Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The new "hotness"? Sons of Liberty International.

via SoL website...
Sons of Liberty International (SOLI) is the first security contracting firm run as a non-profit. SOLI provides free security consulting and training services to vulnerable populations to enable them to defend themselves against terrorist and insurgent groups. The dedicated staff, volunteers, and funders of SOLI believe that all people have the right to self-defense and liberty regardless of their financial circumstances, and they strive to create a world in which the innocent are protected.
Recognizing the failure of the international community and governments to adequately protect the defenseless and support those struggling for freedom around the world, SOLI founder Matthew VanDyke realized the need for rapid on-the-ground action to help those whom the international system had failed. SOLI was created to enable those abandoned by the international community to take action in defense of themselves and their people, and to combat those forces that seek to harm and oppress them.

I don't really know what to make of it but my initial impression is that this is a flash in the pan.

Supposedly this is a "crowd funded" enterprise but that makes no sense.  Even if you're just sending unarmed trainers, you're talking about a HUGE financial cost upfront.  You don't get that type of money by placing a donate button on your page.

Naw.  This just doesn't pass the sniff test.

I wonder who is REALLY footing the bill for this group.  That would be telling.  Check out the website here. 


  1. The "boots on the ground" the works for free or they take money from their own pockets to go to places? That's odd.

    Anyway, at the end of the day , more westerner are going to the shitiest place in the world, the same place they behead westerners just because.

  2. I don't think the "boots on the ground" working for free is really all that odd anymore. Several westerners have gone to fight with the Kurds and Christian militias in Iraq and Syria, and recently I have seen references of Westerners going to fight Boko Haram as well, although no details. Most of these Westerners seem to be doing so at their own expense, maybe with some modest support from the Kurds or whoever, but nothing that would begin to compare to what we would call "reasonable" compensation. More like food and maybe a little cash for basic necessities. And the Westerners also seem to be kitted out in new, gucci-style kit, often unlike those they are fighting beside. If this is a harkening back to the old days of adventurers fighting around the world with whoever they support, and this isn't much different.

  3. There could be big bucks behind this effort. There are a few folks out there who are both wealthy and altruistic and have tried to do such things in the past but were not allowed to; if any such person is behind it privately, it will do very well.

  4. Well, the Nineveh guys they *were* associated with, publicly disassociated themselves sometime ago; and have sued SOLI for misrepresentation. I'm a bit suspicious, at the least.

  5. Completely off topic but some breaking news here: The Syrian government is claiming they shot down a U.S drone. Looks like the first reports started dropping 'bout half an hour ago.


    If you search for "latakia" in Arabic on twitter and youtube there are lots of videos and photos cropping up of the wreckage. The aircraft is burned beyond recognition but they definitely shot something down.

  6. i find that news hard to believe. the Syrian govt hasn't targeted US aircraft...NOT ONCE...additionaly there are reports that there is back channel communication between the coalition and Syria to deconflict airspace. i'll need to see more before i run with that.

  7. Don't take my word for it dude, take youtube's:


    At 1:26 they hold up a piece of metal that says "ROTAX". Now, ROTAX-engines power allot of UAV's so that doesn't necessarily confirm it's one of ours, but keep in mind that the MQ-1 Predator is powered by a ROTAX-914.

  8. Here are some photos circulating on twitter. The wreckage is unrecognizable but they definitely downed something. Arab Twitter and Youtube is exploding over this right now.





  9. anyone else have Metal Gear game franchise come to mind with this?

  10. Rotax so common in UAVs and light planes that it realy should not be used as any reference.

  11. Pentagon is investigating the "loss of control" of one of its UAV's over Syria.


    I'd say that makes this a confirmed downing. Sooo....what do we do know?

  12. Oh my. I took a look at their website. I admire the passion and purpose.
    Unfortunately, I see picture of Matthew VanDyke teaching SWAT tactics
    in a field - 4 locals standing back to back in a field for God's sake.
    They need to be taught infantry tactics (e.g. spread out, prone
    position) not SWAT (covering 360 even looking up in the sky). They are
    not going to get a chance to move up the learning curve.

  13. Sol,

    Anyone got eyes on Eric Prince?

    Also I applaud this, and in a strange way I want it to be true. You might be screaming whoa wait WHAT!!

    But think of it like this... In a very disturbing way there's a disturbing number of militants who call the nations of the west home, and unfortunately get a majority of their funds out of the western economy one way or another. So, if nothing else, this is a much needed counterweight to this phenomenon.


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