Thursday, November 06, 2014

This Navy SEAL "fame" incident will not end well.

via Daily Mail.
The Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden dead in the special force's most famous operation can be named today.
The Navy hero is set to give a full interview to Fox News later this month and waive his anonymity but MailOnline has established that he is Rob O'Neill, a highly-decorated veteran who quit after 16 years service.
In an exclusive interview Rob's father, Tom O'Neill, tells MailOnline, 'People are asking if we are worried that ISIS will come and get us because Rob is going public. I say I'll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us.'
Rob O'Neill, 38, is a former member of SEAL Team Six who has been portrayed on screen in Zero Dark Thirty, Captain Phillips and Lone Survivor.
You fuck with the bull, you get the horns.

Rob's father might have a lackadaisical attitude with regards to his personal protection and the issues that come with it, but he has done exactly what he brags about.  He painted a big target on his front door and ISIS is paying attention.

Yesterday I stated that any person can be found with just a bit of work and the proper resources and today the SEAL's father has been tracked down by the Daily Mail?

This will end badly.  The only thing we can hope is that the other SEALs and their families, that are trying to do things the right way don't end up in the cross-hairs because they had a teammate that couldn't keep his mouth shut.


  1. Currently SEALS seem afflicted with loose mouth disease.

  2. sol, have you seen a single terrorist attack on american veteran ? even once ? can terrorist really operate on US soil targetting ex military guys just like that ? if they are supported by state intelligence apparatus then yes i agree it may be done , some kind of execution hit team like the one mossad use to kill black september freedom fighters..

    but no way bunch of amateur terrorist can mount attack on a navy seal ? i mean they are elite fighters , they are the best US spec ops right ? and they land first on hostile beach clearing the way for marines...or at least their UDT forefathers..

    1. even elite military fall prey to street crimes. i've seen it often enough. besides. we know that ISIS is recruiting in the prison systems. we know that they recently had two ISIS wanna-be's go active in Canada...and they just attacked soldiers they happened to encounter.

      what happens if some whack job(s) decide to target not the SEAL but his father, his wife and kids, his brother or sister...and the family members of his team mates? they go after the family because attacking the SEAL would be too dangerous.

      i don't even want to war game this thing. lets just leave it at this was a TERRIBLY short sighted, selfish move by this SEAL.

    2. sol, have you seen a single terrorist attack on american veteran
      Yes. The Captain of the USS Vincennce a year after the Iran Air Airbus incident. Someone planted an explosive device underneath the gas tank of their family van. The van blew up without anyone in it.

  3. Would never call this SEAL a Hero. I think it's terrible that he has come forward, simply because claiming credit diminishes the involvement of the others who were involved in this historical event. As an former Marine Infantryman, I know he was lucky to have had the chance to take the shot that killed OBL. Given the chance anyone would of taken the shot, he was just lucky enough to be the one. I see the nation forgetting so many who have sacrificed during this long war, and memorializing one man. He should be ashamed of trying to steal all the glory.

  4. Regardless I dont think he will have to buy another drink in his life :)

    1. he will if he tries to buy that drink in SEAL land. did you not read the articles about this son of a bitch? his former commanding officer...the guy that practically begged him to stay in service, actually has a tombstone with this guys name on it in his office. this guy says that he called his commander to try and smooth this over and when his former boss picked up the phone he said two words. delete me.

      there are divisions worth of people that would have taken this shot without blabbing. but even if he was the only one that could do it, it was still only half the job.

      if he did this job correctly then we would never know his name, until long after this had settled down and maybe not even then.

      HE CHOSE NOT TO FOLLOW THE RULES!!!! that shouldn't be celebrated.


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