, worship science even when its shown to be flawed or other words the same arrogant asses that haven't seen the real world, are sheltered to how savage the real world can be and don't understand how blessed they are to be living in the US.

      the arrogance is astounding...not surprising but none the less still breathtaking.

  3. Ebola will NEVER spread here like it does in Africa for several reasons:
    1. We have a robust Healthcare System. (Don't laugh)
    2. We do not have an ingrown fear of healthcare workers
    3. We don't hug the dead
    4. We don't sleep with our dead
    5. We don't bathe the dead and then bathe ourselves in the same water
    6. We don't have a fear of cremation

    1. we have a total of 7 beds that are open to treat ebola patients. we just sent 4000 troops to africa. we have poor immigration control. we have illegal entry from the affected nations. it is spreading in africa. we always talk about liberia, the british press talks about sierra leone but no one talks about guinea. mali just reported a case. many cases are unreported.

      long story short? its already out of control in africa, we have not put in place controls to keep it from spreading here, my prediction is that when we have 5 cases at the same time local officials will be overhwhelmed. its going to happen but feel free to continue to think otherwise.

    2. We have facilities that are already in place to handle cases that are more contagious than Ebola. While they are not setup as "Ebola Beds" now, not much would be needed to make them so.

      I agree with some of your concerns, specifically the illegal aliens and very lax protocols dealing with returning Healthcare Workers.

    3. on the surface i think you have a point...but your scenario only works if we were taking ebola as a public health threat and not more concerned about political correctness which the current administration is.

      if they took ebola seriously i wouldn't be worried. they aren't. the govt agencies are more concerned about calming public concern rather than dealing with the issue honestly. but even know you're hearing more and more health care pros speaking alot more about what they DON'T know about ebola and if you heard just one of them you'd be alarmed.

    4. I've always said PC will ruin this country, I just didn't think it would be literal :(

    5. 7. We are over confident in our ability to handle this disease.

    6. Overconfidence would last a VERY short time. Again, to spread like it does in Africa would require us to basically lick the dead/dying.

    7. that is a logical fallacy! think about it. we had the first guy that worked for Doctors without Borders and he still doesn't know how he contracted the disease. same applies to the nurses. same applies to the latest muppet in NY.

      they definitely weren't licking bodies. they were all wearing PPE. they all got the disease. you're buying what they're selling. i understand why they're doing it but it doesn't make it any less dishonest. they're lying and the transmission vectors on this shit is different from the past. thats why it hasn't burned itself out yet.

      accept the obvious. believe your lying eyes. trust your spidey sense. or you can do like you are and fall prey to your normalcy bias when everything inside you is yelling red alert.

    8. That's not what I meant... (Damn the lack of sarcasm tags)

      I meant that in order to overcome the system we have already (money, healthcare, news, etc) that we would have to go overboard in order for it to spread in the US at the same rate it is spreading in Africa.

      We have only two cases of it spreading in the US and that comes down to poor training at a Dallas hospital. Even the family that was locked up in his home (with the dirty sheets still there) has cleared teh 21 day window without another case showing up.

      You can tell by the outrage (rightfully so) from the nurse and doctor not doing the "self-quarantine" correctly that it may not be "self" for long.

    9. We're already getting smarter:


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