Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ISIS creates the "killing fields" in the desert.

Thanks for the Mario Green pic via Twitter Dwi!

Definition via Wikipedia...
The Killing Fields (Khmer: វាលពិឃាត viel pi-kʰiet) are a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried by thecommunist Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Cambodian Civil War (1970–1975).
Analysis of 20,000 mass grave sites by the DC-Cam Mapping Program and Yale University indicate at least 1,386,734 victims of execution.[1][2]Estimates of the total number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a 1975 population of roughly 8 million. In 1979, communist Vietnam invaded Democratic Kampuchea and toppled the Khmer Rouge regime.
My take on this?

Congratulations Sec of State Kerry, the Obama Administration, the EU, UN and fly by night social activists.

You've been exposed for the hypocrites you really are.  Lavish attention is paid to the Israeli vs. Hamas fight and we're seeing a second killing field being established in Iraq.

Additionally the Ebola threat from Africa is being ignored, the escalating fighting in Ukraine isn't on the lips of anyone in power except to talk about additional sanctions (pathetic) and we still have the issues in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, and an unchecked/not talked about quiet war going on in Pakistan against certain terrorists groups.

The world is screwed....all of us.

Kendall says "cut the F-35 some slack"???!!!

via BizJournals.com
Sure, it may be years past schedule and billions over budget, but cut the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program some slack.
That was the message from Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, speaking July 24 at a roll-out ceremony for the first two F-35 training aircraft delivered to Australia. He pointed to millions of lines of code, an integrated design that brings together stealth, advanced sensors, radars, and infrared sensors, electronic warfare capability, and integration of weapons systems.
"You're talking about something that no one has ever done before, which will put us all a decade or more ahead of anybody else out there,” he said during a ceremony last week at the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics assembly plant in Fort Worth, the Pentagon reported. “And [it will] keep us ahead for some time to come as we continue to upgrade the F-35.”
The reporter flubbed the lead.

The F-35 will need to be continuously upgraded to keep it competitive.

Quite honestly I can say that the plane is already behind its competitors (including supposedly 4th gen fighters) before its even entered service.  As far as cutting the plane slack?

Not on your fucking life.

Its late, its expensive, its a maintenance nightmare and its doesn't deliver what was promised.

I'm convinced more than ever that the plane is going to be cut due to cost alone...never mind effectiveness.  The death spiral will hit full bore next year because the Pentagon has nothing else to cut, the US Army has been evicerated, the US Navy is now shelving ships and there is a quiet rebellion in the Marine Corps over the cost of the wing.

Our allies better get ready for the predictable and long foreseen bad news. 

AAV launch....pics by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Dustin Knight

Note:  Why does the Navy include MOS in the rank of their junior Sailors?  I've always considered that strange....I guess thats pure Navy.  Weird but traditional.

Japanese Self Defense Force "J Spirits"..


I have no idea what "J Spirits" mean/are.

The world is burning news. Don't forget about chaos in Africa.

While we've all been watching Israel hook and jab with Hamas, and Russia fight a proxy war with Ukraine via Separatists, we've all taken our eyes off Africa and the chaos that is hitting that continent.

Just to give you a small update check this out from the Guardian...
The wife of Cameroon's vice-prime minister was kidnapped and at least three people were killed in an attack by Boko Haram militants in the northern town of Kolofata on Sunday, Cameroon officials said.
A local religious leader, or lamido, named Seini Boukar Lamine, who is also the town's mayor, was kidnapped in a separate attack on his home.
Then we have this from the Telegraph...
Ebola has killed 672 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone since it was first diagnosed in February and more than 1,000 others have been infected by the virus.
On Friday, a Liberian man who had travelled to the Nigerian capital Lagos died for the disease, heightening concerns international air travel could speed up its spread.
The Government’s Public Health England on Monday sent letters to British doctors telling them to watch for anyone with strange illnesses who have recently travelled in West Africa.
Lets tackle the kidnapping issue first.

A small terrorist group has been given fame by a misguided social media campaign that did nothing and only emboldened men who are not swayed by the short attention span of fly by night activists.

The second issue is much more important and disturbing.

Ebola....The real danger is the incubation period and globalization.  Two to Twenty One days is the incubation period.  Some Brit could travel to Nigeria, back to the UK and then on to the US before he realized he was sick.

Globalization and open borders has made the world much more dangerous.  A pandemic in the modern era could be in every nation of the world before it was detected.

Chaos reigns and we lack the leadership everywhere to properly deal with the troubles in the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The IDF takes off the gloves and no one notices...

The above photo is from the "Unwanted Blog" and the graphic tells the story.

The IDF is shrinking the Gaza strip by 40% and not one major news organization is reporting on it.


I asked the question earlier.  Why doesn't the IDF move the Palestinians to the West bank, reclaim the Gaza  and make it a beach resort (like it once was) and deal with a real (as real as can be found in that God forsaken region) peace partner in the West Bank?

Before you answer the above ponder this.  Why isn't Israel facing a two front war?  Why aren't the Palestinians in the West Bank rioting and going insane causing this war to flare even wider?

The world is in chaos. Only Israel seems to have a plan that is working.  The UN, US, EU are all powerless.  What we do see is a strange alliance.  Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE...even Syria and a few others are on one side.  On the other is Iran, Hamas, ISIS and the other terrorists.  Somehow, someway the US govt (which I separate from the American people on this issue...at least my circle anyway) is on the wrong side of this.

Textron Air Land. Bush league organization or do they just work with bitches?

Consider this a rant.

I got an e-mail from some clown named Pete Fletcher and this idiot had the audacity to claim that I was using his photos without permission.  Note.  I make a point of using only open source material.  That means photos from manufacturers or military organizations.

I got the photos he's referring to from the Textron Air Land Facebook page.  That means one of two things to me.  Either Textron Air Land is a bush league organization that isn't using proper controls over the images of their products OR they're allowing silly little bitches to enter their space and sully their reputation.

Either way it sucks.

I'm done with Textron until they clarify image use across all their domains.