Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Police Militarization. They handled the visuals badly...

via OC Register.
President Obama announced Monday a promising new directive that will scale back the transfers of surplus military equipment to local police forces. Given increased police firepower, high-profile cases of police brutality, military-style reactions by local law enforcement to public protests and the distrust all this has engendered in the public that police are supposed to be protecting and serving, we wholeheartedly support this effort.
Under the order, the Pentagon and other federal agencies will be prohibited from providing local police with certain military equipment, including armored vehicles that run on a track system, weaponized aircraft or vehicles, firearms and ammunition of .50-caliber or higher, camouflage uniforms, bayonets and grenade launchers.
I don't know how much the directive ACTUALLY will affect police depts, but one thing is certain.

Law Enforcement handled the visuals of their "militarized" forces badly.

The problem wasn't with the gear.

The problem wasn't with the weapons, the camo...none of that.

The problem was how they were initially used.  When they pulled them out for the Boston Bombing situation, no one batted an eye.  When the biker gangs went batshit crazy in Waco, TX, no one cared (or for that matter noticed) the MRAPs that were on hand.

People didn't like the idea of MRAPs being used against Mom and Pop.  Against citizens for minor infractions.  This one is gonna rile up my readers so here it comes....people were upset when they were on standby during PEACEFUL protests (yeah, there is a difference...when the protests were peaceful people had issues with them...when it went stupid then no one complained).

So what is the lesson for law enforcement when it comes to militarization?  Use the gear to your hearts desire against hardcore criminals.  Leave it at the station when you're going against the average joe on the street.

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