Saturday, December 17, 2022

Public Service Announcement. We're all being played!


This one is USA specific. 

Don't know and don't care what's going on in other countries.

In the USA we've been caught up in drama after drama.  Covid, BLM, Jan 6, Abortion, Transgender issues, Wokeness in the military, Teachers wanting to control childrens sexuality without parental involvement.

They've been keeping the public enraged and at each other over all these cultural issues.

Meanwhile we're all getting robbed blind, they're getting more and more control over our lives and no one seems to notice and/or give a fuck.

If the entire citizenry of the USA would stop bickering and look at what the elite have been doing then we would flip in a heartbeat to class warfare.

Poor/Middle Class/All Races versus the elite.

It would be a sight to behold and would finally get our house in order.

It won't happen.

People are too easily led astray but one can dream.

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