Thursday, February 19, 2015

ISIS is acting on Islamic end of days prophecy?

A quick heads up.

On a newscast tonight a Middle Eastern reporter stated that ISIS is operating on an end of days prophecy spoke about in the Korhan.

Ordinarily I'd ignore her comments but she had an interesting take.

She believes that the game plan for the organization is laid out because of their beliefs.  Additionally (according to her) this prophecy means that ISIS' main effort will be in Syria with Damascus being the goal (didn't quite catch it all but it concerned Jesus and Imam Mahdi praying there) before heading on to Israel.

I did a Google search with the terms Damascus, Korhan and then again substituting Bible with it.

Both books mention it.

I believe in Jesus, but definitely don't understand how he allows the evil in the world or how he operates.  Why did I mention that?  Because more searching reveals that devout Christians are becoming quite alarmed by what is happening.

Long story short to this post?

Civilian and Military leaders need to reorient themselves on this ISIS threat. I will not provide my view on what civilian leadership needs to do.  They're too far gone, believe that they're right and will not alter course until its too late.  I've seen it too many times before.

As far as military leadership is concerned, I believe that this not an insurgency in the form that we've ever seen before.  Many point to the crusades but that is NOT what we're dealing with here.  At its core the crusades concerned reclaiming the holy land and filling coffers.

ISIS is seeking to spark a global world war (if my quick reading of the details of the Muslim end of days scenario is correct).  The problem?  If Syria is the main effort and Iraq is simply a distraction/diversionary fight, then teaming with IRAN and Russia to support the Assad regime against ISIS might be necessary.

This thing is a terrible mess.  I still say the best move is to pull out, let the sectarian warfare play out and avoid further entanglements.  But current US policy will not allow that.

This will get much worse before it gets better.

NOTE:  Forgive the lack of response to the comments on this one.  I've read everyone and this is a personally thought provoking topic.  This subject has me sitting back in my chair, adding bourbon to my coffee and grabbing multiple cans of Copenhagen.  Long story short....I need to chew on this one a bit more before I dig back into this subject.  We have never fought an enemy like this one and the personal, social, and military implications are profound...


  1. 'I believe in Jesus, but definitely don't understand how he allows the
    evil in the world or how he operates. Why did I mention that? Because
    more searching reveals that devout Christians are becoming quite alarmed
    by what is happening."

    Allow me to try to help a little. First off, where we are presently is the result of man's choice to rebel against God. When that happened, man was allowed his choice and all the consequences of it. Recall the situation has collapsed once before. It became so bad that the world had to be destroyed by a flood.

    And so it is again. Phase two of the plan was to send Christ to die in our place to make a way of escape for the coming judgement. The next part of the plan will be to extract all the true believers before the world is destroyed. Removal of the believers will clear the way for final act, seven years of allowing absolute free reign for evil in the world. The Bible says no one would survive this time unless a time limit were placed on it.

    The most ominous aspect of this for us is where we are right now. On the threshold of a time such as the world has never seen before. The Bible says to take note of what is happening and realize your redemption is drawing near. For the believer in Christ's death on the cross that is.

    Now, a note for those about to beat their keyboard to death. Believe this, or don't. Your choice. Make all the points about how absurd the above is, or whatever. No one has ever been argued in heaven. The choice is yours to make, with consequences either way. I hope my poor attempt to explain has helped in understanding what is happening, and what is to come.

  2. Regular visitor to this blog, first time poster....a Brit living on the new southern front facing ISIS.

    right on the blog post. Think of the Islamic end of days prophecy as a
    "photo negative" version of our Revelation (i.e. upside-down, back to
    front, good is bad, bad is good). It matters not one bit if you believe
    in Jesus or heaven. The point is that ISIS do believe in the Islamic
    Revelation, and they are working for this end. In their version of the
    end of days, Jesus returns and says "you got it all wrong guys, Islam is
    right" and then he breaks the cross (note - in Revelations we know this
    to be the Anti-Christ). Islam then covers the world and the true
    believers live in bliss for the rest of eternity (or rather what they
    believe to be heaven on earth). In the Islamic end of days, the
    non-believers are given 2 choices: convert or die. (compared to 3
    choices that exist pre-end of of days: convert, pay Jizya tax or die.

    minor correction on the post....the Mullahs in Iran are working for the
    same end goal as ISIS. The difference is that ISIS is Sunni and the
    Iranians are Shia. Same shit.

    So basically, we are all for the
    chop whether we know it or not. There is no compromise deal to be had.
    The Muslims believe Allah has told them to do this, so there is no
    political settlement. No amount of "integration" will solve it. It is a
    fight to the death. We are in the Gladiator pit, and there is only one
    team gonna leave.

    Further reading: The Islamic Anti-Christ by
    Joel Richardson. It gives the facts and contrasts the Christian /
    Islamic versions of the end of days prophecy. Essential reading if you
    want to really understand the motivation of your enemy.

    My solution: I'll go with the suggestion made on another recent post "We'll take off and nuke the place from orbit"


  4. You might be right about their motivation, it is certainly possible, but does this change much?

    Maybe I am ignorant, you certainly think so at times, lol, so please explain how ISIS is capable of creating a World War, or how they will be capable of directly attacking outside their region of influence?
    ( directly = an invasion of the Western world, Europe, the US, not terrorism)

    I personally am more afraid of Russia sparking a new world war, which puts us in a bind, because you have a point that Russia and Iran could be good allies against ISIS.

  5. The Russians have always had problems with their Muslim populations in the south. They hate them even more after Chechnya. They would make good allies, except they are busy fighting the rest of the world on Ukraine.

  6. I Agree with the assessment. It is a life or death struggle, even if ISIS is defeated another group will take its place. We are not fighting a tangible army but rather a theology.

    The true question here is not what can we do to stop ISIS, but what can we do to stop radical Islam, if such a thing could even be possible. Can we even tell the difference between what is radical and what is not?

    What do we do if we cannot tell apart radical Islam? What if it is Islam itself that is problem? There is not going to be a "final solution", even if we could somehow ignore the moral aspects of such a thing and possibly even ignore the logistical challenges involved, our politicians will not have the balls.

    this is going to get a lot, lot worse before it gets better, IF it gets better :(

  7. There's a moment when Muhammad prophesied of a rebuilt Roman Empire and the "enemies of Islam" being defeated in a final epic battle in certain key areas of Syria (the Bible prophesies about similar battles as well taking place close by). I don't know if you've read this article when it came out, but it did explain somethings for me:

    As of right now, I don't think the war in Iraq is a distraction. ISIS laid out a five year plan to claim the entire Middle East and they remain consistent in thinking that's their goal:

    Right now, ISIS is like those crazy cults where the leader believes the end of days are coming so he orders his followers give up everything they own for the cause. I seriously think that ISIS plans on taking the whole Middle East and making some sort of "super state" with which they believe will be Allah's hub of justice on the world.

    What the real problem is is that ISIS has many sympathizers and never seems to run out of volunteers. Many reporters that are reporting from countries in the Middle East have stated that a lot of average civilians they were interviewing in the area about their views on ISIS are deeply motivated to support it someway. Also, unlike a lot of governments in the Middle East and the West, the average citizen of a Middle Eastern country feels that they can trust what ISIS is all about since their values are considered pretty clear.

    There are some exceptions of course, the most notable of which I think are the Kurds. I like the Kurdish fighters so far. Unlike most of our allies in the Middle East, the Kurds actually have the will and determination to fight. But I do agree that a team up of sorts with Iran and Russia would be necessary to stop this mess. We should either go all in to win or don't go in at all. Right now the Administration is sending a few thousand troops at a time and doing things kinda half-assed. I think a few thousand American troops are capable of taking out ISIS with air and armor support and no restrictions of rules being placed on them, but then again that would require good leadership and I don't know if we can expect that to come around anytime soon...

  8. Slight nit. Revelation. Singular. Not plural As for Jesus allowing evil, well, let me put it this way. If he went "Let anyone who isn't worthy of Heaven vapourise!", do you think anyone human will be left standing? So I won't look a gift horse too much in the mouth, lest he decides to correct that oversight.

    And to get really, really technical, the role of Ruler is the job of God the Father, not God the Son.

  9. Meint, look at France and Denmark for the "How"

  10. "I believe in Jesus, but definitely don't understand how he allows the evil in the world or how he operates. "

    This is not standard thinking but the way I was taught ole school bible and the way I read it personally. Very simply God does not want the weak. Our time on earth is just a small nothing which is a a trial period to see if we are worthy. The test is our mental ability to endure tribulation, that is why everyone here on the dirt ball faces trial and tribulation during their time as they are measured. Any pain damage to the flesh is irrelevant to the soul so it is all about us and our ability to handle it while holding faith solid heart. Our whole time here is just to cull out the weak and those that cannot hack it.

  11. lol and the joke is that we ALL can't hack it or else Jesus wouldn't have had to come.

    A biblical lecturer of mine said that "If we could do it by ourselves, then God would have sent Jesus to die for nothing."

  12. I do consider this proof of firing from Russia even tugh methodology is experimental at beast ,but that is not the same as proof regular Russian forces were involved for that you would need tracking on units involved. Border between Russia and Ukraine is not fenced we can assume the DNR and LNR rebels can more or less freely move across the border. Border is nice line on the map but no line in real life .

  13. Solomon, you are getting down to the core of the thing now.

    First of all, God has to allow evil if He is to allow free will. God does not want robots, He wants us to love Him freely; He wants a deep and passionate relationship with each of us. He wants this enough to leave heaven, come down here and live, then die naked and crucified for us while we were yet slutting around with the world. Have you ever loved anyone enough to do that? Me neither!

    What you are seeing with ISIS is the consolidation of several of the antichrist or beast empires. Libya, Iraq, and Syria are part of these. Some form of the Assyrian empire had to be rebuilt. Isaiah 17 in the bible shows Damascus and Israel going down together, perhaps in some sort of missile or nuclear exchange. Zechariah 14 tells of the forced partition of Jerusalem, with half of the city being taken by force but the other half left alone (sounds like the UN partition plan forcing East Jerusalem to be given to the Palestinians). There is lots more, major war followed of course by famine, then a widespread period of beheadings, murders and thefts from Christians and Jews like what you see ISIS doing, only globally. Unfortunately my understanding is that Christians will be here for most of that, but those who survive that long will be taken out sometime during the last half of a seven year period. I have read the bible every day for 20+ years, and have also read the Koran. Both show generally the same stuff coming, only the guy we call the antichrist they call the good guy, and vice versa.

    Anyway, not a time for Christians to get alarmed per se, but it's like you are hitting the merge at 500 kts in a 4 v 4 and the fight is really on with a real, badass enemy that outnumbers you and has better aircraft and armament. And Christians will not win this fight by their own strength; it is more escape and evade until Jesus comes and wipes the floor with all the bad guys. Christians should be focused and alert, letting a lifetime of training and learning lead them into fighting the good fight. If this is the real deal, it is the best time ever to be alive; very difficult but a great opportunity.

  14. There is a difference between terrorist attacks and an invasion, Solomon spoke of a global WAR.
    Despite the misnomer 'war on terror' there is a huge difference between the fight against terrorism and a war.

    In my opinion there certainly is cause for the west to do something about ISIS, but not because we should be sacred that they will otherwise be on our lawn 'Red Dawn' style nor should we have the illusion that taking out ISIS will stop or minimize terrorism.

    Frankly I think it is not the idiots with ak's murdering their way trough the region who are the sponsors of terrorists, I think its likely some well to do 'upstanding citizen' in Riyadh, Karachi or places like that. People we consider our allies! The terrorist themselves more likely then not are our own citizens corrupted by hate-imams and indeed inspired by the lunatics in ISIS and all the propaganda associated with it.

  15. The Russians probably see this as an other bargaining chip to get what they want.
    In my opinion we should not give in to one mayor evil to combat an other.

  16. It is a way for him to capitalize on his success. He got a lot of kick-starter-funds to set up this team.

    The main reason I consider his efforts worth following and more likely then not reliable is that he has a good track-record. He did find proof that Saudi Arabia had sent Croatian weapons to Syria ( to what I think later became ISIS). the kicker here is that wile this was for a long wile denied they admitted it in the end, proving mr Higgins knows his stuff.
    There are several more examples where he was conclusively shown to be on the money.

    Does that prove all his assertions on Ukraine , Russia, MH17 and such are 100% true?

    No, sadly not, but it does suggest they are , or that he is closer to the truth then anyone else.

  17. And if that becomes reality Putin will have his cake, wile being able to eat it too.. He will have put the whole of the Ukraine in limbo for the foreseeable future, wile being able to claim he is doing the right thing..

    If no one is willing or able to kick Russia out of the East and the Crimea, I say: accept the sad reality, cut off the limb to save the body, dump the regions on Russia TOTALLY, put a huge fence in front of it, wile 'adopting ' the rest in to our western world, warts and all. Which also means guaranteeing its security, with troops if needed and mayor investments in rebuilding it.

    Better half a defeat then a whole one and not cutting loose the eastern part will be a total defeat and the slow agonizing death of the whole nation!


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