Monday, February 08, 2016

Major Ian T. Brown gets "it" and fires a shot across the Light Infantry/SOCOM mafia inside the USMC!

via Marine Corps Gazette
So in a world of resurgent state supported violence, what do we make of the proposal to turn the Marine Corps into a “light infantry” force? In actuality, this proposal is not novel; shortly after FMFM–1 was released, there followed a flurry of discussion over whether the light infantry model was the best way to implement the warfighting philosophy contained therein. A strong consensus emerged that “light” was not the way to go,7 as the guerrilla archetype it advocated was a one-trick pony for a Corps expected to be a force-in-readiness for all contingencies. The argument in favor of going “light” itself exhibits a certain cognitive dissonance similar to the circular history of 4GW. As Capt Topshe states, “it is important to note that ‘light’ is not a description of the actual weight of the unit but of its notion of agility and operational versatility”8 ...and then goes on propose swapping our artillery and aircraft for horses. If operational versatility is the goal, I can think of no other combat organization as versatile as the MAGTF, capable of running the gamut of light to heavy combat and bringing with it everything it needs without depending on the availability of the local equine population. I agree with his focus on mental agility—more on that in a moment.
Topshe argues that the United States already has its heavy force in the Army, and that Marines are better employed as a light force complementary to the heavy main effort.9 This attitude is fundamentally incompatible with our expeditionary mindset and statutory responsibility as the Nation’s force-in-readiness. In a crisis, the Marine Corps is the first responder, not the Army. We are quite specifically the main effort until Army forces can establish themselves for follow-on operations. As such, we are reasonably expected to be able to survive and operate in conditions across the range of military operations and do so unassisted for a certain amount of time. This is why we bring everything—aviation, vehicles, artillery, and logistics—with us: so we can fight and win alone and unafraid and provide the National Command Authority with options from light to heavy. Some situations might call for bringing vehicles and artillery ashore; in others, the heliborne insertion of a company or two might suffice. The point is that the MAGTF provides options; light infantry gives you only one. As an example, Task Force 58’s insertion and seizure of Camp Rhino in 2001 would have been impossible with a light infantry force stripped of assault support and close air support aviation assets.
I CHEER FROM THE ROOFTOPS that this debate is FINALLY being had!  The move toward these bastardized SPMAGTF-CR's were designed to provide political cover for "paralysis by analysis" that emanates from the White House whenever they're faced with time sensitive decisions (I've noticed this more and more too...often events have moved beyond our ability to control because policy makers cannot make a decision on a course of action) AND the desire to push the SOCOM/Light Infantry/Aviation meme that carried the day during Amos' time in the big chair.

The talk about a new way of warfare and the proposals to basically become subordinate to SOCOM has had its day.

This discussion is LONG overdue and Major Brown is to be applauded.

Close combat in Syria...with rushes across a fire swept open field.

Thanks to Info Infantry for the vid!

This is close combat without having a combined arms team supporting you.  I almost feel sorry for these bastards.  Rushes across a fire swept field?  Pure insanity that I thought went out of style with the no man's land rushes during WW1.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

The proxy war is ending. Is nation state combat next?

via Washington Times.
When asked if Turkey could enter the Syrian conflict, Mr. Erdogan said, “You don’t talk about these things. When necessary, you do what’s needed. Right now our security forces are prepared for all possibilities.”
To Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr. Erdogan said, “What are you doing in Syria? You’re essentially an occupier.”
Late last week, Saudi Arabia stated it could send ground troops into the fight to support Sunni forces. Now other Gulf states seem to be following suit.
“A real campaign against Daesh has to include ground elements,” Anwar Gargash, U.A.E. minister of state for foreign affairs, said when asked if the emirates would send ground troops to fight Islamic State, using an Arabic acronym for the group. “We’re not talking about thousands of troops, but we are talking about troops on the ground that will lead the way, that will train, that will support,” Mr. Gargash said at a news conference in Abu Dhabi on Sunday. American leadership of such an effort “is a prerequisite,” he added.
The Syrian civil war is now becoming a confusing, full-fledged, proxy war for Shia against Sunni, East against West, terrorism against the Western, civilized world. This is the result of American abdication of leadership in the region and across the globe.
I looked for five minutes to make sure that this was a news story and not an editorial.  Maybe I missed it but from my seat it looks like its being touted as news.

That's why I have the last sentence highlighted.

While I agree that we're seeing the Syrian civil war go from being a proxy affair to nation state combat, I disagree with the idea that the US abdicated its leadership in the region.

Sooner or later this battle between Shia and Sunni had to play out.  Even more importantly, it's not the responsibility of the US to "keep the peace" between these factions.

We've given enough.  If they want to bleed each other then so be it.  

US military to prioritize "climate change" in all military actions.

Thanks to Mike for the link!

via Washington Times.
To four-star generals and admirals, among them the regional combatant commanders who plan and fight the nation’s wars, the directive tells them: “Incorporate climate change impacts into plans and operations and integrate DoD guidance and analysis in Combatant Command planning to address climate change-related risks and opportunities across the full range of military operations, including steady-state campaign planning and operations and contingency planning.”
The directive, “Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience,” is in line with President Obama’s view that global warming is the country’s foremost national security threat, or close to it. Mr. Obama says there is no debate on the existence of man-made global warming and its ensuing climate change. Supporters of this viewpoint label as “deniers” any scientists who disagree.
But there are stubborn doubters. A climate center in Colorado has said its researchers looked at decades of weather reports and concluded there has been no uptick in storms. The United Nations came to a similar finding, saying there is not enough evidence to confirm an increase in droughts and floods.
I would like to say I'm surprised but I'm not.  This is the flailing of people that realize that they're in the last year of power and want to make as many changes as possible for a legacy and to hopefully (in their opinion) make it stick for future administrations.

The funny thing?  I have no problem with not hearing pushback from the service chiefs.  I mean why?  This is an order without meaning.  It will have no real bearing on military activities and is stupid in a handbag.  How do you incorporate climate change impacts into a military action?

The real problem is that civilian leadership in the Pentagon is anything but serious.  We don't have to worry about the silliness of announcements like this that are designed to pump up the tree hugging portion of their base.  What we need to worry about is the real damage that can be done in this last year.

Hang on!  It's gonna be a bumpy ride and since the Republican controlled Congress has shown an inability to be a check on the executive then we can expect more of this.  Much more.

Deserter Female Combat Engineer turns herself in....this was a pre-planned out!

via American Military News.
Thursday we told you about one of the first female combat engineer recruits that went AWOL last month. Today she not only was labeled a deserter but turned herself in.

Pvt. Erika Lopez turned herself in today, 30 days after she failed to report back to Fort Leonard Wood on January 5th after convalescent leave.
Yesterday she was officially dropped from the rolls, making her a deserter. Turning herself in today made matters worse.
A spokesperson for the Army said:
“Pvt. Lopez’s unit will look at all the facts and circumstances surrounding the situation and take appropriate action.”
"...The unit will look at all the facts and circumstances surrounding the situation and take appropriate action."

That's code for the CO has his finger in the air, his mouth around the Commanding General's cock and hoping that he does whatever the powers that be want so he can keep his rank...and not be blamed for her deserting in the first place!

This was suppose to be the ultimate photo op/human interest story/proof that the Army was so far ahead of the curve when it came to integrating women into combat arms that the whole issue was just pumped up by stupid cavemen that didn't know better.  Even worse?  She turns herself in just after she turned deserter?  This was a pre-planned out by this chick!  But back to the people that might get steam rolled by her actions.....I wish the training staff in charge of this wayward soldier luck but remind them of this....


My warnings about the economy is going mainstream...

A growing list of financial gurus and industry experts are warning that 2016 could see a devastating collapse in global financial markets, pushing America into an economic downturn potentially worse than the 2008 recession.
Analysts at Citigroup, famed financial broker Peter Schiff, hedge fund giants Ray Dalio and George Soros and a list of others are warning about dangerous economic events on the horizon, if not outright predicting a collapse in the stock market.
The threat stems from the idea that the bull market of the past six years has been driven by monetary expansion and cheap credit, and as a result, central banks globally are running out of tricks to spur growth, reports Financial Times.
Analysts highlight market reaction to the first interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve in a decade in December, which is being viewed retroactively by many as a mistake. Markets have suffered early this year and may deter further planned rate increases by U.S. policymakers
I know many of you are locked into your bias of believing that all is well.  Be advised though.  Big money boys are getting nervous.  If they get nervous you should get ready.

Sidenote:  You know I want to see the world burn.  But with every dark cloud there is a silver lining.  If the economy tanks before Nov, then you  guarantee a Republican win.  They'll screw it up to (cause Think Tanks, free trade hawks and Neo-Cons) but at least we will be able to come together in our hatred for the establishment!

IDF demands to approve articles by military bloggers before publication.

via RT
Israel’s new chief military censor has demanded that popular bloggers writing on security-related issues submit their posts to her before publication. Failure to do so will be considered a crime. Critics say the move is Orwellian.

The expansion of the IDF’s censorship scope was first revealed by one of the bloggers targeted, Yossi Gurvitz. He runs a Facebook page called “George's Friends” – a title alluding to writer George Orwell – which has over 10,000 subscribers.
This week he tweeted that the IDF’s former spokesperson, who was appointed chief censor less than a year ago, has ordered that he submit his posts for prepublication review.
This is....stunning.  I'm too small to ever catch the notice of the censors if such a move was planned by our own DoD, but Western militaries are copying each other so.....

I wonder.  Has this even been discussed in the Pentagon?  I would think not.  Most of the military press writes only favorable articles and I have yet to see ANY defense journalist challenge a spokesman with hard hitting questions in an article or interview.

But still.  I checked out the blogger and he didn't have anything "hard hitting" in his Twitter feed.  This whole thing is curious.

Senior Commander of Iranian Revolutionary Guard says that Saudi talk about intervening in Syria is a political joke.

via Press TV.
A senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Saudi Arabia’s plan for the deployment of ground troops to Syria sounds more like a “political joke.”
The Saudi ground forces will not be capable of combating Takfiri terrorists in Syria, Brigadier General Hossein Salami, second-in-command of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), said in a live televised interview Saturday night.
This is a psychological warfare carried out by the Saudi regime with specific goals in an attempt to portray itself as a fighter against terrorism and divert attention from its deadly aggression against Yemen, Salami stated.
He added that Riyadh has been funding and arming all terrorist and Takfiri groups in Syria, describing the ruling Al Saud regime as the root cause of chaos and massacre in Iraq, Yemen and Syria.
Salami said regional countries would never be deceived by the Saudi plot to send troops into Syria, because Riyadh has no capability to make any change in the status quo.
Hell must have frozen over because I actually agree with this scum sucking bastard.  I'm sure stranger things have happened, I just can't think of them.

Police Officer sues family of person he shot in the line of duty for trauma.

via FoxNews.
A white Chicago police officer who fatally shot a black 19-year-old college student and accidentally killed a neighbor has filed a lawsuit against the teenager's estate, arguing the shooting left him traumatized.
The highly unusual suit was filed Friday in the middle of the city's effort to grapple with serious questions about the future of its police force. Those questions include the adequacy of its system for investigating police shootings and how to win back public trust after several cases of alleged misconduct. The U.S. Justice Department is conducting a wide-ranging civil rights investigation, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel has promised a major overhaul of the Police Department and steps to heal its fraught relationship with black residents.
The timing and unusual nature of the suit by officer Robert Rialmo, who is seeking $10 million in damages, could complicate the department's efforts to demonstrate more sensitivity toward the community in how police shootings are handled. His attorney, Joel Brodsky, said it was important in the charged atmosphere to send a message that police are "not targets for assaults" and "suffer damage like anybody else."

This is just plain wrong.  I don't care how "pro police" you are this reeks to the heavens.  I'm sure many of you disagree and I can't wait to hear how people spin this into being reasonable.

Sidenote:  A family finds out that their child has been killed by police...I don't care how wrong that child might be...that is traumatic.  To think that the officer that did that shooting has the unmitigated gall, arrogance, hutzpa...I can't even come up with the proper word to actually sue the family for damages is simply mind boggling.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Debate observations...

Tuned in and my first thoughts on the debate...

1.  Christie beat Cruz  not Cruz, he beat Rubio like he stole something.  That boy in the bubble meme is starting to stick.  That should be worrisome to the Republican establishment.  Their best bet to go one on one with Trump is being compared to Obama and Christie is make the visual work.

2.  Poor Jeb.  No insult to any of my readers that suffer mental retardation, but Jeb just stands at the end of the stage with that silly ass grin looking retarded as hell.  When he tries to show a bit of strength it looks like it's forced.

3.  The moderators have absolutely NO control of this debate.  Everyone is walking all over them...even Carson is pushing them around!

4.  Has anyone else noticed that these guys have fully embraced the Neo-Con view of the world?  If we nominate a guy that believes in being the world's policeman then we will guarantee a Republican loss.

NOTE:  This thing is lackluster.  I don't know if it's the way that ABC is running this thing but it's not at all compelling.  It might be time to watch a rerun of Dragon Ball Z or something.

Winnowing down the Republican field....Jeb Bush...could you vote for this guy?

That was painful to watch.  "Please clap"?  Wow!  Just awful.  Could you vote for this guy and feel confident that he could defeat Hillary?  Could you vote for him and think that he'd be a good president?

Maybe I'm wrong to ask that leadership inspire, but I do and this guy doesn't.  This video is exhibit number one but there are many more examples that I can use to illustrate why Bush is off my list.

Is he on yours?  If so then tell me why.

Can you label Militias, Sovereign Citizens and the Patriot Movement an insurgency?

The above vid is just one of MANY that are on YouTube talking about the LaVoy Finicum shooting.  The conspiracy theorist are having a field day.  The amount of anger is pretty impressive.  The idea that this was an assassination is spreading like wildfire.  The calls of a second American revolution are picking up steam.

Think about this.  We know about the Militias and Sovereign Citizens, but have you heard of the Patriot Movement before?  I haven't.  They're new to me but I'm hearing the term more and more.  Hold onto that we'll talk about them a little later.   Consider.  What is the definition of an insurgency...via Wikipedia...
An insurgency is a rebellion against authority (for example, an authority recognized as such by the United Nations) when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents.[1]
And then this from the same entry...
When insurgency is used to describe a movement's unlawfulness by virtue of not being authorized by or in accordance with the law of the land, its use is neutral. However, when it is used by a state or another authority under threat, "insurgency" often also carries an implication that the rebels' cause is illegitimate, whereas those rising up will see the authority itself as being illegitimate. Criticisms of widely held ideas and actions about insurgency started to occur in works of the 1960s;[7] they are still common in recent studies.[8]
I could be wrong but the Militias, Sovereign Citizens and Patriot Movements fit the classic definition of insurgent groups.

Think about the charges that are being leveled against those in the Oregon standoff and could be placed on those that participated in the Bundy Ranch incident.  Intimidation of govt officials, interference with govt officials in the performance of their duties, terroristic threats, and assault (when the guys on the overpass pointed guns at agents during Bundy Ranch).

I contend that the United States is facing a low grade insurgency.  The real question is how will Federal officials work to damp down the movements?  Is it even possible?

Back to the Patriot Movement.  Like I said they're new to me and I'm trying to find more information on them.  But when you think about Militias, Sovereign Citizens, Oath Keepers, 3%ers and the Patriot Movement...mix that with the issues that brought the organizations into existence (the idea that borders aren't being enforced, govt overreach, govt abuse, failure to follow the constitution etc...) and the proclivity of these groups to appear at rallies armed illustrates that we're not looking at a political movement or classic civil disobedience but something new.

Yeah.  I'm standing by my call (unless you can talk me back) that we're seeing a new American Insurgency...the first since the civil war.