Saturday, April 09, 2011

Easy defense cuts.

If we want easy defense cuts then here's the way to do it.

Stop subsidizing Europe and pull our Combat Brigades out and bring them home.  Defense experts complain that Europe should be spending more on defense.  The Europeans complain that we spend too much.

Lets make this simple adjustment, get Europe from behind the US shield and watch our allies shoulder more of the burden.  This story is via Military .com but even though the Obama Administration is calling for fewer cuts, you can bet that budget reality will make this low hanging fruit.

Want to really save money?  Pull everyone back (the allies complain about US troops on their soil...well everyone but S. Korea and maybe Australia...if we ever get that base built in the Northern Territories).  World wide.

Read the whole thing but this is the operative paragraph...and from a Republican no less.  Shameful.

In a recent letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar warned that the withdrawals could undermine European security and the sense among NATO allies that the U.S. is committed to Europe.
I mean seriously.  European security.  Not US security but European security?!  Time for him to find a new job.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Quote of the day. April 8, 2011.

Lying offshore, ready to act, the presence of ships and Marines sometimes means much more than just having air power or ship's fire, when it comes to deterring a crisis. And the ships and Marines may not have to do anything but lie offshore. It is hard to lie offshore with a C-141 or C-130 full of airborne troops.
Gen. Colin Powell, U. S. Army
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

Come back from the edge Sweetman.

I wrote this on ARES blog tonight...
and guess what XGDUDE.

Congress forced a single program down the throats of the military. there was a competition and Lockheed Martin won. i don't remember nary a complaint about LM when they did. i hear nary a complaint about the F-22 even though its shorter ranged than the F-35, is a maintenance nightmare and its vaunted supercruise has yet to be validated in even a combat exercise.

but as usual this board has been and continues to be overrun with apostles of Bill in their negativity toward a program that is flowing tech advancements back to legacy programs and even the F-22 at a rate that would have had NASA engineers blushing during the heyday of the Apollo space program.

i marvel at the audacity, cringe at the stupidity and wonder at the motives of some of you here.

have fun boys. it ain't worth visiting or reading tripe like this anymore. oh and to the author of this piece. i've read the whole report and the summary.

seems you left out more than a few positives that were contained in it.

was that by accident or on purpose.

fair and balanced?

i don't freaking think so.
Sweetman and his merry band of followers have definitely gone too far.  No one is yanking him back and this vendetta against the F-35 is becoming twisted.

A noted journalist spinning facts to fit a narrative?

It ain't suppose to work that way.

But it is and no one is calling him on it.

This is a copy of the actual GAO report so that you can read it for yourself.  Suffice it to say that Sweetman left out quite a bit of positive information in his reporting.

I'm to the point where I don't expect anything less.

Thanks for sending this're a hero (and forgive my rant)..


Lasers at Sea.

Lasers at Sea.

If it works on Destroyers then a major excuse for not performing amphibious assaults (and the missile threat is simply an excuse) goes away.  Amphibs will be able to make runs toward the beach and launch AAVs, and the next generation AAV with almost impunity.

But it gets better.

The threat of China's Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile becomes neutralized as well.

via Fox News...

Navy Shows Off Powerful New Laser Weapon

By Jeremy A. Kaplan

One if by land … lasers if by sea.
A futuristic laser mounted on a speeding cruiser successfully blasted a bobbing, weaving boat from the waters of the Pacific Ocean -- the first test at sea of such a gun and a fresh milestone in the Navy's quest to reoutfit the fleet with a host of laser weapons, the Navy announced Friday.
"We were able to have a destructive effect on a high-speed cruising target," chief of Naval research Rear Adm. Nevin Carr told
The test occurred Wednesday near San Nicholas Island, off the coast of Central California in the Pacific Ocean test range, from a laser gun mounted onto the deck of the Navy’s self-defense test ship, former USS Paul Foster.
In a video of the event, the small boat can be seen catching fire and ultimately bursting into flames, a conflagration caused by the navy's distant gun. Some details of the event were classified, including the exact range of the shot, but Carr could provide some information: "We're talking miles, not yards," Carr said.
The Navy, Army and other armed forces have been working to incorporate so called "directed energy" laser weapons in a range of new guns, from tank-mounted blasters to guns on planes or unmanned balloons. But this marks the first test of a laser weapon at sea -- and proof that laser rifles are no mere Buck Rogers daydream.
“This is the first time a [high-energy-laser], at these power levels, has been put on a Navy ship, powered from that ship and used to defeat a target at-range in a maritime environment,” said Peter Morrison, program officer for the Office of Naval Research.
"The Navy is moving strongly towards directed energy," Carr told
The weapon, called the maritime laser demonstrator, was built in partnership with Northrop Grumman. It focused 15 kilowatts of energy by concentrating it through a solid medium -- hence the name.
"We call them solid state because they use a medium, usually something like a crystal," explained Quentin Saulter, the research office's program officer. It was used in Wednesday's demonstration against a small boat, but Carr told that this and other types of laser weaponry could be equally effective against planes and even targets on shore.
"To begin to address a cruise missile threat, we'd need to get up to hundreds of kilowatts," Carr said.
The Navy is working on just such a gun of course.
Called the FEL -- for free-electron laser, which doesn't use a gain medium and is therefore more versatile -- it was tested in February consuming a blistering 500 kilovolts of energy, producing a supercharged electron beam that can burn through 20 feet of steel per second.
The FEL will easily get into the kilowatt power range. It can also be easily tuned as well, to adjust to environmental conditions, another reason it is more flexible than the fixed wavelength of solid-state laser. But the Navy doesn't expect to release megawatt-class FEL weapons until the 2020s; among the obstacles yet to be overcome, the incredible power requirements of the FEL weapons require careful consideration.
Also in the Navy's futuristic arsenal: a so-called "rail gun," which uses an electomagnetic current to accelerate a non-explosive bullet at several times the speed of sound.
Railguns are even further off in the distance, possibly by 2025, the Navy has said. But the demonstration of the maritime laser demonstrator this week proves that some laser weapons are just around the corner: Northrop Grumman experts aim to have the final product ready by June of 2014.
"One of the things that amazes me about this business is that the future is getting closer every day," Carr said.

Brits to rethink defense cuts in light of war in Libya.

Read it at Sky News  

One thing is obvious.  It appears that the leadership is dead set against reactivating the Harrier force and for some reason is totally focused on the Tornados.

The Royal Air Force needs to be downsized.  It is constantly at war with the Navy and Army --- and seems to be getting a disproportionate amount of defense funds.  And its major contribution to the war in Afghanistan was in coordination with the Navy, yet they seem to have garnered all the credit.

Communication with the public regarding capabilities, roles and work done is beyond necessary.  Its essential to winning budget wars.  The US Marine Corps needs to learn from the Royal Navy.  Don't expect policy makers to "KNOW" what you've done, the sacrifices made and the value brought to the nation.  It MUST be shouted to the roof tops and publicized.  If not then the Corps will face the same issues that the RN is.

Patria AMV and the USMC.

Ok, a couple of things. That's being tested at Pendleton...Second I didn't know that the vehicle was suppose to be able to operate in surf conditions. Lastly...I like it. Still love the modularity of the now dead SEP but this seems to be doing the job. Also, its very interesting that the USMC would put out a video featuring ONE vehicle. This might be a nod toward the Patria AMV being single sourced for production. The Commandant said that he wanted this vehicle quickly...a selection now would be about right to have it in production by fiscal year 2013 or just after the next Presidential election.

Even Galrahn acknowledges the need for the EFV!

Galrahn has a post covering the fighting in Libya and where it might be going.  Read the whole thing but this stood out...
And yes, I'll say it, the EFV sure would be useful in the type of amphibious raid scenario we see in Libya where we do not want under any circumstances to have US Marines on land for longer than a single day at a time. The ability to rapidly move a Marine Rifle Company to shore from sea at sunset, roll into the city, blow up enemy equipment in an urban environment (hiding by a hospital, for example), hit a FARP, attack another couple targets, then pull back out to sea before daylight... EFV sure would be useful. I am not convinced the AAVs can do that, and if you send M1A1s and LAVs, you are staying longer than a single night because you can't get them on and off the shore fast enough.
Let me just add this.  It seems like our past is our future.  During the 1930's the US Marines were involved in a series of small wars.  While Afghanistan and Iraq don't qualify...conflicts like Libya do.  These are the types of missions that the Marine Corps is expert at...these are the missions that will be our nations future.

Galrahn also makes this tantalizing and fierce statement...
It is a true lack of respect for Europe how almost everyone interviewed on cable TV describes the European military capabilities as the punchline of a joke.
Its not just me (talking to my readers in Europe).  There is a feeling in the US amongst 'talking head' military experts that Europe is not adequately pulling its weight in even this limited war.

If Europe (as a whole) is going to take its proper place in the world then it might be time (especially in light of the Dutch and UK military cutbacks) for you to fully integrate your military forces. 

Dutch slide off the cliff.

Jonathan (thanks bud!) sent me this disturbing article laying out the Dutch plan to kill its ENTIRE fleet of Leopard tanks and Cougar helicopters.  Is it me or might I owe the Brits an apology.  As draconian as there cuts have been (and I'm convinced that they went too far...killing the Joint Harrier Force...the Ark Royal...basically giving away a new LSD...) it seems that other Western European countries are ready to go even further.  Read it and wonder.
Dutch Army to Sell All Leopards and Cougars Army to Sell All Leopards and Cougars
THE HAGUE, 08/04/11 - The cabinet is virtually certain to announce enormous cutbacks at defence today. According to a leaked draft version of the measures, 12,000 jobs and complete army units will disappear.
Defence Minister Hans Hillen already announced permanent budget cuts of 1 billion euros per year earlier. The cabinet already considered the far-reaching cutbacks last week. The decision was however postponed and will likely be made today.
Public broadcaster NOS has already obtained the plans. It says that all 60 Leopard tanks will be divested. The 17 Cougar helicopters are also to go, as well as four of the 10 mine-sweepers. At least one-third of the 86 F-16s will also be sold.
Some 12,300 jobs will disappear. Around 6,000 soldiers will face forced redundancies. NOS has not yet discovered where the blows will actually fall.
The unions are furious and derisive. Bigger missions such as that in Uruzgan - four years, 2,000 personnel - will no longer be possible in the future, says ACOM chairman Kleian. "The Netherlands will have a Belgian armed forces. Flying now and then. And if there is money and petrol, then we will do a trick."
According to defence sources, the Apache helicopters and Bushmaster heavy armoured vehicles will take over the tasks of the Leopards. The Netherlands can also step up European partnership, for example with Germany. But for this, there appears to be more willingness within the Netherlands than outside it.
The Netherlands and Germany do already have a combined army unit. Allies are however hesitant about awarding full airforce or army tasks to a specific country.
One in seven of the military must fear for their jobs. Defence currently employs nearly 69,000 people, including 48,300 military. Hillen will sharply prune the number of officers. Generals will also not escape the cutbacks.
A sour detail for the military who are virtually on the street is that the cabinet will likely also approve the purchase of a second F35 JSF test aircraft today. This US fighter aircraft is to replace the F-16s. The investment will cost many billions.
The only good news in this mess is that they're going to buy the second F-35.  Still despite what many think...I'd rather see a balanced, effective force rather than one that is so (evidently the future) tilted toward air power.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Below are pics of the old Corps LVTP-5.  They're courtesy of SGT GRIT website.  One thing to notice is that in several of the pics the Landing Vehicles appear to be launched while the LSD is moving at flank speed.  Its rarely if ever done today.  If anyone can provide information on that bit, I'd surely appreciate it.

This is the pic that has me suspecting that the ship is moving at flank speed.  I can't tell if the LVTP is approaching or leaving the well deck but even with 'some' distance from the ship, its still being influenced by the ships wake.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Peace time training...

The Navy is reporting that two Aviators died in a plane crash today.  My heart and prayers go out to the families.  The military in general and the Marine Corps in particular is a curious place.

Its one of the few jobs in America where just preparing to do your job can get you killed.

In the Marines at least, its understood that the nation will call you to war, will ask you to risk it all and you or someone you know might not make it back.  That comes with being in the machine.

Whats hard and little understood is that training deaths happen all the time.  They're usually stunning, unexpected and a bigger blow to a unit than war time deaths. 

So to the commenter "Wing Wife" I follow your lead...God Bless these guys.  And the Marine that died in the CH-53 crash in Hawaii too.

LEMOORE, Calif. (NNS) -- Two aircrew were killed when their F/A-18F Super Hornet aircraft crashed in a field near Naval Air Station Lemoore at 12:08 p.m, April 6.

They were assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 122, based at NAS Lemoore, Calif.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends, and shipmates of the aircrew," said Capt. James Knapp, commanding officer, Naval Air Station Lemoore. "An investigation is being conducted to determine the cause of the mishap."

The aircrew was conducting routine flight training at the time of the mishap.

The incident occurred approximately one-half mile west of the installation's property line on private farm land located in Fresno County.

The cause of the mishap is under investigation.

Identities of the deceased will not be released until after notification of their next of kin.