Sunday, February 25, 2018

Houthis use drone SWARM to destroy Patriot Missile Battery?

via South Front.
On February 23, an unnamed Yemeni officer told the Yemeni al-Masirah TV that the Yemeni Air Force and the Missile Forces [both allied with the Houthis] had conducted a joint operation and destroyed a MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3 air defense system and a headquarter of the UAE Army in the central Yemeni province of Ma’rib.

According to al-Masirah, Yemeni forces attacked the UAE Army Patriot PAC-3 system with “a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs],” while the UAE Army headquarter was targeted with several ballistic missiles launched by the Yemeni Missile Forces.

The Saudi-led coalition immediately announced that its air defenses in Yemen had intercepted two ballistic missiles, which had been launched by the Houthis over the center of Ma’rib province. However, the collation didn’t report shooting down any UAVs of the Houthis.
Story and vid here. 

We're back to the future.

These drone "swarms" are nothing but massed cruise missile attacks...just lower cost, slower speed, less powerful individually but many more of them....defense against small drones is gonna be tough.

I'm not talking about those that will be packed by infantry.

I'm talking about those that are dropped out the back of C-130 type aircraft that number in the thousands that each carry a grenade sized payload.

How do you keep 2,000 mini drones from wrecking your forward air field and obliterating your 150M dollar F-35B, much less the fuel/munitions depot and personnel?

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