Tuesday, December 23, 2014

ISIS plot to blow up bridge in Memphis. UPDATED.

FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX 13

via Fox Memphis.
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (FOX13) – -The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Memphis Division is warning police officers about a threat to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge sometime in December. FOX13 News obtained the FBI bulletin sent to Mid-South Law Enforcement agencies warning about a possible Islamic State terror plot targeting the I-55 Bridge.

"According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States," the warning reads.

USPER is a law enforcement acronym for U.S. person.
Its been my experience that the FBI does not issue local (or international warnings) unless the threat is deemed credible.

Consider this a "be advised" notification.

UPDATED:  A reliable and extremely credible source has relayed to me that the FBI has been scouring the Memphis area chasing down info on this threat.  Cards have been issued to even river boat operators to call if they observe anything, and I mean anything...no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, to the FBI immediately.  The talk on the video about this really being nothing is not borne out by the resources that have flowed to the area.


  1. it is easier for the ISIS cell to just attack a mall or a movie theatre instead of blowing this huge bridge.. if they tried this will be their bridge too far for them..

  2. No need for ISIS to blow bridges in US they are falling down due to lack of maintenance anyhow.

    1. They could jack knife a semi hauling something nasty and do more harm.

  3. Hitting a target and destroying a target are two different things.

    The objective is not to bring the structure down. The object is to DAMAGE the structure that it will cause INCOVENIENCE and at the same time generate much-needed publicity. IS is following the media footsteps of HAMAS in the last conflict: Social Media will help IS with their funding, recruitment and operational issues.

  4. Is this the William Jefferson Clinton bridge?
    Man, That's ambitious!
    It took almost eight years for the US military to drop the span of the Than Hoa bridge in the Vietnam war and in the end took a laser guided bomb to do that.
    I'm sure they can scarp up the TNT PETN, Nitro, C-4 and fertilizer to use BUT still unless it's located in the right places all it's going to do is scratch paint and bend a little steel.
    Kill a few commuters and piss off the people of Memphis and Arkansas for the traffic delay.
    Even inconvenience is going to be minor.

  5. I just read where there are four bridges across the river here.
    So they blow up one bridge, There is still another traffic bridge and that won't impede travel.
    Blowing one of the two railroad trestle would do more actual harm with less casualties unless you count the workers who rebuild or repair the bridge.
    Army engineers could span the flood with a temporary for rail until another was built.
    The river is a mile across here the span around 100 feet high.
    The I-155/412 Bridge upstream would also be a target no doubt.
    Having visited the area when the son was at Millington and to camp at Reelfoot lake I can say the area is rather flat,


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