Friday, October 15, 2021

Henry Cobb (Author & MilTweeter) asks...When will the squad leader be able to see through every rifle scope on demand?


This sat me back in my chair.

I originally did a retweet of an article explaining the "new" Marine Rifle Squad and the rationale behind it (new information leads to new conclusions...I like what I heard!).

So when Cobb hit me with that I was gobsmacked by how simple, even elegant and common sense an idea it was.

Then I thought a little more.

We've seen that shit!  Remember Aliens?  Remember when the Colonial Marines went into the processing plant to search for the missing colonist?

Remember when that idiot LT was trying to call the shots from the rear via views of cameras attached to the helmets of his troops instead of being in the muck with them?

I'm betting we have that technology now!  I'm betting we could do it now!  

Cobb is onto something but it just needs to be tweaked and modified.  We need GoPro devices attached to helmets that can be linked to the Squad Leaders tablet!

So simple.  So elegant.  So fucking cool.  Oh and I bet body parts I highly value that its DOABLE!

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