Friday, May 12, 2023

I'll never understand the "want" to self censor news on the war between Russia/Ukraine

I find this interesting. Ukraine, Russia, the US, UK, NATO and EU (and all the countries that belong to NATO/EU) give updates on military activity on an ongoing basis. So why the desire by some bloggers/tweeters to self censor news on the war? I don't get it. On this blog we talked about advances today by both sides. Considering the time differences and the reporting from the lines back to their defense ministry and up to the civil govt and then the MSM, we're already seeing at least a day or two delay at best.

So what's my point?

By the time we read about it, its already old news.  If we read about it then its most likely being released for propaganda, because its assumed the other side will or both.

Self censorship of news is a disgrace. We supposedly have access to more information today than at anytime in history.  Sadly that info is so manipulated that its even more difficult to tell what's true, what's a lie and what's being used to manipulate opinion.

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