Friday, January 16, 2015

F-35 News. The plane is raping the USAF too.

I thought the F-35 was putting the aerodynamic weeny only to the USMC, US Army and our allies.  I didn't think it was doing the same to the USAF.  I was wrong.  Check this out via DoD Buzz...
“For the Air Force … it’s a sequestration-driven decision,” Welsh said, referring to automatic, across-the-board budget cuts Congress and the White House agreed to in 2011 as part of deficit-reduction legislation. The cuts are slated to return with greater effect in fiscal 2016 unless lawmakers agree on an alternative plan.
“We don’t have enough money to fund all the things that we currently have in our force structure,” Welsh said.
And then this...
“And we are then going to have some kind of nebulous idea of a replacement with an airplane that costs at least 10 times as much — and the cost is still growing — with the F-35?” McCain said
Just wow.  The most hawkish Republican says this about the most expensive project going and many believe that the project is here to stay?  To that I say bullshit.  This plane is inching its way toward the chopping block and I couldn't be happier.


  1. “What is clear is that” the plane “will finish with deficiencies remaining that will affect operational units,” Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of combat testing, said in an annual report on major weapons that was sent to Congress on Friday and obtained before its public release.

  2. this is the plane that was once predicted by someone, that can win a war by itself, and shared by USMC , USAF and USN on daily basis..

    i cant believe that joke become reality

  3. More bad news for anyone joining in and eventually everyone still in the US military......

  4. not surprised over this...what with a banker conglomerate-controlled political system that could literally vet a CFR / CIA-handpicked GOAT through the halls of academia, local elected office, statewide elected office, a senatorial seat, and the presidential election process all the way to the white house for two terms....just to give the American people the finger.

    1. it doesnt matter who won the white house.. the carefully engineered and crafted illusion of choice in american democracy are starkly visible to non americans.. whoever sit on whitehouse would be handed the same script and speech..

      those who deviate will be shown the real shooters of kennedy to keep them in line


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