Saturday, May 04, 2019

We deal in truth on this blog...truth ain't pretty but its the reality of things....

I a comment on a blog post here.  It concerned what I considered ominous signs of an impending US action in Venezuela.  While I had several readers walk me back from the ledge on the implications of the FAA banning flights over that country, one guy in particular decided that I was sending dog whistles.  Below is my statement...

We don't have visibility but I'd bet a few command elements from the 2nd MARDIV and 82nd Airborne are working this weekend awaiting a preparatory order to get ready for action.

If you're in one of those units and probably a couple others, you better drink, fuck and get stupid this weekend.

It might be your last for awhile.
That statement ain't pretty at all is it?  Kinda morbid and gross?  Well you can bet if those units are getting warning orders then that's exactly whats going on!

The reader in question made this accusation...
 Unapologetic Hero • 

"If you're in one of those units and probably a couple others, you better drink, fuck and get stupid this weekend."

Ugh, cancerous comment.
I really don't see the cancer in that statement I made.  Luckily another bubba (long time reader...thanks guy!) told him the facts of the thing but he still persisted and replied with this...

Unapologetic Hero  

I'm responding to the bitch-made dog-whistle of "Let's get out boys feeling refreshed so that they can go attack another country." I'm done.
This guy obviously hasn't been within 200 miles of a Marine or Army base that's about to head out to do the hard thing. 

I'm not even pissed but a bit miffed and frustrated.

Human nature is human nature.  You can't modify it to fit a cute picture of what you would like it to be.  Additionally male behavior is a constant and hasn't changed for hundreds of years.

The moral of this story?

We deal in truth on this blog.  Truth ain't pretty but its the reality of things. Hopefully (assuming the guy stays...don't care either way) he gets that but if he can't there are more "polite" blogs out there that will fit his worldview.

Exasperated, miffed and frustrated rant over! 

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