Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bad week for the F-35? Its all smoke and mirrors!

Last week by all appearances was a bad week for the F-35.

You had reports from the Australian press...

You had reports from  the Canadian press...

All singing the same tune.  No one knows the actual costs for an F-35.  Again.  From outside appearances it seemed like a bad week.

It was manufactured and contrived bull shit.  But Loren Thompson says it best (read the whole thing but some of the good bits are below).

Not the actual costs, that is -- those haven't risen much over the last decade. But the Pentagon's estimates have gone through the ceiling, mainly because it keeps expanding the range of items included in calculations. No kidding: 70-80 percent of all the increases in the cost to keep the F-35 flying are a consequence of changes in the way the Pentagon tracks and manages the program. This is one program where the customer has become the biggest threat to success. Let's take a look at how it has undercut support for the fighter.
First of all, estimators decided to increase many of the quantitative parameters on future operations. Instead of the 33 bases where the original 2002 sustainment estimate said the planes would operate, officials decided 49 was the right number. Instead of a 30-year lifespan, they decided it should be 50 years (without any increase in flight hours, making the whole program intrinsically less efficient). Instead of 253 major items of support equipment, they decided 525 would be needed. They also doubled the number of squadron logistics kits and quadrupled the number of initial training sites. Amazingly enough, estimated sustainment costs went up.
Another thing they decided to do was express long-term sustainment costs in "then-year" dollars, meaning dollars that include inflation. The only problem with that is no one has the foggiest idea what inflation rates are likely to be between now and 2065, the span of time covered by the estimates. So they made them up. Rather than reporting the cost of sustainment in today's dollars -- which would be about $500 billion over 50 years -- they quoted an utterly unprovable price-tag of $1.069 trillion. Needless to say, the latter number increased congressional concerns about affordability.
But the bean-counters didn't stop there. They neglected to mention to Congress in reporting F-35 sustainment costs that the existing fleet of tactical aircraft already costs about 20 percent more to sustain each year than they estimate the F-35 will ($12 billion versus $10.6 billion annually). They also failed to mention how the cost of sustaining the current tactical fleet will escalate using the same counting rules applied to F-35 as cold-war planes grow increasingly decrepit. If that information had been reported, it would have been apparent that the yearly cost of keeping all those ancient fighters flying will be nearly twice the estimated cost of F-35 sustainment by 2020. Follow that same trend-line out 50 years, and the legacy fleet costs four trillion dollars to keep flying, versus barely a quarter of that for F-35.
So just like all the other false debates that we've had, we have a false cost debate.  I'd be amazed if I hadn't seen all this before.

Now its just sad.

When the postmortem is done on the F-35 debate I predict that military reporters will be taken to task.  Not because they falsified data.  I don't believe that anyone would knowingly print lies.  But I would bet body parts that I highly value that many of their sources would!

Budget stress is here. Time to remember the Navy and Marines need each other.

I spent some time this weekend reading other military blogs.  Blogs that are NOT Marine or Navy centric.

Trust me when I say that the push to position a particular service to avoid major budget cuts has begun.  If not actually in the halls of Congress then certainly in the blogging community.

All of this reminded me of an article written by Bryan McGrath for ID.  Here's the juicy bits...

Promote Land Power….From The Sea.  While I and others have been advocating for a significant cut in budget share to the Army, it is naïve to think that the country does not and will not have a continuing need for “boots on the ground.”  Increasingly though, America should come to see those boots as belonging to Marines (America’s “911” force) deployed from ships for a variety of reasons and likely to return to those ships in an expeditious manner.  Put another way, Seapower enabling Land Power.
Promote Defense, Development, and Diplomacy.  For a large portion of this nation’s history, its foreign policy was carried out by the Department of State, closely assisted by the Department of the Navy.  An active foreign policy that seeks to assure friends and allies even as it deters adversaries can be greatly enabled and renewed by a new era of targeted, and metered engagement facilitated by the mobility of Naval forces.
Promote Naval Solutions to Naval Challenges.  Two emerging operational problems appear amiable to solutions that demand closer cooperation between the Navy and the Marine Corps: swarming surface craft (simultaneous or near-simultaneous attack) and piracy. 
Read the whole thing here, but this is going to get nasty.  Instead of wishing the fight away...instead of hoping for inter-service cooperation...I hope our leadership (Navy and Marine Corps) is getting ready for this fight.

With attention turning to China, its essential that the Navy and Marine Corps avoid drastic budget cuts.  Its essential that we win this upcoming budget war.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Alternate firing position.

Army Spc. Yuroslav Prikhodko fires his M4 assault rifle from an alternative firing position during a marksmanship course on Fort Bragg, N.C., Sept. 14, 2011. Prikhodko is a truck driver assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division’s Company G, 1st Brigade Combat Team, which provides logistics and sustainment for 3rd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Michael J. MacLeod

If you thought "planking" was idiotic..check out "cone-ing"

This stupidity is suppose to be the new planking!  Geez!  And this douche bag has 6 million hits on YouTube!  Amazing.

*Spare me the drama about me spreading word of this new "craze"...I thought some might find it interesting, even if its insane.

Joke of the day....

The Arizona Department of Safety Officer pulled over pick-up truck owner Mike Murray for a weapons check because of an NRA bumper sticker.
When the officer approached the vehicle, the man behind the wheel handed the officer his driver's license, insurance card and concealed carry permit.

The officer took all the documents, looked them over and said, "Mr. Murray, I see you have a CCP. Do you have any weapons with you?"

The driver replied, "Yes I do. I have a 357 handgun in a hip holster, a .45 in the glove box and a .22 derringer in my boot."

The officer looked at Mike and asked, "Anything else?"

"Yes. I have a Mossberg 500 12 gauge and an AR-15 in the trunk."

The officer asked if the man was driving to or from a shooting range and the man said he wasn't, so the officer bent over and looked into the driver's face and said "Mr. Murray, you're carrying quite a few guns. May I ask what you are afraid of?"

Mike locked eyes with the officer and calmly answered, "Not a friggin’ thing".

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Was Mike Sparks on to something?

This post was going to be a little look back at the CH-54 and compare its cargo pod to the standardized shipping containers of today and to look at how it could be used to expedite the movement of specific, pre-loaded cargo from the sea base to the shore.

THINK DEFENSE is a big fan of the containers and has written extensively on the movement once they reach shore...but he doesn't cover the movement of these containers by air.

But then it dawned on me.  A madman by the name of Mike Sparks once had an idea to remove the body from the CH-53E and basically add elongated landing gear making a modern day, but more powerful CH-54.

The guy was super anti-Marine Corps and I tossed his idea because of that.

In hindsight, he might have been on to something.  I've spent time on the way back machine trying to find the particular article but gave up since my time for researching this is short.  Suffice it to say that the crazy idea of making a "new" CH-54 based on the more powerful CH-53E (or even better the CH-53K) might have merit.

I don't know how much weight you would lose if you removed the troop cabin from the airframe but I would bet money that it wouldn't be much of an engineering challenge and would allow for the magical 30,000 pound threshold to at least become semi-reachable

So here's to you Mike Sparks...where ever you are.  You're a madman.  You're crazy.  And I believe you were ahead of your time.

Marines take part in new swim qual

I luv how the Marine Corps talks about things being 'rigorous' instead of a damn kick in the nuts.  How its 'challenging' instead of a puke invoking experience.  I've been watching the requirements for the new swim qual and while it may be easier than the previous one for basic qualification I can assure you for a 1st class rating you're going to work your ass off!  Oh and a side note for the anchor...shave off that nasty fuzz over your lip!

29th Commandos finish operations in Helmand province

All photos by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Chandler.  On a different note, please observe the first photo.  I notice that the USMC and now the British military is all the rage about taking these type of photos.  Action pics I can understand but these posed photos give me the creeps.  I get the impression that they're suppose to be used in the newspaper if you're every mortally wounded.  Maybe its just me but I'd love to hear an explanation of why they're suddenly such a "in" way of doing things.

UH-1Y Venom Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIE) Demo

Pic of the day. 09/15/2011

Out the door

Paratroopers with the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team exit a C-17 Globemaster III during an airborne training exercise Sept. 10, 2011, at Fort Bragg, N.C. The yellow cord, called a static line, deploys the paratroopers parachute automatically, which is important since the paratroopers are jumping at only 800 feet above ground level. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Michael J. MacLeod

Question.  At 800 feet is a reserve chute even deploy-able if your main malfunctions?  I know they're jumping Hollywood but still...why wear it if it can't help?

Sea Gripen presentation to the Indian Navy

Many thanks to JJ (not Jack Jack from Ares Blog) for pointing me to Livefist Blog.  Go there for the complete slides.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An explanation. SNAFU!'s coverage of Dakota Meyer Medal of Honor winner.

I want to take a second to explain why I haven't been blasting news of Dakota Meyer's soon to be awarded Medal of Honor here on SNAFU!

Understand that I'm extremely proud of the man and am in awe of his actions on that fateful day.

But also understand that while searching for information on him and his award I ran into something that I've rarely run into on Marine Corps websites.

They practically embargoed the news and I got the impression that they wanted tight control over how the news was either went to an official Marine Corps website or you weren't going to get the news. By the formatting of the stories to the design of the articles that was my sincere impression. I could be wrong but again that was my impression.

With that in mind I decided to let the Marine Corps run with the story and everyone that was truly interested could find it there.

That was about a month ago. Recently the reigns have been loosened and they appear to have reversed themselves and are going all out to publicize the upcoming event.

Right or wrong I was miffed by HQMC's actions on this

Compare it to the 11th MEU's Public Affairs Office handling of their training for an upcoming deployment.  They're practically taking the public along for the ride.  But they appear to be more of the exception rather than the rule.  Information about units down range is hard to come by.  You get the fluff pieces of Marines building roads, schools or bridges but info about combat operations is more than hard to come by....its literally hit or miss.

Enough bitching.  I'm proud of Meyer.  I'm pleased that he's being recognized for his actions  I just wish that HQMC was handling this with a bit more awareness of the need to educate the public of what her Marines are doing.