Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ukraine continues to meltdown while we're distracted.

Thanks to Per Holmgaard for the link.

The Donetsk International Airport is getting savaged.  If this is what peace looks like then they might be better off with full scale combat.  I have to admit it.  I've seen the news about continued fighting in Ukraine.  I've seen the reports that Putin is promising retribution for the economic sanctions being placed upon him (ironically those same sanctions appear to be hitting Germany just as hard...thereby forcing the EU into recession).  But I've instead concentrated on ISIS, Ebola, and the change of command of the Marine Corps.

That might have been a mistake.  The US, EU, UN and everyone else has placed Ukraine on the back burner because it was too hard to solve.  If this keeps up it'll be front and center again.

All photos via International lufthavn forvandlet til krigszone


  1. In Donetsk airport to keep the defense ukrainian units:
    1 - Some of the 3rd Special Forces Regiment (kirovograd)
    2 - 93th Mechanized Brigade (Dnipropetrovsk region)
    3 - VDV 79th Airmobile Brigade (Nikolaev)
    4 - 17-th separate tank brigade (Krivoy Rog)
    5 - Right Sector (volunteers Battalion)
    some of these are in AirPort and some in village PESKI, near to AirPort, in village are artillery positions and logistik units.

    In an interview with Russian terrorist named these cyborgs Ukrainian soldiers, saying that there is not people so as to stand a few months under artillery fire is not possible. After that, the Ukrainian soldiers attaches nickname cyborgs. And cyborgs 7 months hold the airport, look at airport tower - it develops over the Ukrainian flag.

    1. In an interview with Russian terrorist named these cyborgs Ukrainian soldiers, saying that there is not people so as to stand a few months under artillery fire is not possible. After that, the Ukrainian soldiers attaches nickname cyborgs. And cyborgs 7 months hold the airport, look at airport tower - it develops over the Ukrainian flag.
      @In an interview with Russian terrorist@
      Would you be so kind to give me a link for the interview, genacvali?
      @Ukrainian soldiers attaches nickname cyborgs@
      In Ukrainian media - may be. Rebels call them “Ukry”, “Ukrop” (“fennel” in Russian), and “Nazi” or “Fascist”, of course.
      You forget to write that brave Ukrainian soldiers strike day-by-day at Donetsk with heavy artillery and civilians die there day-by-day too.

    2. If the enemy positions are near/in or on the living building artillery bombing this building - its normal practice.

      the killing of civilians is the fault of putin, russia and russian terrorists only.

    3. shota sabauri
      @If the enemy positions are near/in or on the living building artillery bombing this building - its normal practice.@
      @the killing of civilians is the fault of putin, russia and russian terrorists only.@
      Another words Ukrainian military do “normal practice” (and I agree with “normal” myself – it is each war routine) but only Putin is guilty? Bgggg…

    4. Btw: I wonder one thing... they are there for 7 months, most of the time they are theoretically surrounded and cut of from reinforcements/supplies. Even if that airport was post-Soviet one with extensive underground constructions, it was not an ammunition...especially artillery pieces magazine. So they have there only things they carry with them, soooo... really, how the hell they still have the ammo for big guns to supposedly shelling the city every day. They don't have a replicator there... do they?

    5. to Shas
      @surrounded and cut of from reinforcements/supplies@
      No, they have no problems with supply – under the runway were large-scale underground communications which lead to Ukrainian “holdfast” with stockpiles and supply routes.
      Offtop: I remember, pan Shas, you were interested in Ukrainian “tavor”.

      Ukrainian paratroopers fix their magazines with Scotch tape – very fun)))

    6. Shas
      They have logistic support , but the road for logistic convoy under fire - this is thin koridor

      To info-infanterie
      You can not understand - Ukrainians bombed positions of Russian terrorists and the Russian army, which fired from residential areas and hide behind civilians, it is common practice for the Russian military and terrorists.
      A sends these terrorists Putin of Russia and gives them money and weapons - so blame Russia, Ukrainians simply defending their homeland from the Mongol hordes.

    7. @You can not understand - Ukrainians bombed positions of Russian terrorists and the Russian army@
      Hm, I thought there is no Russian army anymore after brave Georgians totally destroy it (if believe to Saakashvily))))))
      Proofs of “Russian army” presence – would you be so kind. All NATO do not publish them, but you have some. Very interesting. When Ukrainian army occupies towns and villages an establishes their positions there – Ukrainians do not cover themselves with civilians?
      @Mongol hordes.@
      I’m struggling to find Ukrainian-Mongolian border on the map, help me, please.

    8. Tavor for paratroopers, logic thing. And tape info'... well as one man said to me, if it works and is stupid, then it's not stupid because it's works. ;D Thx for pics.

    9. @well as one man said to me, if it works and is stupid, then it's not stupid because it's works@
      Agree totally. But I wonder why they do not simply disengage magazines and hide them in haversacks. For brutal image? With Scotch tape? Bgggg….

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. @Hm, I thought there is no Russian army anymore after brave Georgians totally destroy it (if believe to Saakashvily))))))
      Proofs of “Russian army” presence – would you be so kind. All NATO do not publish them, but you have some.@

      Captured Airborne troops from pskov division

      The Russian T-72B3 (only russian army have this tank)

      @I’m struggling to find Ukrainian-Mongolian border on the map, help me, please.@
      Mongols name RUSSIAN - 400 years of Russian lay under the Mongols,

    12. @Captured Airborne troops from pskov division@
      Several soldiers? Army – it is a System, a large scale one, impossible to hide. Russian Army consists including aviation, Tochka-U, jamming systems and so on. I’ve noticed nothing of this in Ukraine war, so it is no Russian Army.
      @The Russian T-72B3 (only russian army have this tank)@
      May be, but I wonder why Ukrainians do not show now this captured tanks somewhere in Kiev? Anyway, if even it was Б3 mods there – so what? It can be rebels tank-teams, prepared in Russia on Russian tanks, it doesn’t mean Russian army presence.
      @Mongols name RUSSIAN - 400 years of Russian lay under the Mongols,@
      According to your logic Georgians are Mongols too – because of being under Russians for hundreds years.

    13. Sorry that don't took a whole army captured :D

  2. Some of pics and video from donetsk airport

  3. some vids and photos from Donbass region

  4. a lot photo from Donbass here

  5. fresh vid

    Intelligent faces of rebels, burning Ukrainian armor)))

  6. If someone would crater that runway the fighting would stop at the airport.
    The only reason it's being fought over is it's value as a resupply point for whom ever controls it.
    This is one fight where, I cannot see who is going to be right or wrong, but who is going to be left.
    The US is not going to get involved deeply in this fight, the area is Russian controlled, the Ukrainian's are too weak and Isolated.
    Putin will fight hard for this piece of real estate it is his only sure warm water port and his access to the middle east.
    Putin will use nukes to secure this and that is the facts.
    I am on no ones side, I am just an interested observer.

    1. They will fuck the runaway as soon as they realize they can't hold the airport.

  7. A new map of airport. Ukrainians positions are around – “1”, “Пески”, “Опытное”


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