Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Ebola patient had contact with kids who go to 4 different schools.

According to a statement from the Dallas Independent School district, Duncan came into contact with five children from four different schools. The schools affected are Emmett J. Conrad High School, Sam Tasby Middle School, L.L. Hotchkiss Elementary School and Dan D. Rogers Elementary. Those students are not exhibiting any symptoms but have been told to stay home from school as a precaution.
Dr. Christopher Perkins, from the Dallas Department of Health and Human Services, told the media that there were five people staying at the same home as Duncan. In total, Duncan is believed to have been in contact with 12-18 other people during his stay in the U.S.
This thing has potentially exploded.

IF any of those kids were carrying the virus.

IF those kids engaged in common kid behavior.

IF those kids then took this shit home......Then we have outbreak in Dallas.  The only thing I know is that we're definitely not being told the whole truth on this issue. 


  1. If I was a parent and my kid went to those schools, I'd keep them home for 12 days and wait to see if it was safe.

  2. Ebola incubation period can last as long as 21 days. Better be safe than sorry.

    1. "Incubation period" does NOT mean contagious. It simply means time from exposure to symptoms. The latency period is what matters, that's the time from exposure to to your body being able to spread it. In the case of Ebola the latency period is the same as the incubation period, meaning you can't spread the Eloba unless you're literally bleeding out your ass and about to die. These kids are being watched because people like you are exactly why it spread in West Africa: fear, panic, and ignorance. It's to make people feel better, no different than the National Guard being sent "protect" airports after 9/11. The medical community will always go overboard on pre cautions because otherwise they get sued. Doctors order test for things they are 99% sure you don't have, just to cover their ass.

      Sol please explain how Dallas is a time bomb medically. You can't without resorting to 1% scenarios or mutation.

    2. easy. you're mixing terms and twisting facts. ebola is "spreadable" as soon as symptoms arrive. that means when you get a fever, cough etc...that's why they take the temperature of people getting on flights from the infected countries (sadly the US can now be included on that list). additionally that makes patient zero being turned away from the hospital the first time rather deadly. no one is admitting it publicly but when he was sent home he was spreading the disease. so yeah. Dallas is a medical time bomb. additionally our medical system can't handle testing every patient that comes into the hospital that exhibits flu symptoms...especially with winter rapidly approaching.

      last but not least, Dallas has a small African immigrant population. who really should be paying attention? New York, Miami, and other large east coast cities.

      do as you like. this is just one man's opinion. i could easily be wrong. but i warned about this thing when they started bringing people back from Africa that were infected. now look at where we're at.

    3. The long end of incubation is 21 days.
      Patients can start showing signs as early as 5.

      Five kids? Four schools? It's a party.

      And no
      "The latency period is what matters, that's the time from exposure to to your body being able to spread it. In the case of Ebola the latency period is the same as the incubation period, meaning you can't spread the Eloba unless you're literally bleeding out your ass and about to die."
      is precisely what's not true.
      You're contagious the minute you show early symptoms, like fever and headache. Possibly earlier, but as testing it on humans is both lethal ad unethical, that's the best assumption.
      By the time your puking and crapping your guts out of both ends, you're not jus contagious, you're an Ebola Claymore mine.

      The reason this is an epidemic is because healthy-appearing individuals can pass on a deadly disease to you when you have no effing clue they've got it, yet they're already highly contagious.

      Perhaps this wasn't made clear to you in news reports.
      I wonder why that would be...

    4. why isn't it clear to him? because he's joined govt officials by sitting on a hill beating on the drum of all is well when any person with any bit of survival instinct would be watching this issue carefully.

      Darwin is a son of a bitch and he's about to run a selection course on the US.

    5. Well, the CDC has helped.
      They removed the following grafs from the front page of their CDC information page of 9/19:
      "Because we still do not know exactly how people are infected with Ebola, few primary prevention measures have been established and no vaccine exists.

      When cases of the disease do appear, risk of transmission is increased within healthcare settings. Therefore, healthcare workers must be able to recognize a case of Ebola and be ready to use practical viral hemorrhagic fever isolation precautions or barrier nursing techniques. They should also have the capability to request diagnostic tests or prepare samples for shipping and testing elsewhere.

      For those inclined to believe otherwise, remember the missing phrase:
      we still do not know exactly how people are infected with Ebola
      Remember that phrase every time some CDC spokeshole tells you how safe you are, how hard this is to catch, or the ways it isn't transmitted, because the science behind the missing phrase hasn't changed anytime recently.

      But putting that fact front and center on their info page undermines all their own government retards spewing BS on 7 networks, and upsets the citizenry, and we can't be having any of that.

  3. Given the fact that only 2 of hundreds of American doctors have been infected while working under the worst possible conditions, I think Darwin is on our side.

    1. more than two Americans have been infected (i'm not counting the guy that came to visit family either...he's obviously a foreign national). check facts and get your debating skills together. you've abandoned your factually false point that ebola victims are only infectious once they're shitting out of both ends and now you've picked up this gambit.

      its really pathetic.

  4. We know how to stop this.
    Stop all flights inbound from the affected countries, for starters.
    Quarantine everyone who's recently travelled there for 21 days. Now.
    Boom. Outbreak halted.

    But that would cut into profits, and piss people off.

    So they're going to half-step their response until there's no way to get the toothpaste back in the tube, exactly as it was handled in West Africa.

    With the same results.

    Everyone, everywhere, has been a day late and a dollar short on this outbreak non-stop since last March, up to this minute, inclusive, most especially W.H.O. and the CDC.

    1. But that isn't enough.

      If it were just travelers, it would be easy to put the kibosh on it.
      The problem is iin a globalized economy of "Just-in-time" logistics, we rely on food, fuel and everything else to be delivered on short notice. That requires truck drivers, deliverymen, warehouse and shipping people.

      Where would any town or city be if they were cut off from supplies for 21 days? Fucked

    2. Wonder what gonna happen when they start cutting off the big cities.

    3. We could live quite a long time cut off from Liberia, Guinea, and Sieera Leone.

      Stateside, so far the problem is confined to Dallas. And 18 people there. And four K-12 schools. And all the people they've been around since they were exposed.
      And everybody the CDC hasn't found yet, who may have already driven/flown to St. Louis, Detroit, NYC, and anyotherdamnplace, because the CDC is On This!

      So, do we bite the bullet, and deal with disruption for Dallas, and how to overcome that; or should be just wait until we have active cases going in 20 or 30 cities?

      And how did the "Wait and See, 'Cuz Quarantine Is Too Hard" Strategy work out in Monrovia or Conkary?

  5. I am the only one thinking this will not get that far?

    1. no, on the contrary. the majority of people believe that it won't get far. but is that prudent if you live within 500 miles of Dallas like i do? is that prudent if you know how many people travel from your area on a weekly if not daily commute? is it prudent if you're a govt emergency response official or worker?

      what has me punching walls is that those people who should be planning scenarios to deal with worse case chances are instead doing the opposite and not informing people of how dangerous this situation could become.

      and one last question. how competent has the US govt proven to be over the last few years or months?

    2. What I tried to say is, I don't believe this will cause the end of the world like some people are saying.

      Now tell me, the people over there is calm or they are being prudent and staying at home?

    3. Neither one.

      The officials are lying their asses off, most people are worried, some idiots think this is no big deal (just like in Liberia, still) but no one is running for the exits, because the flames haven't burnt all the way down to the ground level yet. Right after it's too late to do any good, panic will set in, and it will be biblical.

      Worse, against odds, they might manage to get lucky and this stops at just a case or three, and people wait even longer the next time. And there will be a next time, since we're still flying people who look healthy from Liberia to here, despite what has already happened. And in some quiet ministry conference rooms all over the EU, about 10-15 countries are sweating bullets hoping that no one who got off in Brussels with Duncan was Patient Two. And telling their people that "Don't worry, it won't come here." Just like we did.



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